Chapter 54
Dolan, who was patrolling the army with the guards, was dressed in military uniform, tall and straight, with red hair and white face under the military cap, clean.

Although it is cold, but people look at it like a torch, full of majesty and dare not slack off.

The sound of the wind blowing his cloak, and the sound of military boots stepping on the snow, intertwined step by step, exuding a heroic aura.

Today ushered in the first snow of winter. At the foot of the Paklun Mountains at an altitude of more than 3000 meters, the flag of the Membius Empire fluttering in the wind suddenly broke its flagpole.

Prince Dolan was walking under the flagpole. He looked up and frowned. He felt that something bad was about to happen. He remembered the ancient saying in military books that this was a sign of loss of troops.

So he returned to the command room and issued an order to step up the deployment of the barracks and the defense of the city to prevent accidents.

Although far away from the capital, the spies he installed had already told him the facts of Karl's coup for the first time.

Dolan is also ready to fight at any time, but he is still full of worries about the future of the Mobius Empire.

The reason why he didn't easily send his troops to the south was because the city he was in was called Moro City, which was small in size, but it was the northernmost border of the Membius Empire and the emptiest back door of the country.

The mountains here are endless, the geographical situation is complicated, and the national border is the most difficult to defend. If the enemy country knows that he has left, he will definitely take advantage of it.

At that time, even if he succeeds in the expedition, he will be accused of treason, not to mention that now that the major legions are operating independently, it is difficult to go deep alone without being surrounded and wiped out.

He was waiting for the opportunity. Every night, Dolan would stare at the map of the Mobis Empire alone for a while.

At night outside the city, the small village was quiet and deserted, and the snow on the ground shone silvery with the moonlight.

Occasionally, a few two-tailed foxes walked carefully through the snow, making the sound of trampling dead branches.

After a while, two car lights appeared on the road, getting closer and closer to the city.

Gradually, people who did not fall asleep could hear the roar of off-road vehicle motors, quickly passing through the entire village outside the city.

Finally, in the forest not far from the gate of Morrow City, the car lights went out.

The Cruise brothers packed up their equipment and got out of the car together. A gust of cold wind blew by, and the eldest brother Dodge turned up his collar.

The little brother Dawson lit a cigarette, and took a big breath while walking.

"It's really cold in this broken place. I'll call it a day. Let's find a place to eat barbecue."

"It would be better to have some wine."

The two walked down the city wall while chatting, and shot a flying hook towards the top of the city wall.

The two pulled the rope, then quickly climbed up the 10-meter-high city wall, walked to the checkpoint and spat out two poisonous needles. The sentry touched his neck and fell down.

They changed into sentry clothes, got down from the city wall, and drove towards the military camp in the city in a stolen military vehicle.

Cruise and the others, who were driving on the road, saw that the streets in the city and the village outside were completely two worlds.

The nightlife in the city has just begun.Large and small, colorful signboards flashing neon lettering.

Drunk buyers kept appearing on the street, walking staggeringly, and hawkers making supper at the roadside stalls kept busy.

The smells of all kinds of spirits and delicacies mixed together and floated into the noses of the Cruise Brothers, making the assassins who came from a long distance almost salivate.

Just when they were hesitating whether to have a meal before killing Dolan, not far ahead, the same military vehicle was driving towards them swaying left and right.

Driving was Sergeant Rooney, a National Racing League driver who failed because of excessive alcohol intake.

After leaving the racing life, he wanted to escape from everything.So I chose to join the army and came to the northernmost place of Mombis.

But his hobbies haven't changed.I always like to modify cars. He combined military off-road vehicles with armored vehicles, and also installed some mechanical arms.

His invention was appreciated by Dolan, but it has never been applied in actual combat.

Before coming here, he always felt that he was the most drinkable.Until he met another person in the army, a tall and burly man from Meteor Street, Franklin, who was sitting in the back seat of the car.

The two just had a rest tonight, and they met again to drink together. They didn't enjoy their drinks enough, so they planned to go to the next bar to continue drinking.

The Cruise brothers were intoxicated looking at the food, the food and the people drinking on the street.

Rooney may have drunk a little too much, the car was wobbly, he didn't notice the Cruise brothers' car, and Cruise didn't pay attention to their car, the two cars collided with each other with a bang.

Rooney saw that it was also a military vehicle, so he got out of the vehicle slowly. Franklin was still lying on the back seat and did not get up.

The Cruise brothers got out of the car together, and when they stepped forward, they cursed:
"How do you drive? Do you have eyes?"

"You low-ranking soldiers, how dare you scold your officers. Didn't you guard the checkpoint and sneak out to drink?"

As a non-commissioned officer, Rooney was scolded by a junior soldier for the first time, and he questioned them very unhappy.

The younger brother Dawson heard that the other party was the officer, so he hurried to his elder brother Dodge and said:
"What should I do, kill them? Or endure it and leave."

"It's important to do business!"

The eldest brother Dodge responded to him in a low voice, and then pulled his younger brother Dawson to bow his head and apologize to Rooney.
"Sorry, sir. I won't do it next time. You are busy, we will withdraw first."

After speaking, the two quickly turned around, got into the car and prepared to move on.

The Cruise brothers quickly started the car, backed up a bit, turned around and continued on.

No, that's not the direction of the city wall, that's the direction of the barracks.What are these two sentries trying to do?
Although Rooney was drunk, his mind was still sober. He began to suspect, and hurried into the car while following the other party's vehicle, while calling the city wall defense command post.

As soon as they answered the phone, they found out that two of their sentries were dead and a military vehicle had been stolen.

So Rooney said to Franklin behind him:
"It seems that the two of us will exercise our muscles and bones tonight before going to drink."

"Just those two guys just now? It looks a bit sinister, so it shouldn't be a problem to kill them directly?"

"No problem, you just kill it, and I will write the report."

"That's great, just in time to try out my new invention."

"Well, sit back, I'm going to be a racer now, man."

Rooney stepped on the accelerator deeply, the humming engine sounded violently, and the wheels were rapidly approaching the car in front.

After Franklin sat firmly, he put his palms in front of him, slowly opened and then clenched them, with an expectant smile on the corner of his mouth.

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(End of this chapter)

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