Chapter 83 Convergence
The next morning, Jiaer, Kuroro and his party arrived in Mora City by train.

After getting off the car, Kuroro led Paconoda and the others to separate from Jiaer and the others.

As soon as Fei Tan and the others got out of the station, dozens of gangsters in suits and ties stood by the car to welcome Fei Tan and the others.

Fei Tan and the others didn't even say hello, the gangster helped open the car door directly, and the three of them sat in the back seat together.

Along the way, Jia Er sat between Feitan and Zha Lev, and he couldn't help but look at the street scene outside the car window.

When passing by the Royal Theater, Carl would think of his mother taking him and Hisoka to watch a musical there.

When passing by Central Park, Carl would think of his family, who would have a picnic under the big tree by the lake every spring.

Jia Er, who returned to his hometown, faced the familiar streets and scenery, and it was inevitable that things were different, and all the feelings from the past were still vivid, but all this was ruined by the person he was about to meet.

Jiaer didn't know if he could control himself. Although he was silent in the car, his heart was already in a state of turmoil. He really wanted to burn that bastard to ashes as soon as he saw him.

But the plan is not like this. Rommel next to Karl is a person that Kurolo and the others are afraid of. This proves that the other party's mind ability must have reached a certain level of practice, and he cannot harm everyone because of his impulse.

After half an hour, the car finally drove into the gate of the palace, and as soon as it entered the gate, it turned to the parking lot.

There, everyone got out of the car, and then walked to the main hall leading to the palace together, stepping up one step after another.

Slowly, Jiaer raised his head along the steps, and saw that sitting on the high throne in the main hall was his enemy Karl, whom he wanted to kill day and night.

Carl watched Carl and the others walk into the main hall. He leaned on the armrest of the throne with one hand, leaned on the armrest with the other elbow, rested his chin on his palm, and slightly moved one eye exposed in his long hair.

"I didn't expect my nephew to grow up so big, do you really want to kill me, now I give you a chance, Fei Tan, let him go."

Carl didn't expect Karl to be like this when he saw him, he really wanted to jump forward and punch his head, but when he was still 100 meters away from the main hall, he felt a powerful force gas.

Kuroro and the others were right. The middle-aged man with a mustache and a gentle appearance standing beside Karl at the moment must be Rommel.

"If you have the guts, I will kill you today!"

When Feitan heard the order, he immediately let go of Jiaer. As soon as Jiaer was let go, he was about to run in front of Karl.

I saw Feitan hit Jiaer's neck from behind with a high-jumping knife, and Jiaer fell to the ground with a "slap" and passed out.

"Your Highness, he is just a stupefied young man, with only a brute force, he was easily caught by us on Meteor Street."

This is a play that Kuroro discussed with them, and Feitan and Jiaer played a play to minimize Rommel's vigilance.

"Your Highness, I don't think this guy is exuding energy. He shouldn't be a person with the ability to read. Unless he can use 'jue', but it is unlikely that he has such a cultivation level at this age. You can lock him up and keep him. When the Walter family calls, use it as a hostage for negotiation."

Rommel has been watching Carl since he came in. As a veteran, he can feel if he is angry within 100 meters, but he can't feel anything on Carl's body.

"Master, you think the same as I do. The reason why I didn't kill him is because I want to do so. Feitan, you take him to prison, and I have another task for you when I come back."

"As ordered, Your Highness."

After receiving the order, Feitan and Pharolev lifted Jiaer and retreated from the main hall. The two walked through several corridors and went to the prison behind the queen.

After Kuroro and the others outside the palace entered the city, they found the hotel closest to the palace and checked in.

After Kuroro settled down, he quietly read a book. Pike and Kubi were watching TV in their respective rooms to pass the time. They were all waiting for a signal from Feitan and the others.

Jiaer, who was thrown on the prison floor, woke up after a while, got up and saw that there were walls in front of him, only a small door was locked, and a fan in a vent on the back wall was slowly turning, and the light was dying. A flash was projected from the vent onto the floor of the cell.

Success, the first step has finally passed, and the next step is to wait.

Carl thought this way in his heart, he woke up and saw that he was already in prison, and he knew in his heart that he had escaped Rommel's observation.

Feitan and the others returned to the main hall, Karl issued a new task to them, he said:
"Fetan, your master Sean, I have already sent out to stop Walter and Dolan from joining forces, and his troops should be about to confront them head-on now. You and Shelf Lev will pack up and set off in a while, and go to help out together. This time you may not come back victorious, as long as you get the details of the other party's telekinetic ability, you will give us back immediately, and Rommel will make arrangements."

"Okay, let's set off right away."

Feitan felt very contradictory when he heard such an order. He knew that such a day would come. He knew how powerful the master's unique skills were, but he also knew that the master was not invincible.

After a week of marching, the Walter Army and the Dolan Army finally joined forces in Sare, a small city 100 kilometers away from the capital Mora.

Just as they were preparing to make arrangements and make some adjustments, the spies came to report when they continued on the road:

"From the direction of the capital, an army of tens of thousands of people is already rushing towards them, and they will approach the city in less than an hour."

Sitting in the command room, Wojin and Franklin's group, who had just met, hadn't chatted a few words when they were disturbed by this news.

"Do you know which general is leading the team?"

Dolan wanted to know the opponent's general, if he knew someone, then he could use tactics to win in a targeted manner.

"Report Your Highness, the leader of the army this time is not some general, but an elderly martial artist next to Karl. It is said that he is also a torture expert from Meteor Street."

"So that's how it is. It's Fei Tan's master. He just came here. I've always wanted to know who is the master who can teach Fei Tan?"

As soon as Wo Jin heard about the torture experts, he knew that it was Fei Tan's master who came, and his interest was greatly improved.

"His strength is comparable to that of Rommel. This time he came in person. We can't fight him alone, but we have to go together to have a chance to kill him."

Although Wojin is full of confidence.But Nobunaga didn't think so, he carefully reminded others that this opponent definitely deserves their attention because of Feitan.

Xia Ke, Franklin, and Face Shadow both agreed, but Finx, like Wo Jin, did not believe that the other party could be so strong.

(End of this chapter)

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