Chapter 75 Jiaer VS Feitan
Jiaer turned around violently, and instantly launched a rebounding air mass. With a "bang", Feitan and his umbrella knife were bounced into a garbage dump tens of meters away, accompanied by a violent airflow.

After a fluttering sound, the garbage on the high place was hit and rolled down one after another, burying Feitan who fell on the low place.

With a sound of "pa", Feitan jumped out of the garbage dump, and fell to the ground together with the sundries that were thrown away by him.

"You have quite a lot of tricks. Is there any more powerful ones? Just use them."

Fei Tan vigorously brushed off the rubbish on his body, and walked towards Jia Er, provoking him viciously.

"It's just a piece of garbage, it doesn't take too many tricks."

Jiaer obviously felt the heavy blow just now, which made the other party completely angry, and the energy in his body continued to increase.

"I wanted to give you a comfortable death, but it seems that you are more eager for pain. Remember this blow, dead man."

"Shellev, run as far as you can now!"

Just when Feitan said these words, his body had already started to change into a set of armor, and he informed Jiaer of the coming of death in a sentence tone, and also loudly warned the peeling ranks who were waiting for him to win. husband.

Jia Er saw the tall man in the distance exhausted all his strength, swished through layers of garbage mountains, and disappeared from his sight.

Is it possible that this guy wants to attack with the same mind ability that can cause indiscriminate damage like me?

Jiaer watched Feitan's head start to emit a blinding light, and believed that there was a sun growing and rising from behind him.

"It seems that you are really in a hurry, and I have no choice but to accompany you with all my strength, Scarlet Flame Storm."

Jiaer, who was activating his telekinetic ability, watched Feitan continuously gather his Qi from the fireball on his head.

"Enjoy the burning of the sun, fellow in flames."

Feitan roared angrily, and threw his ultimate kill at Jiaer. The super-hot fireball emitted thousands of white lights, illuminating the sky of Meteor Street and waking up the people who were still sleeping in the night.

The guys who were still wandering the streets saw it too, and the sky over the junkyard lit up like a sunrise.

The elder also walked slowly from the bedroom to the balcony. Seeing the white light in the distance, he knew that Kuroro's people were making trouble again.

Seeing the room brighten up, Kuroro also felt something was wrong, got up in a hurry, and ran towards the white light.

The people resting in the factory were also affected by the strange changes, and everyone rushed there.

"It's Feitan who's back! It's definitely him."

Wojin yelled at the other people in the same group in surprise, he was very excited.

"I also think it's him, but who forced him to use this nirvana? It's terrible."

Nobunaga also thought it was Feitan, but he was thinking that that guy had become an unlucky ghost.

"I think he is fighting Jia Er, only he is not in our group, and only he has the strength to force out Feitan's ultimate move."

Maggie woke up from home and joined Wojin and the others, and her intuition told her that Jiaer was in danger this time.

When everyone came to the high garbage mountain, the white light had disappeared and the scorching temperature had dissipated.

Looking at the lower place, a man covered in rage was riding on Feitan's body, and his fists, like raindrops, kept hitting Feitan's face.

"Come and help me kill this lunatic, Wojin, Nobunaga help me!"

Standing on it, they could clearly hear Feitan, who had been protecting himself with both hands, desperately calling for help.

"We can't kill him now, he has joined us, if you don't believe me, ask the boss."

Wo Jin responded loudly to Fei Tan, and it was the first time that everyone saw Fei Tan being attacked in such a panic, but had no chance to fight back.

Everyone watched in amazement, but they didn't dare to stop immediately. With Jiaer's current state, whoever steps forward will be burned.

"Jar, Feitan, stop, you are all your own, don't kill each other."

Kuroro issued an order to the two people who were fighting, but they didn't stop immediately because they were already anxious.

"Maggie, use your Niansi to pull Jiaer away."

After Maggie heard Kuroro's order, she immediately entangled Jiaer's body with countless thoughts, and pulled her back vigorously, but Jiaer was still roaring and punching continuously, and her body was not affected at all.

"My strength is not enough, everyone help me pull together."

Although Maggie has mobilized all the qi in her body, it feels like an ant can't shake an elephant, and it has no effect.

Seeing this, the others hugged up together, and Paconoda was the first to rush up and hugged Maggie's waist, followed by Nobunaga hugging Pike's waist.

The three of them pulled back vigorously, but there was still no effect, so Xia Ke, Funks, and Frank also joined in, and Jiaer's body began to tilt a little.

"Is it so scary when his anger explodes? We already have so many people pulling him, and it's still so hard!"

Franklin felt that he had exerted a lot of strength, and it was the first time he encountered such a strong Qi.

In the end, after Wojin joined, he reluctantly let Jiaer leave Feitan, but he was still in a state of berserk, struggling to break away from Maqi Niansi.

After Feitan got up from the ground, he walked up to Kuroro and asked suspiciously:
"Boss, you let a lunatic like him join us, he will kill us all."

"No, I will make him sober. He has already made a deal with me. With his joining, we can act more conveniently."

Kuroro didn't want to explain further about Feitan's suspicion, but walked up to the furious Jiaer.

"Jal, the person you should kill the most is Karl, we are your companions, please remember, we are here to help you!"

Kuroro put his hands on Jiaer's shoulders that were still steaming, and shook Jiaer's body vigorously.

After shaking violently for a while, Jiaer watched Kuroro's eyes regain his composure, and Kuroro silently took back the "sun and moon" aura that was imprinted on his body just now.

For a ferocious beast like Jiaer, it was either tame or kill.

Kuroro must do it in front of everyone, he has absolute initiative in the development of everything.

"He said he was here to kill me, so I was moved to kill me. His unique move just now completely made me lose control. The high temperature made me go crazy."

Cal, who regained consciousness, explained to everyone who was holding him, and then signaled that they can let go.

"Okay, I forgot to introduce. This companion is Fei Tan. He grew up with us. He went out to study with a master for many years, followed his master to seek refuge with Karl, and just got a lot of first-hand information. This time it was with the peeling column My husband was ordered to kill you, but now we are a group, you don’t have to worry about them killing you, we can take this opportunity to let them capture you back alive, and deceive the bastard Carl.”

Kuroro also revealed part of his plan to Carl, who was also surprised when he heard it, but thought it was a good idea, and he didn't have to worry about not being able to find Carl's real whereabouts.

"That's great, what shall we do next?"

"Everyone is too tired today, especially Carl, go back and have a good rest. Gather at the old church tomorrow morning. I have important news for everyone."

Instead of directly telling Gall all about his plans, Kuroro dismisses everyone.

What does Kurolo have to say tomorrow?What a showy guy, Carle fell asleep exhausted with such doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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