The Rise of the Full Time Hunter Meteor Street

Chapter 82 Carl's Countermeasure

Chapter 82 Carl's Countermeasure

Wo Jin, whose body had been frozen, tried his best and yelled "ah" at Gao Sen in front of him.

The sound was deafening. As soon as the sound wave came out, within a radius of 50 meters, the soldiers who were shooting each other bled to death. Gao Sen also looked at Wo Jin in surprise.

"Forgot to tell you, I strengthened all my powers, including my voice."

Wo Jin wiped the blood from his face, stepped on a large pile of corpses and walked towards Nobunaga in the distance.

Old Commander Walter, who had been watching the battle through the binoculars, was shocked to see Wojin and Nobunaga's telekinetic abilities.

He remembered that the legions also wanted to introduce such people as mercenaries before, but was opposed by King Orson.

And King Orson strictly forbids such people from entering the country, and immediately asks the Hunter Association to expel them once found.

Now it seems that Walter feels that Orson's decision is right. Such a person is too dangerous, difficult to control, and can easily affect the situation.

People like Prince Karl secretly obtained such power, which made the Mobis Empire what it is now.

Following the large troops of Commander Walter, Mianying quickly rushed down to the high ground, surrounded all the remaining enemy troops, settled the battle without firing much, and incorporated another expeditionary force of Karl.

The news of the defeat of the two expeditionary forces quickly spread to Mora, the capital of the Membius Empire.

In the conference hall of the royal palace in Mora City, Karl summoned Rommel and some underworld bosses overnight to discuss the next countermeasures.

"Everyone, I just received news from the frontline that Gao Sen and the four supporters of the Latin Empire were killed. The current situation is not good for me. If the two legions of Walter and Dolan join forces and attack the capital together, then we will be in danger , I now need everyone to come up with a countermeasure to stop their attack."

Karl sat in the middle of the conference table, looking anxiously at the mafia boss sitting on both sides, as well as his master Rommel.

"Your Highness, we can give up more business in the country and promise to the three major families of the Latin Empire that they will send some killers to assassinate their leaders directly."

One of the gangsters present here made a suggestion. He hoped to use the power of foreign aid in his heart. He felt that the other party was a person with the ability to read, and the only way to do it was to fight poison with poison.

"It's not that I haven't thought about it, but after careful consideration, I found that I can no longer ask them for foreign aid. First of all, they sent all masters, and they all died. This also made them see that they are betting on me. The risk is too great, and it must be in a wait-and-see state now."

"Secondly, if we give them too many shares, it will definitely affect the income greatly and cause dissatisfaction among our gangs. We will definitely have disputes with them in the future, and we will lose miserably if we fight hard."

"In the end, if we win on our own, we don't need to give them the promised share, because the killers they sent didn't complete their missions. This will also ensure that our interests are maximized."

Karl expressed his considerations in an orderly manner. As their leader, he always considered how to maximize their interests.

"Gao Sen is a veteran, his strength is not inferior to any enhancement system, and his mind ability is also very special. The one who can kill him must be a first-class master of mind ability. What we need most now is the details of the other party's mind ability users, so that we can all break."

Rommel was a little sad to hear that his old partner had died, but he needed to calm down and figure out a way to avenge him.

"Then who is going to inquire about their details?"

Carl looked at everyone, expecting a response to be expected.

"Let me send someone there. I will arrange for someone to go to Meteor Street to collect some outlaws who have the ability to come back."

A gang boss first responded to Karl. This boss was very familiar with the elders on Meteor Street. He also wanted to take this opportunity to show his strength and win a lot of benefits for the future.

"Forget it, let me go and have a look. It's very difficult to receive a person with the ability to read as strong as Gao Sen. Maybe the opponent is from Meteor Street, so it's too blind to buy the person with the ability to buy temporarily."

Feitan's master Xiao En, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke. He also wanted to see what kind of opponent could beat Gao Sen to death.

"What Sean said makes sense, so I'll give you a hard time. I'll give you [-] Imperial Guards to stop their two armies from joining forces. When can we leave?"


"Then I'll make arrangements later, tomorrow."


Sean agreed readily, Carl also arranged quickly, and the others didn't say anything more.

Rommel watched Sean and Carl talking, and wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

It wasn't until the end of the meeting that everyone else had left that Rommel walked up to Sean and said:

"Sean, I think you can wait for Feitan and the others to come back and let them go with you to test the opponent's strength. This is a good way to take care of you. Although I have never doubted your strength, the opponent can beat Gao Sen to death. It proves that their strength is also very strong, you can deal with one of them, but I am a little worried when several such strong telepaths attack at the same time."

Sean and Gao Sen were both Rommel's partners many years ago. Their relationship is deeper than that of relatives, but due to limited manpower, Rommel had to stay in the capital just in case.

"In terms of tactics, I'm really not as good as you, but we've been out for so many years, we can't rely on the juniors to support the scene to find a sense of security, and let a few guys come out to fight, it will be scary. I will have a sense of proportion, you prepare The good wine will be ready when I come back."

Sean said it frankly. He also knew that such a person would feel like dying when facing a group of unknown masters, but his sense of honor as a martial artist did not allow him to back down.

Early the next morning, in the bone-chilling morning wind, the gates of Mora City opened wide, and the tracks of tanks rolled across the ground, followed by military vehicles carrying fully armed soldiers, hurrying past , a lone army went out.

After learning the news that Walter and Dolan's two armies had won a big victory, Cal notified Grandpa Walter and Dolan to attack the capital together and fight Karl for the final decisive battle.

Knowing that Jiaer had made arrangements, Kuroro notified everyone, prepared his luggage, and set off for Mora City, the capital of the Mobius Empire.

Before departure, Feitan sent a message to Karl, saying that Karl had been caught and was going to be sent to the capital for Karl to deal with himself.

When Karl heard about it, he immediately ordered Feitan to say:

"We must make sure that this person comes to me alive. He is the most important bargaining chip for me and the Walter family."

Feitan relayed Carl's words to Kuroro and Jiaer, and they both laughed when they heard it. It seems that they can win this battle 100%.

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