Chapter 67 Devour
When Macondo was rushing towards Cal, Cal fell from the sky and punched it in the eye.

But unexpectedly, Nian Beast's eyes became huge like a black hole full of suction, sucking Jiaer in at once.

At the moment of being sucked in, Jiaer suddenly lost consciousness, and his soul fell into a bottomless abyss of darkness.

"Haha, my prince, you can digest it slowly in Macondo's stomach!"

Yulia looked at Jiaer who disappeared, and felt satisfied in her heart, she laughed.

But soon, she noticed a murderous aura appearing around her, she looked around vigilantly, and found a clown in the distance walking towards her.

Under the dim light, the clown had an expression of surprise on his face, and kept waving his arms towards Yulia a few times as he walked.

When Yulia saw it, she quickly jumped and dodged to the other side, only to see five or six cards flying across the night sky and flying past Yulia.

Crack, crack, crack, after a few sounds, the bronze statue in the fountain pool was deeply inserted by the cards.

"You have so many tricks, beauty!"

The clown has already walked in front of Yulia, watching her quietly, ready to attack.

"You are Hisoka, Carle's younger brother."

Yulia recognized the other party's attack style and that weird outfit.

"I'm not anyone's younger brother, I'm Hisoka, but Jiaer is mine, and the monster you summoned eats him like this, it's not enjoyable at all."

As Hisoka said, he had already drawn 5 more cards from each hand and held them between his fingers. He rushed towards Yulia.

"My purpose is to kill the other party, so that I won't be a weirdo like you, who likes to play with prey and loses interest before killing."

Yulia took off the windbreaker and threw it at Hisoka who was rushing straight, blocking the sight of the opponent's attack.

Hisoka quickly dealt out the cards, shua, shua, shua, a burst of random cutting, the windbreaker turned into a mess of rags and fell down.

Hisoka rushed over, only to find that Yulia had disappeared.

Only Macondo's huge Nian Beast was still wriggling on the spot, and did not attack Hisoka immediately.

Hisoka carefully observed the surroundings, but did not notice Yulia's aura.

I thought to myself that this woman's "concealment" is better than myself, and she really is a person who specializes in assassination, and she is very good at hiding and sneak attacking.

At this time, Yulia had already used her dodge technique to retreat to a far corner.

Her Nian Beast can only digest one Nian ability user at a time, and it takes 15 minutes to fully absorb the opponent's Qi.

During this period of time, the mind beast cannot launch an attack to inhale the next mind-capable user, and can only defend passively.

Yulia knew that he was definitely not Hisoka's opponent with weapons and physical skills alone, and it was useless to use flower poison on him now. He had been watching the battle in the dark just now, and this attack was no longer a secret.

I just hid like this, and when Nian Beast digested Jiaer and then ate Hisoka, I could call it a day.

After 10 minutes, Hisoka searched for a long time, but still couldn't find where Yulia was hiding. He realized that this might be the opponent's delaying tactic.

So he walked towards the huge Nian Beast and sent out ten cards. The cards were inserted into Nian Beast's body. Nian Beast twisted its body and bounced the cards out.

Hisoka saw that this guy couldn't play cards at all, and he had a premonition that if he waited like this, Cal would never be able to fight against him.

Hisoka ran towards Macondo with all his strength, stretched out his hands at the same time, opened his palms, gathered all the gas and turned it into "flexible love" and stuck it to Macondo's head, shouting:

"If you don't come out, I'll smash your pet to pieces."

Hisoka exerted all his strength, tightly clinging to Macondo with the greatest intensity of thoughts, straightened his hands, and began to turn on the spot.

With a whoosh, Hisoka shook Macondo's huge body violently, leaving the ground completely, crashing into street lamps, fountains, and finally thrown to distant buildings.

With a bang, the building was smashed by Macondo's huge body and collapsed.

But Yulia still didn't come out, she knew that such an attack would not kill Nian Beast at all, it would only consume Hisoka's Qi.

But what Yulia didn't expect was that Hisoka's madness was beyond her imagination. Hisoka threw Macondo out one after another, and then raised it high before throwing it out.

The entire central square has been smashed by Hisoka throwing Macondo, and soon Yulia has no place to hide.

Yulia had to be forced to fight, and fought with Hisoka in close combat. Her fists and feet hit Hisoka quickly, but they completely touched the opponent.

Under Shalt's training, Hisoka's sensitivity to speed has surpassed that of ordinary telekinetics, and Yulia's physical attack has no effect at all.

Instead, Hisoka got used to Yulia's speed after punching her a few times, and when she punched him, Hisoka had already dodged to the opponent's side.

A high-leg raised his knee to Yulia's abdomen, swished, and it was a heavy blow, and then he clasped his hands together and slammed her back hard.

There was no chance for Yulia to fight back. Hisoka pulled out the poker with both hands at the same time, like a pair of knives, and slashed at her randomly for a while, completely disfiguring her after a while.

Dying, she fell to the ground bleeding continuously, and Macondo in the distance also began to weaken, and suddenly screamed, Hisoka turned around and looked.

Macondo's back began to tear slowly, at first there was a faint light coming from the crack, and soon the light became brighter and brighter, and then with a "boom", Jiaer exploded from Macondo's back jumped out.

At this time, Macondo screamed and rushed towards Jiaer, but Jiaer was motionless while waving dozens of sharp claws and grabbed him at the same time.

Jiaer pressed his hands hard on the ground and roared, "Scarlet Flame Storm!"

Just when Macondo's sharp claws had already penetrated into Jiaer's body, sand and rocks flew around in an instant, and the high-temperature flames spread out from Jiaer's body with a rapid cyclone, devouring everything within a 100-meter radius.

As long as everything he touched was turned into ashes, Hisoka realized the danger, and quickly hid behind the broken building wall as quickly as possible.

He watched Yulia, who was lying on the ground, be wiped out from head to toe by the storm after being hit by the storm, and went away with the wind.

Macondo also turned into fly ash following Yulia's death, turning into little by little sparks, and finally drifted away and disappeared.

When the storm receded, Hisoka revealed half of his face from behind the wall, looking at Carl who was standing still.

With a slender figure, fluttering red hair, a pale face, and deep eyes full of murderous intent, he looked expressionlessly at the smoking burning objects on the ground.

This Jiaer, in Hisoka's view at this time, is not like a person at all, but like a demon from purgatory.

"Carl, you're a walking hell!"

As soon as Hisoka stepped forward to say these words, he saw the flames on Jiaer recede and fell towards him.

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(End of this chapter)

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