Chapter 66
At that time, in the bell tower at midnight, the bell rang, and most of the crowd in the central square had already dispersed. Only a few couples were still on the benches, and occasionally a drunkard wobbled by.

Jiaer looked at the street corner in the distance, a man in a windbreaker came slowly under the dim street lights, holding a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

Jiaer looked at the man, his figure was erratic, getting closer and closer like the wind.

"Who sent you?"

"No comment, just guess for yourself."

"It seems that you are sure to kill me, but I'm curious why you brought a bouquet of red roses to me."

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. I watched your duel video very exciting. Your face is cold and decisive. You have noble blood and angel facial features. If you were not Jiaer, I would pursue you, but unfortunately I only Can kill you, this rose is my love for you after death."

When Jiaer saw the man who was about to kill him say these words, he felt very awkward for a moment.

Although the other party's face and temperament can be regarded as one in a million, but for such a moment, such a confession, Jia Er felt very speechless.

"Thank you for your appreciation, but I'm not interested in men."

"Who says I'm a man? I'm just hiding myself for the convenience of my actions."

As she said that, Yulia took off the wig from her hair, her blond hair was draped over her shoulders, and the delicate eyebrows between the strands of hair instantly became feminine.

This scene really surprised Jia Er, but he hadn't forgotten that the other party was here to kill him.

"Okay, I have to admit that you are a beautiful woman, so I will leave you with a dead body."

"Hahaha, you are really confident, my prince, let me see if you can survive tonight with your skills."

Yulia threw the rose towards Carl in an instant, and at the same time, two whips were sticking out from the two sleeves.

With a slap, Yulia threw the whip at Jiaer at the same time, and Jiaer quickly moved back and dodged it.

But when the whip was thrown out, a lot of powder was spilled on it.

The space drawn by it is immediately filled with a fragrance of flowers, which makes people want to relax unconsciously.

In an instant, everyone around the fountain fell into a coma, only the clown in the corner was holding the last balloon and quietly watching their duel.

When Jiaer heard it, it was already too late, and his reaction and judgment were very clear about attacks of various strength, speed, and destructive power.

But now that the opponent used the poisonous powder hidden in this whip, he was caught off guard.

After Yulia swung the long whip four or five times in a row, the world in Jiaer's eyes was as comfortable as a spring full of flowers, making people feel more and more powerless.

This is not going to work, Jiaer simply grabbed the two whips when the opponent threw him again, and exerted force with both hands at the same time, releasing the ability of thinking - Chi Yanquan.

All of a sudden, the two whips turned into two fiery snakes in the dark night, and the flames roared towards Yulia along the whips.

After Yulia had prepared to throw the whip, she rushed straight up and kicked Jiaer with a high kick in the face.

Jiaer looked at the air as if three feet were kicking towards him, but he didn't react for a while, he crossed his hands to protect his chest, and was kicked more than ten meters away.

With a crash, he fell into the pool of the fountain. Just as Jiaer was about to stand up, he was punched in the head again and fell into the water.

Yulia grabbed Jiaer's neck with both hands and pressed it hard into the water of the fountain. Jiaer was forced to gulp down a lot of water.

Suddenly, Jiaer activated the rebounding air mass, and with a bang, Yulia was pushed out by more than five meters.

"Do you still have the ability to read?"

Yulia, who was so shocked that she slumped on the ground, patted the dust off her body and stood up.

After Jiaer jumped out of the water at this time, he gathered all his energy vigorously, volatilized the liquid in his body, and walked towards Yulia with his whole body burning.

"I forgot to tell you, I am a trait type."

Yulia looked at Jiaer's flame man state, and wondered if the effect of her flower poison hadn't worked.

"No, you've been poisoned by my flowers, you should be almost unable to walk."

"It's all thanks to your kick just now. I drank a lot of water, and then ran all the qi to dilute most of the inhaled flower poison with the evaporation of water. Although I can't maintain 100% fighting status, I killed it now. You are still perfectly fine."

"Don't underestimate women!"

"You are dead in my eyes now."

Yulia was stimulated by Jiaer's momentum, her eyes began to shine, and her whole body seemed to be hollowed out.

A whirlwind suddenly blew up in the quiet surroundings just now, the dust on the ground and the gravel of the road were flying all over the sky, the water of the fountain was also blown up, and the rows of benches and the unconscious people who fell on the ground were also blown away. God.

Jiaer grabbed the ground with both hands hard to avoid being blown up. After the strong wind passed, everything suspended fell to the ground suddenly.

The Yulia just now was gone, and a creature of unknown species appeared in front of Jiaer.

It is more than three meters high and more than 30 meters long. It has a snake-like head and body, but only one eye, a mouth full of fangs, and more than a dozen pairs of claws are constantly crawling.

"What the hell is this, are you still Yulia?"

Jiaer looked at the ugly monster in front of him, and it was hard to imagine that it was the same thing as the beautiful woman just now.

"This is my Nian Beast Macondo. You are the first person to see it. I usually hide it. It is your great honor to die in its hands."

At this time, Yulia stepped out from behind the monster, and it was interesting to see the change in Jiaer's expression.

"Nian Beast, there is such a thing, why don't I have it?"

"You have your blood inheritance, and I also have my blood inheritance. My family used their energy to raise these beasts a long time ago. It's boring to talk too much to a dying person. You should just accept it." Die! Go, Macondo, and tear this thing apart."

Following Yulia's command, Macondo swayed from side to side, opened his mouth wide and waved his sharp claws, and rushed towards Jiaer.

Jiaer exerted strength with his right hand, gathered Qi into a flame, soared high and emitted a dazzling light, and punched Macondo's chin with an uppercut.

Macondo yelled, his head was raised by Gao Gao, but at the same time its two paws quickly slashed towards Jiaer's body.

Jia Er dodged to the right, but the row of claws of the Nian Beast quickly grabbed him.

Jiaer had no choice but to back away again and again, and the ground was scratched out by the claws one after another.

Finally, Jiaer jumped onto the wall of the fountain, leaped high, and aimed at Macondo's eyes with a bigger flame in his right fist.

Yulia looked at Jiaer who fell from the sky, without the slightest worried expression on her face, as if that was exactly what she wanted.

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(End of this chapter)

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