Chapter 80 Attack
After running and turning his arm more than 30 times quickly, Finks roared "Go back to heaven!", and he punched Warren's fist with an extremely powerful airflow.

When the two fists collided, Varun heard himself start from each knuckle, crunch, crunch, one after another, the bones of his arm exploded from the flesh, splashing the blood on his face .

Warren wailed "Ah!", and hugged the exploded arm with the other hand. He was sent flying five or sixty meters away, and fell to the ground, spitting out blood, staring fixedly with his eyes, deformed. The armored vehicle drove over, and the long tentacles plunged into his heart from the air.

Dolan got out of the armored vehicle, stood on top, drew his saber and shouted to the remaining enemies:

"You are all citizens of the Membius Empire. It is the right way to join us now and eliminate the patricide prince Karl. Otherwise, put down your weapons and leave, let the flames of war burn to your hometown, and continue to let the chaos of war envelop our country , you can make a choice."

"I would like to follow you!"

"I would also like to follow you!"

Most people in the enemy's camp chose to follow Dolan to fight back against Carl, and a small number chose to quit. Dolan respected their choice and let them go.

Dolan, who finally won the victory, did not celebrate, but quickly adjusted the army organization.

He let Rooney and Franklin stay behind, and prepared to take the knights and Finks to lead the army to the capital.

When Dolan was preparing to issue a certificate, the Walter family called the command room.

"Uncle Dolan, hello, I'm Baron's son Jiaer. I have joined my grandfather and the others and persuaded them to join you in defeating Uncle Carl and make you king."

At this time, Carl has brought Nobunaga and the others to the Walter family, ready to help them eliminate the Karl Expeditionary Army.

"Jar, I didn't expect you to be alive. I feel sorry for your father's death. I will treat the people as well as he does when I become queen. Our common enemy is Karl. He betrayed the royal family and colluded with the forces of the Cardin Empire. Let the country continue to be at war."

Dolan didn't expect that Cal would make him king, and with the support of the Walter family, he felt a surge of confidence for a while.

"I hope you can do what you said. I will watch you. When we wipe out Karl's expeditionary force, we will meet up outside the city of Mora."

Before Dolan could respond, Cal hung up the phone.

The Walter family and the old queen were very happy to see their grandson coming back. The family had a grand dinner in the evening to celebrate Carle's return, during which everyone was full of curiosity about Carle's experience.

The old queen burst into tears the first time she saw Jiaer. She never expected to see her grandson alive in her lifetime.

"Jarle, you haven't changed much, you are still as resolute as your mother, but more ruthless than before."

The queen's grandma first talked about her feelings, she knew it must be related to his experience, God knows how this child escaped from death, and saw his parents die tragically on the street.

"I must have suffered a lot, but now I am fine, and we are finally reunited."

The grandmother sitting next to Jiaer held Jiaer's hand with both hands and expressed emotion. The misfortune of her daughter made this old man hard to let go.

"People will always change, but no matter how I change, you are my family."

Jiaer looked at the elders present, and was very happy that he could come back alive, but he was among them, and for some reason, he still felt a little bit unable to blend in.

"That's right, son, I've always been very optimistic about you. You can make your uncle the king. You are very generous. We also want to know how your brother is doing. Why didn't he come back with you?"

Walter asked questions that other people cared deeply about, and it would make them a little happier for the two brothers to be back together.

"You should forget about him, Hisoka has lost his memory, and he will never come back. Through cruel practice, he has a super fighting ability. Just like when he was a child, he likes to challenge others. Now he wants to Be a free man with no worries."

When Jia Er said this, he actually felt that he, like Hisoka, wanted to be a free man, but he couldn't be as heartless as Hisoka, but he would definitely leave the royal family in the future.

Hearing what Jiaer said, he was speechless for a moment, only heard Wo Jin sitting at the banquet feasting on the delicious food served, making chewing sounds.

Nobunaga also shook the wine in his glass, watching the expressions of these old people become sad.

"It's good to be alive!"

Walter said with a long sigh of relief, no one wants such a result, but he can only accept it.

So everyone continued to eat, and early the next morning, they brought Jiaer to the tombs of Baron and Emma to worship.

After the ceremony was completed, Jiaer asked Walter to take Nobunaga and the others to the frontline battlefield, and he hurried back to Meteor Street to join Kuroro and the others.

The expeditionary force that confronted Walter was Gao Sen, the bodyguard of Prince Carl, and Sol, the young man of the Latin Empire.

The two armies have been fighting for many days. Gao Sen and Sol relied on their mental abilities to kill the Quartet. Several soldiers of the Walter family were beheaded. Walter came to the battlefield with Wojin himself this time.

Standing on a high ground a few kilometers away from the battlefield, I saw through the telescope that the tragic battle was still going on.

Gao Sen moved his body quickly in the hail of bullets, constantly turning every soldier he touched into an iceman, freezing to death directly.

Another psychic, Saul, remotely controlled several steel balls in his hand, and kept hitting the soldiers who shot him.

"Commander, just give us a car, leave the rest to us, and just watch over here."

Nobunaga asked Commander Walter for a car, which was driven by Mianying. He and Wojin sat in the back and rushed towards the fighting battlefield at constant speed.

"The opponent seems to be able to fight a little bit. These two guys look like a transformation system and another operation system. It would be boring if they can be solved in a few strokes."

Wojin stretched in his seat, looking expectantly at the front of the melee where the shouts and killings continued.

"Let's say it first, the corpses of the other party's two reading abilities are mine, don't destroy them."

While driving, Mianying reminded Wo Jin and the others of their request.

"It's hard to say, unless they surrender voluntarily, I don't have eyes under my knife."

Nobunaga touched the scabbard in his hand, and looked at the two big men who kept hacking and killing soldiers in the chaotic army, with infinite killing intent in their eyes.

"Gao Sen, look, there is a military vehicle coming from a distance."

Sol just killed a soldier who shot him, stood on the body, and loudly reminded Gao Sen who was still freezing to death.

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