Chapter 78 Dolan's Plan

"Your Highness, I brought two companions to assist your army in battle. They are knights and finks, both of whom can defeat a hundred with one."

Franklin saw Prince Carl who was about to set off, got out of the car and introduced his companions to him.

"You guys came at the right time. There were soldiers with super special abilities on the other side. Our people suffered heavy casualties. We had to rely on Rooney's transformed armored vehicle to lead the armored troops to regain the lost positions time and time again. The opponent's attack breaks."

Dolan thought of the battles in the past few days that gave him a headache. The opponent's supernatural beings were not afraid of the attacks of conventional heavy weapons at all.

In addition to nuclear bombs, long-range cannons, grenade runners, bazookas, missiles and other heavy weapons have been used, but these guys still haven't been hurt.

"I understand your distress. We are here to deal with them. You bring Rooney back, and we will plan how to wipe them out in one fell swoop."

Franklin knew that he was gone, and Rooney was definitely the main force in the army, thinking that his invention would finally play a role in actual combat.

"That's great, I'll call him back right away."

Dolan immediately issued an order to call the correspondent to contact Rooney to withdraw from the battlefield.

After a while, Rooney returned to the battalion in his transforming armored vehicle, and was very happy to see Franklin back in the command room.

"After you left, no one will drink with me anymore."

"I knew that there is no one in the battalion who is your opponent except my battalion. Let me introduce you, these are the knights and Finks I brought along."

"Hi, everyone, to be Franklin's companions, they must all be masters."

Rooney looked at Xia Ke and Finks, Xia Ke smiled slightly at Rooney, and Finks sat on the chair expressionlessly, without even looking at Rooney.

"Franklin brought them this time to help us fight. Rooney, please tell them about the enemies you encountered on the battlefield. You have confronted them head-on every time, and you know their capabilities best."

Prince Dolan saw that everyone was here, he didn't want to waste time, he had to make arrangements quickly to bring back the lost battle.

"Okay, Your Highness. If I hadn't been driving the transforming armored chariot, I'm afraid you wouldn't have seen me today. The three of them are too strong. When our infantry attacked, they had already turned on all fire suppression, but they still acted like He rushed into our camp like lightning and began to kill quickly. The leader is called Varun. He has a flying knife that can be commanded by him to attack the target at will. Among the other three, a man can change his shape to avoid bullets. , a woman will send out poisonous needles from her hair, as long as she is stabbed to death on the spot."

"Flying knives, deformation, and poisonous needles are really difficult to deal with. We must find out the opponent's weaknesses and defeat them one by one."

After listening to Rooney's narration, the knight felt that besides the throwing knife, the opponent's telekinetic abilities were hard to guard against.

"I've been watching their battles on the battlefield from a fighter plane for a long time. I have some ideas, but I haven't been able to find a fighter who can implement them. You can listen to them when you come. Is it feasible?"

Karl was thinking of ways to deal with these three people every day, and now that he had a helper of considerable strength, he could finally speak out his thoughts.

"For throwing knives, we can install super-strong magnets on Rooney's armor. Once the opponent uses them, we can open the magnets to attract the flying knives. He can't attack from a long distance. Shapeshifters can dodge regular attacks. We can use a trap to lure him inside and trap him, and then use high explosives to blow him up and kill him. In the case of poisonous needles, we sent a fully armed and armored force, but the opponent's poisonous needles will find the softest part at close range To stab her in, we need a weapon that can be remotely controlled to attack to kill her. Rooney's armored vehicle attack speed is too slow, although the poisonous needle can't shoot in, but the artillery and tentacles on the vehicle can't hit the opponent either."

After hearing this, the knight felt that Prince Dolan had a good idea and was very talented in tactics. No wonder Jiaer would agree to make him king. He really is a capable man.

"Your Highness, your idea is very good. We can sneak attack them according to this idea. Our ability can complete your plan."

Next, Dolan and the knight made arrangements together. After everything was ready, they set off to the enemy's barracks for a sneak attack after dark.

The days in winter were already short, and Finks and Franklin took a good rest at the camp. After a while, the sun sank below the horizon.

Night fell quickly, and Warren and the others occupied the positions they had seized during the day, and sent people to start building fortifications to prepare for the enemy's counterattack tomorrow.

After several days of fighting, Valen and his team fought very boringly. They thought they would just finish the assassination mission, but they didn't expect to come to the front line to participate in the battle.

Varun, who had no experience in combat, led the others and fought with his intuition. After finally capturing a position, it didn't take long for the opponent to have an octopus-like armored vehicle coming to attack.

Dealing with ordinary weapons and soldiers, they are like playing, but this iron guy is very difficult to deal with, the armor is too thick, throwing knives and poisonous needles are useless, and shapeshifters can't get in, so they can only avoid tentacles. Their ordinary soldiers were crushed mercilessly.

When the opponent ran out of fuel to retreat, they led people to fight over again. They fought back and forth several times, but there was no victory or defeat.

Sitting in the marching tent, the three began to discuss how to take down the armored vehicle tomorrow.

"Tomorrow I will bring more high explosives and climb up to see if I can blow it up."

"I'll follow you. If you explode, I'll shoot a poisonous needle into it and let the guys inside die quickly."

"Well, that's all I have. I'm responsible for covering you. If we can't kill it tomorrow, we will have to ask the headquarters for support. The leader of the other party is too cunning, and they have set up minefields around their camp. Otherwise, a few of us Just sneak attack and kill the leader and it’s over, and it won’t be such a troublesome thing, it’s really too complicated to consider in war.”

After the three people made an agreement, they each returned to their barracks and prepared to rest. After fighting for a day, their nerves were tense during the day. When they hit the bed, they fell asleep in a relaxed manner.

Just when Warren and the others were about to fall asleep, Franklin and the others took advantage of the cover of night to silently kill several guards and entered their camp.

The three of them split up and started looking for the barracks of the three psychics. Everything was proceeding according to Dolan's plan.

(End of this chapter)

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