Chapter 63-Baptism
The next morning, Hisoka woke up excitedly. Today would be his first battle on the 200th floor. He hoped that a decent opponent would appear.

He carefully painted his battle makeup in front of the mirror. This is a courtesy he gave to opponents and audiences, and he used his best self to enjoy the battle.

After 10 minutes, Hisoka prepared his own attire, walked out of the room, and set off for the arena.

When he walked through the corridor he passed yesterday, he found that the rooms on both sides were empty, the doors were open, and some staff members were carefully cleaning and preparing to replace the new carpets.

"Well, it's unfortunate that I couldn't help it for a moment."

Hisoka watched all this while walking, thinking this way in his heart, and continued to walk towards the arena.

When he opened the entrance gate of the arena, he found that the auditorium was full of people who came to see him, and his appearance caused bursts of screams.

Today, the rookie King Xi Suo, who has been on a crazy winning streak recently, will face the challenger Jidou who is also from the 200th floor. Currently, he has three wins and one loss.

"I didn't expect to meet you, Hisoka."

"Accident? It would have been better for the three of you to do it together last night."

"As a newcomer, you still don't know the darkness and cruelty of this layer. We are called 'newcomer killers', and countless newcomers have passed away after our baptism."

"Baptism? Hehe, I am willing to accept it!"

"Then let you see what real baptism is!"

Jito didn't rush forward, but threw countless tops from the cloak on the stage, spinning wildly towards Hisoka.

Soon the spinning tops surrounded Hisoka and began to crash into Hisoka's body one by one.

"This kind of low-level trick, you'd better play it with children!"

Hisoka spun on the spot and dealt dozens of cards. There was a burst of noise, and the spinning top was cut by the cards and exploded one after another.

"You really are not a novice, your aura is very strong, but you may not be able to avoid this aura, 【Tornado Spinning Top】!"

While speaking, Jito spun crazily by himself, forming a huge human spinning top, and rushed towards Hisoka quickly.

"Fighting with a guy like you, you don't need to think about tactics at all."

Hisoka stretched out his right hand towards Ji Dou, and for a moment he caught the rushing Ji Dou with his thoughts. After Hisoka swung Ji Dou forcefully around, he threw Ji Dou far out of the arena. With a bang, the walls of the auditorium Being crushed by Ji Dou's body, Ji Dou fell to the ground and tried to climb but couldn't get up.

Li Lianduo and Sha Dasuo, who were sitting in the auditorium, were terrified when they saw Hisoka's skill. It seemed that even if the three of them fought together, Hisoka's skill was not an opponent.

And what frightened them was that his thoughts were too strange, he was thrown out by Hisoka's anger even though he hadn't come to him yet.

"Is this guy still interesting?"

Suddenly the two of them heard someone behind him laughing and commenting on Hisoka.

Turning around, he found that it was a young man with long silver hair, handsome features, and a yellow robe.

"You don't find it interesting when you fight, young man."

Sha Dasuo couldn't understand the other party's expression of appreciating Hisoka's fighting, as if the other party had found his prey.

"The next thing is my duel with him, just wait and see."

After finishing speaking, the boy got up and left. Sha Dasuo and Li Liduo looked at each other and said:
"Could it be that he is Huashi Doulang who has won eight consecutive victories recently? Some people have seen it this time."

"Yeah, the strength of the two of them should be about the same. I heard that wherever Huashi Doulang's tiger bite fist hits, it will be torn apart instantly. It is a very brutal punch, but I didn't expect it to be used by such a handsome boy. of."

"Let's just watch the battle, don't participate in the battle for now, wait until the rookie comes."

"Well, I think so too, let's go and see how the injury of Ji Dou who was carried out of the field is."

With that said, the two also left the auditorium.

When the audience in the arena was almost gone, Hisoka was still sitting alone in the ring.

At this time, in the auditorium, a figure from far away stepped down from his seat, ran towards the ring, leaped high, jumped over the wall of the auditorium, then rushed forward quickly, made another jump with his help, and jumped onto the ring.

The figure just now had already walked in front of Hisoka, and Hisoka felt a surge of anger when the other person stepped off his seat.

He looked up and saw a young man with short red hair, deep eyes, a tall nose, not fat or thin, and about the same size as himself.

"Do you remember me? Hisoka!"

The boy bent down, looked directly at Hisoka sitting on the ring, and waited for Hisoka's answer with a concerned look.

Hisoka felt very familiar when he heard the tone of the other party calling him, and looked at the other party's eyes, but he just couldn't remember who he was.

"I don't remember who you are."

"I'm Jiaer, your brother. Did that fall cause you to lose your memory? You don't remember anything?"

"My brother!? Some time ago, someone said he was my biological father, and now another person said he was my brother. I really don't remember anything. Do you have any evidence?"

When Hisoka suddenly saw Jiaer, he felt very strange. There was a feeling of familiarity and disgust. He wanted to confirm it.

"Of course. We grew up together. You always wanted to beat me, but you lost every time. On the inside of your right arm near the armpit, there is a scar I left."

Carle recalled the childhood of the two, thinking about it, they fought and spent a while reconciling.

"Well, even if you are my brother, so what?"

Hisoka didn't raise his right arm to check, because he would touch that spot every time he took a bath, and he was too familiar with it. After he knew that Jiaer was his brother, he felt a little at a loss.

"It's nothing, my mother told me to protect you before she died, but I found you after we were separated for so long, I don't think you need protection now. It's good, you can choose to live the life you want."

Jiaer saw Hisoka's strength, and felt that it was unnecessary for him to continue asking to be with him. Letting him fight to the death by himself was a better life for Hisoka.

"I can't remember what you said, but you are right. I don't have the past in my mind now, and I don't belong to any person or organization. I feel good. I am a free man."

Hisoka heard that the other party didn't make any request for going home, which made him relax. After all, he no longer has the concept of home.

"In addition, if you want to beat me once, you can also have a chance. After winning 10 games in a row, I will fight you. I thought you would arrive early, but I have already become the floor master of the 200th floor, so you came .If I hadn't watched the game preview, I would have missed you."

"No problem, since I wanted to defeat you before, I will definitely satisfy you this time, my brother Jiaer, right?"

Hisoka's fighting cells were all awakened at once. Looking at the back of Jiaer leaving, he vaguely remembered the pain and jealousy of losing to him countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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