Chapter 57
On a sunny winter morning, Nobunaga, Wojin, and Jiaer were strolling around Youkexin's black market, looking for treasures with "Ning".

Wojin always finds some weird weapons, and Nobunaga follows him blindly, not caring whether the things he sees are angry or not. He thinks it is too troublesome to make money in this way. He can get money by killing a few people casually, and he doesn’t need it at all. Such a waste of time.

Jia Er, who has mastered some rules, found that not all things that exude aura are valuable, and some producers will have aura after reaching a certain attainment in this area.

The safest thing is to rely on the artworks I saw in the palace when I was a child, and look for the names of those great artists to find their works. As long as I am alive, their thoughts will remain on it.

In this way, Jiaer relied on the money he earned from selling the first painting, selling at a low price and selling at a high price. During these days on the black market, he sold it back and forth several times. Jiaer now has more than 5 million Buddhist nuns in his hands.

He gave Wojin [-] million nuns, but Wojin refused. In Wojin's eyes, money is as easy to get as Nobunaga, and Wojin is not rare.

However, Jiaer enjoyed the feeling of making money in this way, and he planned a day in his heart to leave them and find his brother's whereabouts.

Having been with Wojin and the others for so long, I was a little bit reluctant to leave suddenly.

As soon as they reached an intersection, they heard the sound of a car approaching at a high speed not far away, a side brake brake, and stopped in front of the three of them.

Walking out of the car, a tall girl was wearing a black leather jacket, tight leather pants and high-top leather boots. She took off her helmet, and she turned out to be Paconoda.

"I knew the three of you came here again. I just received a notification from Maggie that the boss wants to see us, so let's go back to Fashion Street and set off this afternoon. You guys get ready."

"So suddenly, he hasn't shown up for a long time."

Wojin had a surprised expression, and Nobunaga felt the same way.

"Then go back, I want to stay here alone for a while longer."

When Jiaer heard the news, he also felt very sudden. What kind of person their boss is, has always been a question mark in his heart.

"You didn't want the boss to inquire about the news for you before. This time, the opportunity has come. Let me take you to meet him. You are similar in some ways, and he must appreciate you very much."

Wo Jin wanted to introduce Jia Er to the boss, it was quite interesting to have such a guy to fight with.

"I think so too. The last time I fought with Sasuke Sarutobi in the small island country, I think you have a good tactical mind. We are all people who rely too much on force. The boss also hopes to have a companion like you to join Let's go, Carle."

Nobunaga also began to act as a lobbyist, only Paconoda saw what was on Carle's mind and said:

"Wo Jin told me about you, Jia Er, you want to go to find your younger brother by yourself first, and you don't want to bother everyone, right?"

"It's true. Everything I'm doing now is to prepare for finding my brother's whereabouts. I can't wait any longer. I hope you can understand."

Jiaer also knew that he couldn't hide it, so he directly expressed his thoughts.

Another point is that he has been a little tired of killing recently. Although he was unintentional, he still killed a lot of people. He also wants to practice alone and find a way to better control his ability to read.

"Since that's the case, we can't say anything else, we're leaving. Take care, if you need help killing people together, you can come to us, and the price will be half off for you, hahaha."

Wojin smiled unnaturally, patted Jiaer on the shoulder, and boarded the Paconoda car with Nobunaga and the others.

In the rearview mirror of the car, Carl stood alone, watching them getting farther and farther away from him, until he turned another street, and Carle walked in the direction of the hotel.

He hurriedly packed his luggage, bought a second-hand car and set off on the road by himself. The first place he was going to was a small border town called Macon.

It belongs to the land of the United States of Eddie, but there is no government, only the self-government committee, which is also a product of the power of the ten old men.

The location is next to Meteor Street, which is the largest distribution center for human trafficking in the world, and the traffickers on Meteor Street also sell their goods in bulk.

Starting from Youkexin, we drove through the snow-covered mountains and the sandy desert all the way. After two days and one night, we finally arrived at the destination.

As soon as you enter the urban area, you can see human traffickers from all over the world exchanging quotations with each other.

If the black market in Youkexin is the world’s largest holy place for Taobao, then Macon must be the wholesale market for slaves in the world.

Jia Er randomly found a human trafficker, gave some money, and heard about the human traffickers on Meteor Street on the grounds of buying slaves.

According to the information he obtained, he found their stronghold in a garbage transfer station.

Seeing the truckloads of garbage being sorted and packaged at the gate, coming in and out non-stop, Jiaer thought that this was really in line with the regional characteristics of traffickers like them.

Carl walked into the lounge of the transfer station, and the broken wooden door was pushed open with a creak. In this dilapidated room, there was a table with leftover pizza and drinks on it.

There are several chairs beside the table, and on one of the chairs is a strong man with a pistol in his waist, his legs on the table, and he is watching the broadcast of the football game on TV.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

While watching the TV, the strong man heard Jiaer's voice coming in, but he didn't care, and said without even looking at Jiaer.

"I want to find your boss and ask about something."

Carl walked up to the strong man, blocking the TV.

"This is not a rescue station. Our boss is very busy. What do you think you want to do?"

The strong man listened to the commentary of the game, but couldn't see the picture, feeling a little impatient.

"Do you think this will make your boss free?"

Jiaer threw a wad of money on the table, the strong man immediately shifted his gaze, folded his legs and took the money away, counting with both hands while saying:

"Go out this back door and turn right. There is a warehouse. My boss inspects the goods there. If you have the guts, go by yourself. But remind you, his temper has not been very good recently."

"Okay, thanks, I'll make him feel better."

After Jiaer finished speaking, he walked out of the back door and walked towards the warehouse. Before reaching the warehouse door, there was a huge vicious dog trying to break free from the chain at the warehouse door, roaring at Jiaer.

Jiaer walked over, waved Bian's knife at the vicious dog that was rushing up, and the barking of the dog stopped.

The air suddenly became quiet, and when he walked into the warehouse, he could hear the trivial sound of Jiaer stepping on the sundries on the ground with every step.

There is a downward staircase in the middle of the floor inside. Jiaer walked down the stairs and went up. Halfway through, a pair of eyes met him.

The other party saw Cal showing a surprised expression, but Cal was baffled.

(End of this chapter)

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