Chapter 76
The next morning, the weather was good, the sun was warm, but there was still a cold wind conveying the presence of winter in all directions.

Located in the inner area of ​​Meteor Street, there is an ancient church. The pointed roof outside the church is decorated with huge crosses, interlaced and towering, giving a feeling of pointing directly at the sky.

The church was dilapidated. Under the high dome inside, the rows of seats were empty, and the thick pillars on both sides were covered with deep cracks.

Withered vines covered every corner of the place, sunlight shone through the broken gaps, and a few pigeons landed on the seats.

One landed in front of Jiaer, and Jiaer lowered his eyes slightly, watching it wagging its head and walking back and forth.

At this time, Kuroro was standing on the high platform, facing the 12 people gathered here, and everyone stood below the stage and looked up at Kuroro.

"I called everyone here today because I wanted to announce something to everyone. I have always wanted to form a bandit organization to steal the world's wealth and peerless treasures."

Kuroro looked into the eyes of everyone in the audience with a smile, full of excitement and expectation.

"The people present are all those with strong mind ability. As long as we act together, we can run amok. I named our organization 'Phantom Troupe', which symbolizes that we can come and go freely like phantoms."

"'Phantom Troupe', well, we will have our own name in the future!"

After hearing this, Wo Jin stretched out his right fist excitedly and kept hitting his left palm, and laughed and looked at the people around him.

"Not only do we have our own name, but we also need our unique logo. Each of us has to get a dark spider tattoo on our body and write our own number. I choose 0 as the start, and the rest of the numbers follow in order. , you choose at will, it’s just a code name with no other meaning.”

Kuroro asked Maggie to give everyone the same spider tattoo pattern, and asked everyone to tattoo according to this pattern.

After getting the pattern, everyone started to choose their own numbers, and then discussed with each other for a while, and finally confirmed that everyone's numbers are arranged as follows:
Krollo 0,
Nobunaga 1,
Feitan 2,
Maggie 3,
Face Shadow 4,
Finx 5,
Knight 6,
Franklin 7,
Carl 8,
Park Norda 9,
Flaking Lev 10,
Wojin No. 11,
Kube No. 12.

"Next, I will divide different divisions of labor according to the abilities of each of you. Knight and Pak Noda, you two are more calm and cautious. You are good at analysis and can be responsible for staff and intelligence collection and processing. Finks, Nobunaga, Wojin, Franklin, you three have strong attack power and are mainly responsible for combat work. Maggie is good at medical skills and can be responsible for treating the wounded. Carl is more sensitive and has the strongest combat effectiveness. He is good at discovering and thinking and can be in charge of staff and fighting. Face, Kube, one of you can copy dolls, and the other can copy everything. You can interfere with the enemy, hide our foothold, and deal with stolen property. Feitan, your torture method is very powerful, and your attack power is also very strong. You can use Come to take charge of the interrogation and mopping-up work. Pealing Lev, your ability is very mysterious and emits the least aura, it is not easy to be detected, and you can take on the job of guarding with a calm personality."

"Boss, what if we disagree on something? It will definitely happen. Have you thought about how to solve it quickly?"

After listening to Kuroro's division of labor, the knight asked what he was most worried about.

"When this happens, let's flip a coin to decide! This is the most fair, and no one will complain. And as companions in a group, you can't kill each other during the mission, unless it is betrayal or leaving the group. In addition Our fixed number of members is stable at 13. If there are new members who want to replace the original members, they can solve it through a one-on-one duel, and the winner will take over. When the original members die and there are vacancies, everyone can introduce them at any time Newcomers join, but the referrer must guarantee the ability and loyalty of the newcomers with their lives."

Kuroro continued to add some rules of the brigade, so that everyone can clearly understand their position and restrictions in the group.

"Boss has already thought about it very well, and I have no problem."

The knight was very satisfied with Kuroro's arrangement, and the others silently reached a consensus after hearing it.

"Then where are we going to get the first vote? I haven't gone out to kill people for a long time."

Wo Jin didn't have any idea about the previous things, so he endured it for a long time, and now he finally asked the question he was most concerned about, which was actually the most concerned question of other people.

"Wojin, you have to remember that I am the top thief and not a murderer. Without my order, everyone should not kill at will during operations, understand?"


Everyone responded in unison, among these people only Wo Jin was the most hostile.

The reason why Kuroro warned everyone like this is because he doesn't want the "Phantom Troupe" to become a criminal gang that only kills and steals money. He wants to be the most stylish and powerful thief group in the world.

"Our first vote started from Jiaer's hometown. In order to fight against the major armies and unify the country, Prince Karl secretly collected a lot of gold and silver treasures in the palace secret room to recruit soldiers. We only need to kill Prince Karl, Jiaer Er promised to return half of the property in the secret room to us, and we will give half of these properties to the Presbyterian Church on Meteor Street. I think everyone can understand that we are rooted in Meteor Street and need a base to store our property and hide from the outside world. Hunt down."

"Understood, what is your specific plan, boss?"

Nobunaga wanted to know the specific arrangement of Kuroro, and he knew that everyone was thinking about this question, so he asked first.

"I have already asked Feitan to inquire about the current situation of the Mobius Empire. There are four forces in the melee. Prince Dolan's Frontier Legion, Walter's Family Legion, Prince Karl's Guards Legion, and those who support Prince Jayne Two mercenary legions."

"Prince Jayne was killed by the killer sent by Karl not long ago. The mercenary legion is now in a wait-and-see state, so you don't have to worry about their threat. Karl has now sent troops to attack the Walter family and the Dolan army in two ways. Those who have the ability to read under him will participate."

"I heard Franklin say that he served under Dolan before. This person is very capable, but he lacks some helpers to fight against the mind-powered people under Karl. I will send Finx, Knight, and Franklin. The three of you go to help him, Take this opportunity to get rid of some of Karl's mind-power users."

Knight, Finks, and Franklin gladly accepted the order, and they also wanted to see what the prince was capable of.

Kuroro was about to continue his deployment, but was suddenly interrupted by Jiaer, who suddenly said something that surprised Kuroro.

 Please recommend, please recommend, please recommend! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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