Chapter 70 Trading
When Jiaer heard someone addressing him like that, he followed everyone's gaze.

Walking in front of everyone was a young man in a black coat, with his hands in the coat pockets, blue earrings, and his hair combed back and tied up.

His eyes shone sharply like eagles, his fair and handsome face, and the inverse cross tattooed on his forehead were particularly eye-catching.

"You are Kurolo? Their boss."

Jiaer looked at the other person's temperament, hiding something different from others, with a hint of domineering.

"It's me. Among these people, knights, funks, and Kubi are all brought back to join us recently. I know that they have all had intersections with you. I have also observed you for a long time, and I know that you have revenge , I can help you. But I have a condition, if you want to understand, we two go inside and talk. If you don’t want to, then start a war with us now, but you may not be able to walk out of Meteor Street today! Think hard think."

In front of everyone, Kuroro simply offered Jiaer his own suggestion.

He wants to use Jiaer, and he also knows that Jiaer also wants to use himself, and now is the time for everyone to be honest.

"You're right, I can consider your suggestion, let's go in and talk."

Jiaer looked at Kuroro, who was younger than him, and felt a little admiration in his heart. He really deserves to be the person who can lead these weird guys, who knows how to use everyone and arrange everything.

Although Jiaer didn't express his anger on Kube, but the big revenge has not been avenged, and the safety of the grandfather's family is still uncertain, so his own anger is insignificant compared to this.

Carle followed Kuroro one after the other, walked into the depths of the factory, and stopped at a corner where light came in from a hole in the ceiling.

Other people at the gate of the factory continued to eat barbecue together, and Wo Jin greeted everyone. He and Franklin fought hard for wine.

Muanying and Hisoka did not join them, but chose to stand on the other side, watching these guys eating from a distance.

"These guys are all mentally capable, and some of them are quite strong."

Looking at these guys on Meteor Street, Mianying thought that he must figure out their ability to read, and make the same dolls himself. In that case, it would be much easier to collect other people with ability to read.

"I'm not interested in any of them, but their boss looks interesting, so I can find a chance to try my skills."

Hisoka used his intuition to find the prey he wanted the most, but now that these guys were here, it would not be a problem for him to fight alone, but once the group attacked, he would have no chance of winning.

So he told himself that he needs to wait for an opportunity, approach him slowly, get to know him, and then pick a time to have a good duel.

In a corner deep in the factory, Jiaer and Kuroro talked directly about each other's conditions.

"I am a thief, and all my actions are to get what I want. I have learned that your enemy is Prince Karl of the Membius Empire. If you want to seek revenge from him, you need people like us to help you. What we want are two points: 1. After the matter is completed, half of the jewels and collections in your palace will belong to us. 2. You must join us as a companion and not an enemy of us."

"I'm not the king. I can't decide these properties. Since you are a thief, you can steal it yourself."

"Since you and I have said this, don't beat around the bush. The one who can keep them is the king. Of course we can steal, but I know your ability. If you don't join us, you, as a royal nobleman, stop us, All of us can defeat you together, but that would cost too much. That's why I put forward the above two conditions to help you avenge."

"How do you know that I won't use you first, and then kill you after it's done."

"I have considered this a long time ago. First of all, I have learned about your behavior from Maggie and Wojin. Although you are cruel, you also have your own principles. Secondly, if you really want to do this, you know it yourself You alone don't have the strength to kill us all at once. You still have relatives, they are all your weaknesses, you have lost too much, right?"

Kuroro has already made the price and gain of this transaction very clear. He knows that Jiaer is a smart person. This kind of analysis may irritate him, but it also convinces him the most.

"Although what you said is very reasonable, don't think that you know me very well. I can agree to join you, but I have the right to keep my freedom of action. You can never control me from now on. I am also a person who must revenge. I hope you can make it clear."

Jiaer was a little upset when he heard Kuroro's threatening hint, but he felt that the deal could be done.

"I know threats are useless to you, it's just a reminder. You are welcome to join, and I respect your choice and your principles."

Kuroro is very satisfied with the completion of this deal. He knows that even though Cal will not obey him, once Cal becomes a companion, sometimes it is impossible for Cal not to act.

"Thank you for your respect and reminder, so what is your plan?"

Judging from the conditions Kurolo forced himself to join step by step and agreed to put forward, as well as the fact that he has attracted so many people with nostalgia ability, Jiaer knows that this guy should have planned for the treasure of the Mobius Empire for a long time.

"Lucky, you are not my enemy. I think if you were not born as a prince, but on Meteor Street, the first person I want to kill will definitely be you. You are too sharp, and I will tell you my plan later .Now let’s have something to eat with everyone. By the way, let me see your younger brother and that guy named Mianying.

Although Kuroro only glanced at Hisoka and the face, the two looked at him and Wojin with deep desire, and could feel that they were definitely not just people.

"Mianying is a puppeteer. He is weird. My younger brother is a battle freak. He only likes constant and challenging killings. If you let him join, maybe one day he will kill you all. Although he is my younger brother , but he is such a person, the person he wants to defeat and kill most now is me, do you believe it?"

Jiaer spoke his mind without reservation, and he felt that Kuroro, as the boss, should be aware of this.Jiaer didn't want Maggie and Wojin to be killed by Hisoka, but the others didn't care.

"Thank you for your advice. To live with lions, you need to prepare a shotgun, and I have more than one."

Kuroro and Jiaer walked out of the corner while chatting, and after walking towards Wojin and the others, Kuroro turned to Hisoka and Face Shadow alone.

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(End of this chapter)

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