Chapter 52 Carl's Visitors
Prince Karl, who had obtained the command of the Imperial Guard, did not dare to sit back and relax. He quickly proposed transaction terms to the three most powerful underworld families in the Cardin Empire through the underworld network to support himself.

The three major families of the Cardin Empire have long had business dealings with Prince Karl's gang, but the share is not large. Now that Karl has been coup d'état, they are likely to control the country.

At the same time, they selected some capable generals of their own family and sent them to Mobis.

"Your Majesty, the psychiatrists from the underworld organization of the Cardin Empire have arrived. Four of the three major families have come from the Zhou family, two from the Archer family, and one from the A family. Do you want to meet them together?"

Another confidant of Prince Karl, Rommel brought him new news.

Rommel is a seasoned professional killer, and is now Carl's master. Like Gao Sen, he is Karl's right-hand man.

They are all from Meteor Street, they are partners with Fei Tan's master, and they went to the underworld in their early years.

The two of them came first, followed by Feitan and his master to assist Karl.

"Well, let them in."

Karl also wants to know what he can get in exchange for them with the domestic logistics, energy and other industries of Mobius.
Seven psychics entered Karl's palace together, and outsiders could easily see that they were looking at each other with hatred and wariness.

"Your Majesty, we are supporters from the Zhou family. I believe you can tell that we have given you the greatest support. I also hope that after you reunify, you will give us all of your country's logistics industry."

Valen, the representative of the four people from the Zhou family, first spoke in front of Prince Karl, showing their advantages. They also had their own unique skills and killed countless people.

"Support does not lie in the number of people, but in how many problems we can help Prince Karl deal with. Our two brothers can definitely help Prince Karl solve all the enemies."

The Cruz brothers from Archer are not to be outdone, they are the most dangerous assassination combination in the Archer mercenary.

"Your Majesty, if you allow me, I can show my strength in front of you and kill all the other six people present!"

Yulia, the signature killer from Family A, looked at the other six people present with a gloomy face, and expressed her intentions with an evil smile.

Karl saw that they were so tense and didn't know how to arrange them. Rommel next to him whispered to Karl:
"Your Highness, since they are all here, let's make the best use of everything and let them compete in their respective battles."

Karl nodded, he also had the same intention, so he said to these visitors.

"Thank you for the support of the three major families of the Cardin Empire. My victory requires everyone's cooperation. I will arrange your respective tasks, and whoever contributes the most. I will naturally give the largest share of industry transactions in my country to Who, you will never return disappointed."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your approval."

The seven responded to Carl's words in unison.

"This is my martial arts master, and also my military advisor Rommel, and he will come to arrange what you do next."

Then seven people followed Rommel out of the palace.

"Everyone is an outstanding mind-power user. Since the moment you entered the palace, I have felt the aura emanating from you. I, like you, also came from the underworld. I am from Meteor Street."

Rommel said with an appreciative smile while guiding them to the conference room.

After everyone was seated, Rommel began to deploy the mission.

"Warren, I need your people to deal with the fifth prince Jayne. The legion supporting him is currently the closest to us. We need to kill the chicken and respect the monkey first, so that other legions will not dare to move."

"Okay, pass us the information about Prince Jayne, and we will deal with them right away."

"Okay, I will pass it on to you later. Brother Cruise, I need you to solve the eldest prince Dolan. He is the farthest from us, but he is the greatest threat."

"No problem, we will bring his head to His Majesty."

"The most difficult task will be entrusted to you, Yulia. Get rid of everyone in the Walter family, including the two absconded little princes, Hisoka and Jiaer. We sent two groups of killers, but none of them came back alive." , I believe you will not let us down."

"This is indeed the most difficult. I can get rid of everyone in the Walter family. But the two little princes who have absconded, I can't solve it in a short time, unless you can give me accurate information."

"Do your best, those two little bastards, we will also send people to hunt them down. It is stated in advance that whoever completes his task first among you can take the task of others. If all the tasks are completed It will be done by the supporters of one family. Then we will hand over all the industry business we promised to their family, do you agree?"


After the meeting adjourned, only Rommel was left alone in the meeting room, and the other psychics went out.

"Your Highness, I have already made arrangements. It's just that there is one person missing, the third prince Dandy. I don't know whether to deal with it."

Rommel turned around and said to the camera behind him.

"Let's not worry about that guy for now. One less enemy means one less trouble. It's not too late to deal with it until the end."

What Carl, who was sitting in front of the monitor, wanted to know most now was actually the whereabouts of the two little princes.

He had a premonition that these two guys were still alive and would definitely come back for revenge in the future, so they had to be found and killed as soon as possible.

"Master, there are these people in the country dealing with it now, let Feitan hunt down and kill those two little princes. In addition, there is also a person with the ability to interview today. I have to deal with some things now. Can you help me test how to deal with it?" Sample."

"Okay, let me see how the other party is capable. If possible, I will let him act with Feitan."

"Okay. He's already waiting at the palace."

Rommel came to the palace and saw the man with the ability to read.

A strange dress, tall and thin figure, like a mummy, with gloves on both hands.

His whole body was covered with bandages, and when he turned around, only two eyes were exposed.

"What's your name? Where do you come from? I've seen a lot of people with abilities, and you are the one with the strangest costume."

"Shellev Ondun Ngao, I am from the Jordon community."

"Okay, Shelf Lev, let me see what you're up to."

Rommel couldn't see any anger in him, so he wanted to try the opponent's ability with his own hands.

Before the fight, Flave Lev began to untie his bandages one by one. After he finished, Rommel's eyes were full of shock.

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(End of this chapter)

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