The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 64 Hisoka VS Huashi Douro

Chapter 64 Hisoka VS Huashi Douro
After another night, Hisoka had no rest at all and filed for a second fight.

He wanted to have a duel with Jiaer as soon as possible. From the feeling of the other party's anger yesterday, he could see that Jiaer is definitely an opponent with the strength to have a good fight with him.

So now Hisoka heard the familiar TV screen in the arena broadcasting the game preview.

"Welcome everyone to the challenge on the 200th floor. Today will be the rookie Wang Xi Suo who defeated Jidou yesterday against the streak winner Huashi Dourang. Huashi Dourang is the only one on this floor who has achieved eight consecutive victories. Players, this will be an even matchup."

Hisoka also became interested in this person after listening to such an explanation, the guy who can win eight consecutive victories shouldn't be too bad.

Hisoka stepped onto the ring under the spotlight, still wearing his clown costume, and opposite him appeared his opponent today, a handsome young man in a yellow robe with fluttering hair.

Hisoka could feel the energy emanating from the other party at the other end, more than the three people he met before. He looked at the other party excitedly, and pulled out a card in his hand and passed it over his mouth. , licked his tongue and said to Huashi Doulang:

"Don't let me down!"

"You'll know how good I am."

Facing Hisoka's provocation, Fossil Doulang responded confidently and boldly.

With the referee's order, the game officially started, but neither side attacked immediately, but looked at each other, walking in circles on the stage.

Fossil Doulang had observed Hisoka's attack yesterday. He knew that the opponent's cards were very sharp and could strike him from a long distance. Although he was not sure about the principle of the attack method, he was already mentally prepared to guard against it.

Hisoka didn't dare to attack easily, he was still not sure what the opponent's mind ability was, and the opponent's spirit was not weak.

Both sides are like two cunning wolves, observing the opponent's movements, waiting for an opportunity to strike, and then starting to deliver the fatal blow.

Hisoka saw that the opponent didn't want to make a first move, so he waved his hands, and "swished" a few cards to shoot at the opponent. This blow was just to test the opponent's reaction before making the next tactical attack.

Just when the cards were shot at Fossil Doulang, he shook his robe with a "swish" and swept all the flying cards into it, without hurting him at all.

And in the next second, he turned his robe and rushed towards Hisoka. Just as Hisoka was about to step back, he kicked a leg out of the robe, hitting Hisoka's abdomen.

"Not bad!"

Hisoka got even more excited after being kicked. He did a backflip and stood next to the pillar of the ring.

Fossil Doulang didn't intend to stop attacking at all, he continued to turn his robe, and in a flash, he came to Hisoka, and then shouted:
"Have a taste of my tiger bite fist?"

Hisoka quickly dodged to the side, and the pillar that Huashi Doulang's fists had punched was torn into countless pieces in an instant, flying away.

The audience in the audience screamed, and Jia Er broke into a cold sweat against Hisoka. Such an attack speed could still pose a threat to Hisoka.

After Hisoka dodged like this, he found that the opponent's attack and defense were all relying on his robe as a cover.

So Hisoka had his next tactical plan. He stepped back and threw the playing cards into the sky, and the scattered cards were scattered all over the ring.

Everyone was very puzzled by Hisoka's behavior, and some audience members started joking with each other.

"What is he going to do, do magic tricks?"

"Maybe, but he looks like a clown."

Huashi Doulang exerted strength with his feet, continued to roll up his robe and launched his Tiger Bite Fist attack this time faster and more fiercely than before.

But what puzzled Fossil Doulang was that Hisoka didn't hide yet, as if he was waiting for him to call.

Just as Huashi Doulang rushed to the center of the ring, an unexpected scene happened.

Hisoka activated his telekinetic ability with both hands, and the cards on the ground flew towards Huashi Douro like precision-guided missiles.

"Crack, click, click." After a tearing sound.

The dozens of cards coming from all directions were faster than flying knives and stronger than bullets, cutting Fossil Doulang's robe to pieces in a blink of an eye.

Huashi Doulang had no choice but to continue fighting in his close-fitting training clothes, but in this way, Hisoka could clearly see his every movement.

Hisoka flew up and down while manipulating the cards, while attacking with both fists and feet. Huashi Doulang who hit him was kicked when he dodged the cards.

After fighting like this for less than a minute, Fossil Doulang was tortured by Hisoka with injuries all over his body.

Although Fossil Doulang still has strength at this time, his speed is getting harder and slower, and his strength is getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, he was kicked by Hisoka with a neat roundabout kick, which flew tens of meters away from the ring, and fell to the ground. Just as he was about to raise his head, he immediately drooped down.

At this time, the referee announced that Hisoka had won the second game. Huashi Doulang only relied on the advantage in front to attack Hisoka effectively, and got the three-point score recorded by the referee.

Hisoka jumped off the ring, walked quickly to the side of Fossil Doulang lying on the ground, and said relaxedly:

"I will remember that kick of yours. Come to me next time when you become stronger. I hope you won't let me down next time! Pretty boy."

Hisoka kept crossing the two cards in his hand and walked away with his hands behind his back. When he left the venue, he glanced at the auditorium around him.

After turning around among the audience who were leaving the venue one after another, their eyes finally stopped. Jia Er, who was in the distance, gave him two light applause from his seat, got up, and then left.

"I'll let you taste what it's like to be knocked down in front of everyone, Carle."

Hisoka waited with full anticipation to fight against Jiaer, and Hisoka tried his best to prove himself in front of him once.

Just as Hisoka was thinking this way, another man in black stood up from another corner of the auditorium, took off his sunglasses, looked at Hisoka and Jiaer, and then dialed the phone.

"Hey, Yulia, I have found the two little princes you are looking for, and they are both in the Sky Arena."

"Okay, thanks, I'll transfer the money to your account in a moment. Keep an eye on it for me, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Yulia, who was employed by Prince Karl, began to pack her luggage and boarded the fastest airship to the Sky Arena.

"Inform Feitan that Shelaev is also going to the Sky Arena, this time we must make sure they are dead."

Rommel also made his own arrangements after listening to Yulia's phone call. He is a seasoned killer and thinks double insurance is the best choice.

 Ask for recommendation, collection.Popularity is up to everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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