The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 56 Returning to Meteor Street

Chapter 56 Returning to Meteor Street

Jingle bell, Jingle bell...

After the guard answered a phone call, he quickly woke up Dolan who was already asleep and said.

"Report Your Highness, a military vehicle broke through the gate of the camp and drove towards the command room. Please leave immediately and go to the safe zone."

"Well, I see."

Dolan quickly put on his military uniform, picked up his saber in his left hand, and the Feihua heavy pistol in his right, and walked downstairs quickly.

Before walking out of the gate of the headquarters, Dolan heard bursts of intense gunshots.

After he walked out, he looked in the direction of the gunfire, and found a tall octopus moving quickly in the flames of the explosion.

"It seems that Rooney has found a chance to practice his invention!"

As Dolan spoke, he walked towards the direction of the exchange of fire.

"Your Highness, you should go this way."

"I am the leader of an army, and I cannot panic because of an assassin."

Dawson drove the military vehicle all the way forward, broke through several firepower nets, and the armor tentacles behind him were pierced again and again.

"Stop firing!"

An order was heard loudly to the ears of every blocking soldier, and the gunshots suddenly disappeared.

In the flickering light, Dawson suddenly found a figure directly in front of him, rushing towards the front of his car, jumped high, and landed heavily on the hood of the car.

Dawson opened his eyes wide and saw that the person rushing forward was exactly the target in the data—Prince Dolan.

I really don't need to look for it, I sent it to my door to die!
Dawson slammed on the brakes and put on a glove with his hands free. He wanted to push Dolan a few meters away before making a move.

The wheels kept rubbing against the ground, smoking in the snow.

Unexpectedly, Dolan was agile, he raised the saber with his left hand and plunged it into the wagon, and fixed himself firmly on the hood of the wagon.

Immediately, he pulled the trigger of Feihua heavy pistol at Dawson with his right hand, and with a bang, the entire car cover was overturned by a single shot.

"What the hell kind of pistol is this? Why is it stronger than a shotgun?"

Dawson was startled by the shot and muttered to himself.

Fortunately, he quickly got under the steering wheel, opened the door and jumped out of the car, otherwise his head would explode.

"A person with the ability to read, is he so afraid of me as an ordinary person?"

Dolan looked at Dawson who was hiding aside, and said with disdain.

"As expected of a man who wants to be king, he is not afraid in the face of danger. I appreciate your courage, but I will not be soft because of this. Suffer death!"


After Dolan in the car gave an order.

Da da da……

All the firepower was directed at Dawson again. Dawson jumped and ran, dodging the flying bullets, and when he was only a few steps away from Dolan, two armored tentacles descended from the sky and pierced Dawson's body with a whoosh. before.

"Your Highness, this guy, just leave it to me to deal with it, you go and rest."

Rooney yelled on the transforming armor, waved his tentacles frantically, and stabbed at Dawson.

Dawson was attacked from both sides, dodged bullets, and had to be careful of the tentacles on his head. There was no chance to assassinate Dolan.

At this moment, he was thinking that it would be great if his younger brother was here, and the two could partner with each other, one to attract firepower and the other to kill the target, but he had a hunch that he might never see his younger brother again.

So Dawson mobilized all the energy in his body, and with a gloved right hand, he aimed at the tentacles that were thrusting towards him, and shot a ball of air from his palm, which then turned into ten small air balls. When he touched the tentacles, he said, "Boom, boom , bang."

When the air mass blew off two tentacles, Dolan swung his saber and slashed in front of Dawson.

Dawson dodged sideways, shot an air mass towards Dolan, and then turned into ten small air mass and exploded around Dolan quickly.

After a loud noise, Dolan walked out from a pile of corpses in the thick gunpowder smoke. It turned out that his guards used their bodies to block the explosion air mass for him.

After two large mass launches, Dawson consumed a lot of gas, and his speed and physical strength dropped a lot.

Usually when he fights one-on-one with the enemy, it is enough to fire a small air mass bomb, but today there are too many enemies, so he can only fight to the death.

But Dawson didn't expect that there would be so many dead men willing to sacrifice their lives for Dolan. He originally planned to leave, but when he stretched out his hand and was struggling to launch again.

Dolan rushed to Dawson in a flash, thrust the knife into his palm, and then shot him in the head again.

Dawson's head was blown apart from the blow, blood splashed out, and flesh and broken bones fell to the ground.

Dolan turned around and walked towards the corpses of his subordinates who died for him and Rooney on the height, saying:
"Thank you for consuming the assassin's stamina and strength, and bought me time to attack. Pass on the order and prepare generous condolence money for their families. Their families can come to me to solve any difficulties in the future."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Not long after, at the gate of the camp, Franklin slowly got out of a small truck and walked back to the barracks step by step.

Rooney hurriedly arranged for him to go to the emergency room. After some rescue, he finally stopped the bleeding in Franklin's abdomen.

Rooney reported Franklin's situation to Prince Dolan immediately.

Dolan came to visit him in the ward with a certificate of commendation. Franklin saw the prince coming and was about to get up, but he couldn't straighten up in pain.

Dolan was moved by Franklin's bravery and planned to give him a higher rank in recognition of him, but he refused.

"I just did my job. Now I have a broken finger and need to recover. There is no way to do it here. I want to retire and go home and let our doctors there deal with it."

Franklin expressed his thoughts frankly. Facing his wound, the doctors in the barracks handled it professionally, but they were powerless to deal with the broken finger.

"Our doctors are military doctors who graduated from the best medical schools in the country. If none of them can do anything, will you be able to do it when you go back?"

After hearing this, Dolan felt puzzled. He was thinking that he did not do well and failed to retain such talents.

"Your Highness, I come from Meteor Street. My companions are all guys with unique skills. Some like to strengthen their bodies so they can be invulnerable, some like swordsmanship and can kill people with one blow, and some of them study medical skills and can help people completely suture wounds. back to normal."

"In this case, I can send someone to invite them to come with me, and I will reuse them."

When Dolan heard this, he thought that he needed such a person.

"Your Highness, they are all people who are used to freedom and can't bear life in the army. I came here by accident, just wanting to experience what it's like to be a soldier. Now I'm about to leave, goodbye!"

Dolan knew that he couldn't keep such a person by force, so he nodded and acquiesced.

After a few days, Franklin recovered physically, and after being discharged from the hospital, he packed his things and set out on the road.

He was about to leave, and Dolan personally brought a lot of money and a luxury car to see him off, but he still refused, and got on the train bound for Meteor Street alone.

He looked at his severed finger, thinking that when he went back this time, Maggie didn't know how much he would charge him, so let's credit this kind of friendship first!
 Please recommend and collect, welcome to comment and discuss.


(End of this chapter)

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