Chapter 65 Yulia's Trap
Hisoka, who walked out of the arena, quietly returned to the room alone. When he opened the door, he suddenly saw a few pictures cut from newspapers on the carpet in his room.

Hisoka bent down, picked up the pictures one by one, picked them up and looked at them carefully, and found that all the pictures were of the same woman.

Some pictures show the woman parading in the car in a wedding dress, some are wearing a dress to participate in the celebration, and some are holding hands with foreign guests.

The woman's eyes are bright, her smile is bright, her manners are graceful, and her facial features are exquisite, but who is she?
After Hisoka looked at all the pictures, he turned them all over, and on the back of the largest picture was written:

Hisoka, you can forget about me and the others, but please remember what she looked like, our mother, who used to love us with all of her, unbiased, until she died for us.

Seeing this, Hisoka's mind was still blank, he didn't cry or laugh.

This kind of thing that he couldn't think of but couldn't refuse made him unable to find the appropriate emotion to respond to.

He looked up at the top, then lowered his head, silently picked up all the pictures, tore them up in his hands, and swallowed them one by one.

Two days later, Hisoka defeated two players one after another. There was no suspense in the duel process, showing a one-sided advantage from the beginning.

Jia Er, who came to watch the battle, just took a look at Hisoka's opponent's anger, knew the result in advance, and left before the official start.

Hisoka, who has won four consecutive victories, submitted another application for fighting, but two days have passed, and no one has responded to his challenge.

More than 200 challengers on the entire 100th floor stopped their application to continue the competition because of Hisoka, and everyone was watching.

Through these four duels, they understood the strength gap between themselves and Hisoka, and chose to wait for Hisoka to defeat other challengers.Or be defeated by other challengers instead of yourself.

In this way, Hisoka's challenge process was seriously slowed down, and the on-court duel with Jiaer became far away.

At this moment, a tall and slender man, wearing a long windbreaker, a neat suit, sunglasses, and a suitcase in leather gloves, was getting off the airship.

This person is the killer Yulia, who has already rushed to the Sky Arena, but he didn't do it right away, but locked himself in the hotel room, watching the video of Jiaer and Hisoka's match over and over again, and planned to study Jiaer first. You and Hisoka's ability to read, and then decide how to kill them.

After watching the video, he sighed and shook his head, thinking, is it because of their blood that these two guys have such powerful telekinetic abilities at such a young age?Ordinary psychics who have practiced for decades may not be their opponents.

Yulia discovered that Hisoka's card attack was of the strengthening type, and his real deadliest attack was of the transformation type, an attack that allowed the mind to paste freely, but he could not see the sending and receiving of Qi at all, which proved that he used There is a strong hiddenness, an existence that can only be detected but not clearly defined.

Jiaer's attack is a transformation type, which can send out a powerful stream of flames. Once it is hit, it can cause secondary damage. The players facing him are all burned by his flames and hide everywhere. It is very tricky, but fortunately, it can be clearly judged trend.

Yulia was thankful that the two guys hadn't kept moving together, otherwise she would have no chance of winning.

But one-on-one.As long as the tactics are designed well, the chances of success in each attack are still very high.

After a night of thinking, he went to start his own battle plan the next day.

Jiaer and Hisoka didn't know that danger was approaching them step by step.

The next morning, Jiaer woke up as usual, and was about to go out after everything was ready.

Suddenly found an envelope on the carpet near the door. The moment Carl saw the envelope, he felt that something was weird. Hisoka would not do such a thing.

Being able to pass by his door and put the envelope in without him noticing, this in itself already shows that the other party's cultivation has been achieved, and he is by no means an idle person.

He quickly opened the envelope, opened it, and a piece of paper wrote:
For the sake of your loved ones, the life and death of the Walter family, those who hold red roses in their hands, see you at the central square of the city at 12 o'clock this evening.

After reading the information on the paper, Jiaer thought of his grandparents. Their family is the strongest army in the Memphis Empire, the head of the three major families. Some people threatened to meet with them with their lives and deaths. It seems that the other party is a special assassin. people.

Jiaer didn't know if Hisoka had received the same envelope, but he knew that Hisoka was not the same Hisoka as before, and he no longer wanted to belong to anyone or have a relationship with anyone.

It's better to solve this kind of thing by yourself. If you don't go, the other party will definitely kill grandpa or grandma to prove his strength and continue to threaten.

Thinking from another side, as long as they can kill each other, grandpa and the others will be safe for a while, no matter what, they have to go for a meeting.

In fact, Hisoka did not receive the same envelopes, this was Yuria's plan to deal with them one by one.

Cal decided to meet Hisoka one more time before the action, to prepare for another noon.

He knocked on the door of Hisoka's room, walked in, and found Hisoka sitting on the floor near the French window.

Carefully placing the cards one by one into a pyramid, Cal walked up to him, but he didn't look up.

"If I don't come back tonight, you don't have to wait to fight me anymore."

"You have a new opponent?"

"I have a private matter to deal with."

Jia Er didn't explain much, and didn't stay too long, and left Hisoka's room in a hurry.

Not long after Jiaer walked out, Hisoka’s card pyramid was built. Hisoka flicked his finger lightly, and the pyramid collapsed instantly. He picked up a clown from the cards on the ground, looked at it and said:
"You will be back!"

Afterwards, Hisoka's room was also empty.

The day is coming to an end, night begins to fall, the streets of the city are full of people coming and going, the restaurants have steaming dishes on the table, and the high lights of the shop windows have been turned on.

Carl also ate alone in a restaurant, looking at the lively night scene outside, thinking that he was once like them, accompanied by his family.

Now, his family is broken and his family is ruined, and his only brother has lost his memory. He can only go on his own in the future.

This restaurant is very close to the central square, and Carl walked there after eating. When he first went, there were still a lot of people.

In the center of the square is a large circular fountain. Around the fountain, various street artists are performing, some are playing the violin, some are blowing the saxophone, and a clown is selling colorful balloons in the corner.

Cal sat on an empty chair, waiting for the man to appear, as the night wore on.

 Please recommend, popularity is still low.


(End of this chapter)

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