Chapter 69 Acquaintance
"Wo Jin and the others said that you went to find your younger brother. I thought you didn't want to redeem the gold watch? Why are you back?"

Maggie was preparing lunch and knew it was Carle, but she didn't look up.

"It's a ransom and a treatment fee."

Carl took out the check and handed it to Maggie, Maggie flicked the water off her hand and took it, then glanced at Carle.

"It's a lottery again. If you don't die like this, you are really lucky!"

Looking at the wounds on Jiaer's body, Maggie thought that there was work to do again.

"I've been walking for so long, but you still haven't changed. You eat potatoes again."

"Grandma Luosha brought it here. If you don't eat it, it will be wasted."

After a while, Muanying, Jiaer, Hisoka, and Maggie sat around the small room with a potato in their hands, breathing steam from their mouths while eating.

"Maggie's medical skills are very powerful, and he healed all my injuries."

Carl looked at the crowd and said with admiration.

"Well, how powerful is it?"

Hisoka looked at Maggie who was sitting opposite. She was dressed casually, petite and exquisite, with delicate features and long fluffy hair.

But it's like a needle is placed in the eyes, anyone who looks at it will feel that the eyes can stab you at any time.

"You'll know when you see the changes in my wound."

"It's expensive, and I'm charging for it."

Maggie responded unceremoniously, and when she said this, her eyes looked at the ground.

"I might be your client after that."

Face Shadow also looked at Maggie and agreed. He felt that it was not in vain. Even if he didn't collect a strong person like Jiaer, it would be good to meet someone with this special ability.

After eating the potatoes, Jiaer lay on the bed and began to let Maggie use Niansi to stitch up his wound continuously, so fast that Hisoka and Muanying couldn't tell how many times she had put on the needle.

One minute later, there were no open wounds on Jiaer's body. After getting out of bed, everything recovered quickly.

"It's really an amazing technology. I will definitely hire you to treat me when I'm injured."

Hisoka stared straight at Maggie and spoke sincerely.

Face Shadow was also conquered by Maggie's medical skills. He thought that with such a doll, he would not need to seek a doctor if he was injured in the future.

"Thank you, my principle is to pay in advance."

"No problem, your medical skills are trustworthy, and your technique is so superb, I want to see it again now that the injury is being treated by you."

Hisoka was already thinking that he might look for Maggie more often in the future.

"you flatter me."

Maggie didn't want to say a word, she picked up her tools and went out after finishing her work.

Muanying and Hisoka watched her go out in puzzlement, and they asked Jiaer together:
"What is she going to do?"

"Pick up trash."

"Picking up trash? She just charged you so much money, why are you still picking up trash?"

Hisoka didn't speak, and his face couldn't figure out why Maggie behaved like this.

"Get used to it. This is their life from childhood to adulthood. Time always needs something to fill."

Carl understood it this way, because he also lived like this for a while.

"Are there many such strong telekinetics in Meteor Street?"

Hisoka was not interested in these, he asked the question he most wanted to ask.

"There are many, Maggie and several others, who grew up here together. They have a boss named Ku Luoluo. I heard them say that he is the strongest and most intelligent, but he has always been mysterious, and I have never seen him in person."

"Kurolo, I wonder if you will have a chance to see him this time when you come back?"

"Some time ago, everyone was recalled by him. There should be a major event notice. When will it show up next time, you can ask a few people."

Jiaer knew that Hisoka's curiosity was at work again, and now he also wanted to know whether Kuroro was as powerful as Wojin and the others said.

So Jiaer took Hisoka and his party to Wojin's residence, the dilapidated factory that impressed him deeply.

Seeing that the gate was sealed by a huge cement slab, the three of them bounced together on the spot, and as soon as they landed, they saw countless pairs of eyes looking at the three of them not far away.

A group of people came out, and one of the big men raised his hands, and suddenly all ten fingers were broken, da, da, da...

Dozens of mind bullets were fired over, and Hisoka and Muanying quickly jumped to the sides to dodge.

Only Jia Er stood in place, letting Nian eject, and did not dodge.

Wo Jin jumped out from behind the crowd, pressed Franklin's hands with his hands and shouted:
"My own people, stop the fire! Franklin."

"Everyone, get out of the way, read the ejection!"

At this time, a blond boy in the crowd saw Jiaer's rebounding air mass sending the bullets flying in all directions.

Phew!Phew!Phew!The bouncing bullets hit everywhere, walls were pierced and holes were punched out of steel.

Everyone hid, and did not show up again until the readout was over.

"Jar, with your broken ability, you can easily kill your companions."

"I didn't see you guys at first, but I found out that they were all strangers, so I started it. When you came out, I couldn't stop it."

Wojin didn't dodge, he just crossed his hands to protect his eyes, he was very happy to see Jiaer coming back, he walked to him quickly, and introduced the people in front of him.

"Haha, I misunderstood, everyone, this is my friend Jiaer, who are these two?"

Wo Jin looked at Hisoka and his face and felt strange, looked at Jiaer and asked.

"This is my younger brother Hisoka. This is the man I met halfway called Mianying, who is a puppeteer."

"This is your brother, it looks weird."

Wo Jin looked at Hisoka for a while, and without thinking too much, he expressed his opinion straightforwardly.

Then he brought Jia Er to the crowd and introduced them one by one:
"The guy who fired the bomb just now is called Franklin, the most powerful of us. This guy is called Xia Ke, and he is as smart as you. This is his companion Finx, with powerful fists. This is Kube, who is good at copy stuff."

When Jiaer saw Wojin introduce Kubi, Jiaer's anger suddenly came up.

He recognized right away that it was this guy who caused him and Wo Jin to be punished, which caused a lot of trouble later, and he dared to come.

Just as Jia Er was about to make a move, Wo Jin stopped him.

"Jar, don't be impulsive, he is our companion now, I know you are very angry, and I was very angry when I saw him, but the boss has explained, let him go."

"He's your boss, not mine. I'm going to kill him. It's the first time I've been played so badly."

Jiaer can't forget the bad things in Youkexin. When he found out that his things were stolen by Kubi, he vowed to find Kubi and kill him. His choice is revenge.

When everyone saw that Jiaer was going to kill Kube out of control, a person walked out from the depths of the factory building. The sound of steady footsteps attracted everyone's attention, and he said to Jiaer from a distance:

"If you want to kill him, you won't be able to avenge yourself, Prince Jiaer."

 I'm too busy today, so it's a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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