Chapter 68 Reunion
"Water, water..."

Hisoka, who helped Jiaer up, heard him repeating the same word, so he put Jiaer directly into the fountain pool, and just after putting it in, the water in the entire fountain pool began to bubble.

Jiaer gulped down a lot of water before recovering, and when he stood up, a burst of pain hit his body.

Jia Er opened up the broken clothes and saw that Macondo's sharp claws had cut many huge cuts on his body, and he was still bleeding.

Jiaer thought that the bleeding must be stopped, otherwise he would definitely lose too much blood and die. He dragged his seriously injured body out of the fountain, and slowly started to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Hisoka stopped Jia who was leaving him, he didn't want to lose such an opponent.

"I must hurry back to Meteor Street and find a girl to heal me, otherwise the wound caused by the beast will be treated too slowly by ordinary methods."

"In your state, if a second killer appears on the way back, you will become a deadly target."

"I can handle it myself. It seems that it will be a while before you want to compete with me."

"I'll take you back. I'll compare you with me when you recover."

The reason why Hisoka said this was because he was here and no one was fighting him, and it would be boring.

The second is to follow Jiaer to see Meteor Street, Hisoka has long heard that there are many strong people there.

People with all kinds of evil thoughts, extreme felons who escaped, as well as underworld forces, thieves groups, etc., just happened to meet this time in the past.

Seeing that Hisoka had made up his mind, Jiaer didn't say much, and let him walk back together with his support.

Walking, passing by the entrance of a cemetery, Hisoka stopped, and Jiaer also realized something.

"You wait here, I have an acquaintance to say hello."

Carl looked at the cemetery, and found a figure holding a lamp inside, and several other people were digging the soil non-stop.

Hisoka jumped up and walked towards the man carrying the lantern, and only when he got closer did he make sure that his eyes were right.

A psychic who was killed by Hisoka in the sky arena before was alive again, and was still digging the soil there.

"Balu, are you still alive?"

Hisoka stepped forward to say hello, not paying attention to the person carrying the lantern.

To Hisoka's surprise, the guy who came back from the dead continued to dig the soil as if he hadn't heard him speak.

"Did you kill him?"

The man who carried the lantern spoke to Hisoka first, and he felt the powerful murderous aura on Hisoka.

"Yeah, but it's funny how I didn't know he was unkillable! Who are you?"

"My name is Mianying. He has been killed by you. Now he is my puppet. Without my order, he will not have any communication with you."

The shadow of the face found that Hisoka's eyes are very characteristic, the slender and long eye shape reveals changing emotions, and his eyes are always looking away.

"It's a puppet, your ability to read is very special, but it's rubbish for you to find such a thing as a puppet!"

After Hisoka heard the explanation from the shadow, he was very surprised, he couldn't tell that the other party was actually a puppet.

"I came to the Sky Arena to look for experimental products. There are people with the ability to die here every day. I have to dig out the corpses while they are fresh."

Muan Ying really wanted to include Hisoka in his collection, but now he could clearly feel the powerful aura from Hisoka as soon as he came over.

The sense of oppression let Muanying know that his puppet and his strength are not Hisoka's opponent, so he didn't dare to do it.

"So it turns out that the really powerful telekinetics in the Sky Arena are all on the top floor. If you rely on these losers to do experiments, you won't be much better. Why don't you go to Meteor Street to find out that there should be a lot of telekinetics there. Great people die."

"Meteor Street is indeed a good choice, but how can I quickly find out which powerful person will die?"

"Did you see the man outside the cemetery? He is from Meteor Street, the current layer master of the Sky Arena, and he will die on Meteor Street soon."

Mianying turned his head with Hisoka, saw Jiaer outside the cemetery, and suddenly remembered, this is the boy who gave him a ride.

"He is indeed very powerful, but how can you be so sure that he will die on Meteor Street?"

"He's going back to Meteor Street to heal his injuries. I'll go with him. After he recovers, I'll fight him and kill him."

"So that's the case, your strength does have this possibility."

"When the time comes, you use this guy's puppet to kill some stronger telepaths, and then let them fight me, how about it?"

"Okay, then I'll go to Meteor Street with you, and when you kill him, I'll make it into my doll right away."

For Jiaer to be killed, the face shadow is exactly what he wished for. With such a doll, he can kill a few more powerful telekinetics to form a doll killer group and expand his collection.

One dared to kill and the other dared to do it. The two weirdos just hit it off and walked out of the cemetery.

Jiaer watched Hisoka come out with a face, and said with a look of surprise and vigilance:
"Hisoka, what are you doing with these guys? There's something wrong with this long-haired puppeteer. We'd better go by ourselves."

"Don't worry, he went to Meteor Street to make a puppet. I think it's very interesting. And with me, if he dares to mess around, I will kill him before he makes a move."

Hisoka spoke confidently and helped Jiaer up again, and continued on his way.

The shadow followed behind, took his dolls, and set off on the road with Hisoka and the others.

They crossed the ocean in an airship, took a ride for a while, and finally arrived at Meteor Street around noon.

Hisoka and Muanying, who came to Meteor Street for the first time, saw a mountain of garbage and civilians who were busy picking up garbage.

Walking into the street surrounded by dilapidated buildings on both sides, there are people setting up stalls at intervals, breathing in the various sour smells that permeate the air.

"It looks like a grave here, Carle, it seems that you have died once."

This is Hisoka's first feeling along the way. Looking at the eyes that met him, he felt the persistence in their hearts, which was extremely firm, unshakable, and inviolable.

"There is also another side here, and you will know in a while."

Finally, they came to a half-weathered house and stopped.

Jiaer walked slowly to the door, knocked on the door and said:
"Maggie open the door, it's me, Carle."

The door opened with a creak, and as soon as Hisoka and the others entered the room, the door shut with a snap.

Jiaer found that when there were more people, the space in this house seemed a lot more crowded. Although it was small, it felt so familiar.

Jia Er motioned Hisoka and the others to sit on the sofa, and went to the back room by himself.

 Please recommend, please recommend\( ̄︶ ̄)/


(End of this chapter)

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