Chapter 79
"Xiaker, have you found your target?"

"I found it. How about you, Finx?"

"I found it too, Franklin and the others are ready outside, let's start!"

After Xia Ke and Finx confirmed through the communicator, Finx quietly walked into the shapeshifter's barracks, and Xia Ke walked into the barracks of the Needle Girl.

Finx walked up to the shapeshifter's head, looked at the shapeshifter's sleeping state, and was about to break the shapeshifter's neck with both hands, and slowly put the two hands near the head.

Just when the hand was about to touch the opponent, with a whoosh, the opponent's head disappeared.

Finks lifted the quilt and saw that it was empty. Where did it go? Finks looked around the barracks.

"Are you looking for me?"

Finx suddenly heard a voice from above his head, looked up, and the other kicked him in the face.

Finks dodged sideways and grabbed the opponent's foot with both hands, only to get the shoe, and the leg retracted like a spring.

Immediately after the opponent kicked a second time, Finks pretended to be kicked, rolled on the ground, and rolled out of the tent.

The shapeshifter thought that the other party was afraid, so he chased out of the camp. Finks was running in front, and the shapeshifter suddenly extended his fist five or six meters behind and hit Finks.

Finx obviously felt the blow of the fist wind, so he turned his head to take a look. He was hit on the face by the telescopic fist of the deformed man. After rolling over on the ground, he got up and continued running with a smile, at a faster speed than before. .

Seeing that his attack was effective, the shapeshifter chased after him to kill Finx.

The two ran for half an hour and came to a forest. The snow on the ground was very thick. Once they entered the forest, Finks slowed down and stopped in front of him.

The shape-shifter thought he was about to succeed, and after stretching his legs 5 meters, he strode to catch up.

When the shapeshifter was about to approach Finx more than 10 meters away, he suddenly stepped on the ground and fell into a large pit more than 10 meters deep.

The shape-shifter was about to stretch his arms to climb up, when he saw countless bullets shot down from his head.

Da da da……

After a burst of random shooting, the shapeshifter hurriedly dodged in the pit, and had no time to climb up.

At this moment, Rooney's armored vehicle came to the top of the big pit and began to dump dozens of bundles of high explosives, burying the shapeshifter in the pit.

After another burst of shooting, Franklin hurriedly found a place to hide with Finks and other soldiers.

Boom, boom, boom...

A series of explosions resounded throughout the battlefield. The flames in the big pit shot up to the sky, and the shapeshifters were blown into flesh and blood shards, falling everywhere with the dust.

On the other side, the knight was also discovered by the poisonous needle girl, and she has been chasing him in the barracks. While chasing him, he shot the poisonous needle, and the knight kept using the bodies of the soldiers they met to block the poisonous needle.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The poisonous needle girl sent out several poisonous needles, dozens of them each time, and both of them were running very fast.

When they chased around the barracks, the knight started his counterattack. He found the exit of the barracks and ran out to an open field.

The Poison Needle Girl felt immediately, and unknowingly found that many of her own soldiers ran out with her after a long time behind her.

The Poison Needle Girl was about to send a poison needle at the knight, when she suddenly saw the deformed armored car approaching, the knight jumped a few steps, and jumped into the car along the tentacles.

The Poison Needle Girl was about to turn back when she saw that the game was over. At this moment, she was surprised to see soldiers from her camp surrounding her with submachine guns in hand.

"Don't you want to live? Get out of the way!"

The Needle Girl barked orders, but no one listened to her.

"You don't need to shout, they were all shot with poisonous needles and died long ago, and now they are all here for revenge, die, poisonous woman!"

The knight yelled at the poisonous needle girl in the armored car, and he had controlled the dead soldiers.

The poisonous needle girl went crazy, tossed her hair, and fired hundreds of poisonous needles at the soldiers surrounding her, but there was no response from the soldiers.

Then the knight pressed the control button, and the body of the poisonous needle girl was in the flames of countless bullets, pop, pop, pop...

His whole body was riddled with wounds, and his body kept shaking under the violent shooting. After the gunshots stopped, the bloody corpse slowly fell down with its hair loose.

After hearing the huge explosion, Varen woke up suddenly, and drove hundreds of soldiers quickly, rushed out of the barracks, and headed straight for the direction of the gunshots.

He didn't know that Franklin and the others were already setting up an ambush, waiting for his arrival.

Warren led the army to drive. Not long after driving, he found a pile of corpses of soldiers from his own camp, surrounded by the corpses of the poisonous needle girl, lying on the ground in disorder.

When Varen approached the female corpse, the corpse of the soldier lying on the ground suddenly stood up and fired at Varen and the soldiers who came with a submachine gun.

Such an attack caused many soldiers who hadn't reacted at all to fall into a pool of blood one after another.

The rest are hidden in vehicles or other places, looking for opportunities to shoot at the target.

But no matter how they shot, these dead soldiers still rushed forward bravely to the evading soldiers, and after shooting at each other, the surviving soldiers were all killed.

Varen immediately released his spinning knife, spun it quickly, and after cutting off the heads of several accused soldiers, he suddenly found that the flying knife did not fly back to his hand.

While dodging the shots of the accused soldiers, Varun kept turning his head to look for his weapon.

Finx jumped off from the transformation armor, swung his right arm more than a dozen times, and hit Warren behind with a Heavenly Fist.

Varen had no time to dodge, and was punched by Finks to a distance of more than 30 meters, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood on the snow.

Soon after Varen left the camp, the enemy's soldiers also all went out, heading towards Varen's battlefield.

When the densely packed soldiers had just caught up, Franklin, a big man from the enemy, rushed up with a small group of troops, blocking their way and preventing them from rushing over.

Everyone pulled the trigger, heavy machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, and tanks ran towards Franklin and the others.

Franklin roared angrily, ran a few steps, jumped up in the air with a swish, and continuously fired bullets at the dark enemies below.

Franklin kept jumping high among the densely packed enemies, shooting down, several times back and forth, killing and wounding hundreds of soldiers.

In this way, Franklin attracted most of the firepower, and Wallen could not wait for their support at all.

Finks took advantage of the situation and swung his arms again, rushing towards the wounded Varun.

Without the blessing of the throwing knife, Varen could only rely on physical attacks to compete with Finks. He wiped off the blood and ran towards Finks with his fists up.

(End of this chapter)

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