Chapter 55 Human Weapons
On a snowy night in Morrow City, with heavy snowfall and icy wind, a homeless man who was frozen and chilled walked half the street, and finally picked up a half bottle of spirits from a trash can on the side of the road.

After gulping down the gulp, his body began to warm up, so he continued to walk across the road, wanting to see if there was anything to fill his stomach in the trash can on the opposite side of the road.

Speeding vehicles passed by the homeless man non-stop. Some cars would brake suddenly to wait for him to pass by, and then continue to drive past. Some cars kept honking at him from a long distance, but the homeless man Still maintaining his own pace, he walked unhurriedly.

Just when he was in the middle of the road, a military vehicle drove towards him frantically without stopping or honking.

Before he could even open his eyes due to the flickering headlights, he was knocked into the air. After somersaulting in the air, he fell heavily to the ground and died.

The wine bottle in the homeless man's hand rolled on the ground and was shattered with a "snap", and then another military vehicle drove past his body quickly.

With a bang, the rear of a car driving on the road exploded, the flames shot into the sky, and the invisible bullets quickly hit the fuel tank.

"Rooney, can you drive more steadily, I can't aim like this."

Franklin jumped from the car window onto the roof of the car, stretched out his hands staggeringly, pointed all ten fingers at the target, and opened the machine gun.Started shooting at the fleeing Cruise Brothers.

But the Cruise brothers are not fuel-efficient lights. While driving, they quickly overtake in an S shape in the traffic flow, staring at the rearview mirror, and constantly avoiding Franklin's attacks.

"Hey, buddy, you drank too much, you just can't stand still, don't blame my driving skills, I'm a racing driver."

Rooney gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and quickly shuttled through the traffic, passing one car after another.

"Then can you play the special role of your broken car? Bring me closer to the enemy."

"Of course there is no problem, but this is not a battlefield. If Commander Dolan knows about this, we will definitely be dealt with by military law."

"Leave him alone, it's important to kill the enemy."

"Okay buddy, it looks like you and I have had too much to drink, and they're interested in you."

Rooney quickly used his other hand to press a few buttons on the dashboard of the cab.

Rooney's military vehicle began to rattle, and the wheels gradually lifted off the ground.

"Brother, look at the back, what the hell is that?"

Dodge, who was slamming on the accelerator, was patted on the shoulder by his younger brother Dawson. He glanced at the rearview mirror, and both of them showed surprised expressions.

An octopus-like iron-clad monster at the back stretched out its tall and thin tentacles and quickly jumped over the top of all the vehicles, rushing towards them.

"It seems that they are really difficult guys. Dodge, you go and deal with them, and I will assassinate Dolan alone."

"It seems that this is the only way to go. After finishing the work, gather outside the city."

As he said that, Dodge also climbed out of the car window, went up against the flow of traffic, turned into a flying shadow, and jumped from one roof to another.

"It came just in time, and I finally stopped hiding, so I can have a good fight."

Franklin, standing on the roof of the deformed car, stared down at the galloping Dodge, slanted his mouth, and jumped down.

It fell directly on the roof of a car, and the roof under his feet was crushed flat. The driver who was driving in the car was panicked by the jump, and the car began to skid left and right.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Vehicles continued to be in the same state, and with the driver's screams, Franklin squashed the roofs of one vehicle after another.

Finally, under the scattered road lights, two fast-moving figures converged on the container of a speeding truck.

Rooney continued to drive the deformed armored car to chase Dawson's car. In the snow, the four began to fight each other.

"I didn't expect Dolan's lackeys to have the ability to read. Was it the bullet you shot just now? It doesn't look very good."

Dodge stood at the end near the front of the truck, his hair was messed up by the howling night wind, but his contemptuous laughter could be clearly heard.

"Hmph, take these words as your last words!"

Franklin's killing intent was instantly ignited by Dodge's contempt. He raised his hands and immediately launched a mind bomb.

Da, da, da... Countless bullets shot towards Dodge non-stop. Dodge ran two steps quickly, jumped into the air.

The street signs behind Dodge were smashed to pieces, and several street lights were blown out.

Franklin looked up, and Dodge flew in the air, and his figure blocked the light of the street lamp. When the light suddenly appeared again, there was already Dodge's breath in Franklin's ear.

With a poof, Franklin lowered his head and saw a bloody sword protruding from his abdomen, and then the sword retracted, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Enduring the pain, Franklin turned around and was about to fight back, when he found that Dodge's right palm, which had retreated two meters away, had turned into a sharp sword.

"Anyway, you are dying, so I might as well tell you that my mind ability is that I can transform into any weapon with this glove on. Your mind bullets are completely useless to me, hahaha."

Dodge laughed even louder watching Franklin who was killed by him.

Franklin angrily continued to shoot at Dodge with both hands, but Dodge's right hand immediately turned into a shield, and he couldn't hurt the opponent even if he hit it.

Dodge made another high jump, turned the shield into a sword, and slashed across Franklin's right palm with a swish.

After yelling "Ah", Franklin's broken five fingers of his right hand fell on the container, and there was blood everywhere. He quickly picked it up with his right hand and put it in his pocket amidst Dodge's hideous laughter.

At this moment Franklin was already burning with anger, and he felt a constant rush of energy towards his fingers.

The qi was more violent than before, especially at the gaps of the five broken fingers.

"The other five fingers should not be needed anymore, let me help you solve it once."

Dodge raised the sword that became his right hand, jumped up again, and slashed at Franklin's left palm.

Just when Dodge was about to cut to Franklin, Franklin raised his right hand with a broken finger and sent out a violent read bomb.

Dodge sensed danger in the air.After landing, the sharp sword turned into a shield, but he was still held by the shield and was sent flying by the continuous bullets.

The billboard that bumped into behind fell off, fell on the container, and spit out a mouthful of blood lying on the ground.

"It seems that your shield is not very good, thank you for helping me find a more powerful mind bomb."

This time it was Franklin who laughed, but because the wound was bleeding, he laughed and coughed.

"It seems that I was careless. Damn it, I don't have time to play with you. This time I can escape your thoughts and cut off your head."

As he said that, Dodge got up from the container, ready to kill with the final blow.

But as soon as he got up, Franklin's thoughts swept over his head like raindrops, and then his eyes turned into darkness.

A truck with a roof full of concrete blocks.The tunnel creaked out, and the top of the tunnel was pitted, and a sharp sword was exposed from the pile of cement blocks.

A strong figure jumped out from behind the car, rolled to the side of the road, and then slowly got up.

"Goodbye, smart-ass guy. I don't just use chanting, but my mind."

Franklin looked at the truck going away, and while pressing the wound on his abdomen, he watched the heavy snow and walked towards the city. He couldn't help thinking that the weather was really suitable for spirits!
(End of this chapter)

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