Chapter 53

What kind of fighting power will this weird appearance have, when the peeling Lev has completely removed all the bandages.

Rommel thought about it while looking at the countless wind acupuncture points on his body.

"can we start?"

Pineapple Lev asked expressionlessly.

"Okay, let me see your skills."

So Pineapple Lev began to circle around Rommel, with strange steps and gestures, as if dancing.

As he moved faster and faster, his body began to emit a different melody.

"Are you inviting me to dance, Pineapple Lev? Why didn't I see your attacking posture at all?"

Rommel listened carefully to the change of the melody and watched the figure and pace of the peeling Lev.

"In my race, our way of fighting is a dance that can emit melody, so we are also called dance fighters."

Pineapple Lev's speed is getting faster and faster, so fast, so fast that only his shadow can be seen for a short time, and the melody is getting louder and louder.

"Accept the trick, the battle performance song - the prelude!"

With a loud shout in an instant, Pineapple Lev's whole body erupted with a powerful aura, and his image became a strangely dressed man.

Wearing a strange mask on his head, he is a tall and burly warrior with a double-pointed spear in his hand.

All of a sudden, Peeling Lev, who was holding a spear, stabbed Rommel in the stomach, who was standing there.

It turned out that all the previous dances were a cover-up, and this inadvertent sneak attack was indeed difficult for people to defend and detect.

But Rommel is also a veteran who has been killed for a long time. He felt the murderous aura of persecution the moment he peeled off Lev's transformation.

When the spear was about to approach his body, he turned slightly to avoid it.

The spear pierced through the air, and at the same time a sharp dagger suddenly appeared from Rommel's cuff, and it quickly slashed towards the neck of Pealing Lev.

Flaking Lev also felt Rommel's murderous aura, and quickly turned his body in the air and hid aside.

"Is that all you can do? That's not enough to work for us!"

Rommel was pleasantly surprised by his surprise attack just now, but such a surprise attack alone was not enough.

He needs a stronger mind ability, so he looked at Shera Lev with some disappointment.

"That was just a prelude. You have such a reaction speed at your age? It surprises me. If this is the case, then I won't keep it with you anymore."

Flaking Lev began to spin his body rapidly, and a powerful air flow rose up around him instantly.

The more it spins, the more it looks like a planetary air mass is constantly forming, and the decorations around the palace, tables and chairs are constantly being blown to the ground.

It had been a long time since Pealev had heard the whistling airflow.

The sound would always remind him of the past, of his last scene of revenge.

His hometown was originally a place where he lived in harmony with nature, and every major festival came.People of all races gather before the bonfire.

Everyone watched the dance fighters perform dance music devoutly, offering sacrifices to the gods they believed in.

He has been pierced with large and small holes since he was born, and as he grows older, those holes get bigger and bigger.

He imitated those predecessors and danced Yuanwu music, letting the wind blow through those holes and playing a beautiful melody.

Make every attack of yourself make the most beautiful sound in the race.

Until one day, countless huge machines appeared in the jungle.While cutting down trees and overturning the land, civilizations from outside began to develop there.

At first, the dance fighters of the tribe drove them away, scaring away the invaders who claimed to be a civilized world.

But it didn't take long.The developers called in mercenaries.They're back with armored vehicles, bazookas, and lots of heavy weapons.

After a fierce battle, women and children in the race were killed by guns.

One by one, the dance fighters perished with the enemy, leaving only Shallev who escaped from the artillery fire, guarding the elders of the clan.

From then on, a rare race disappeared on the earth, and the original place was continued to be developed by developers.

It is no longer what it used to be. Peeling Lev's fellow clansmen, their bones were crushed by armored vehicles before they were buried in the ground, and the land was blurred with flesh and blood.

Since then, Shera Lev vowed that he must take revenge, and he must use the combat performance to a greater lethality.

The elder is the oldest dance fighter in the race, although he no longer has the fighting power of his youth.

But he knew that their race was born with the strongest fighting power,

The elder patiently imparted his experience and told Shera Lev.

Let the air flow turn around and pass through the body continuously, so that your own qi can reach the maximum.

An air mass will form, and 300 years ago, there was a dancing fighter in their race.When there was a war with another group, a huge air cloud was emitted.

One person can kill all the warriors of another family with one blow, and the powerful air mass can crush all enemies.

From then on, she began to practice hard day and night, constantly speeding up her rotation, so that her air mass continued to grow.

In the beginning, I could only practice the air mass as high as one person, and when I exerted my strength, it could overwhelm several trees.

Later, as the air mass got bigger and bigger, he pushed out towards the forest, and he could press out a large open space.

It's a pity that the elder died on the day he failed to see him practice successfully, and he didn't have much joy in the face of all this.

So far, he has returned to his hometown with memories and hatred, where some armed security personnel have been stationed on the periphery.

When Flahlev walked in, two security guards stopped him and were about to ask him, but he fell under his two uppercuts in a whoosh.

Seeing this, other security personnel rushed up and opened fire on him with submachine guns.

Peeling Lev calmly began to circle around all the security personnel rushing over, and quickly turned into a shadow in an instant.

He started his prelude attack, and saw a warrior holding a spear, constantly flashing among the crowd.

The spears pierced their chests, abdomens, and necks again and again, and armed personnel continued to die under his spears.

Peeling Lev stepped on a dead body, slowly walking towards his past home.

He stared at the rumbling machines that were still running. Big trees kept falling, and the land kept being turned over.

The workers gradually felt the whirring sound of the wind coming into their operation room, and after a while, they saw a huge air mass attacking their forklifts, bulldozers, and trucks from a distance.

When they jumped out of the car and wanted to escape, it was too late.After the air mass passed, a huge pit with a diameter of several hundred meters was left on the land. All the machines were turned into scrap iron, and those workers were turned into bloody flesh.

He completed his revenge, but he no longer had a home. Under the dusky sunset, he embarked on a distant road, and began his professional life of killing.

At this moment, Rommel's hair was also messed up by the air mass. He watched the air mass grow from a height of one person to three meters, five meters high, and continued to grow.

"It's fine, Pineapple Lev. You can hold your anger, I can escape, but this palace is not mine."

Rommel worried that such an attack would destroy the historic palace, he said approvingly.

"Tomorrow, I will arrange for you and Fei Tan to set off to hunt down the two princes. You should prepare tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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