Chapter 84
Dolan heard Nobunaga's conversation, and he also paid more attention to this enemy general. After all, they are all capable.

Commander Walter discussed with Dolan, and told Wojin and the others about the deployment of the battle.

"Karl's expeditionary force marched day and night and traveled long distances in order to prevent us from joining forces. We insist on defending the city and do not attack for a day. They will surely exhaust the entire army after they come all the way."

"Then while they are attacking the city, Franklin, you set out from behind the city with [-] troops, and go around to the high ground on the left side of the enemy army to ambush. Knight, you also take [-] troops from behind the city. Go around to the right side of the enemy army Ambush on high ground."

"When we take the initiative to attack after a day and send out the signal flare, you will encircle the enemy in two ways from behind. At that time, the opponent's generals will be handed over to Wo Jin, Finx, Nobunaga, and the four of you. We will clean up the soldiers ourselves."

After Carl explained his and Walter's battle plan, everyone split up. Taking advantage of the night, Franklin and the knight led the troops and set off when Sean led the army to attack the city at night.

Countless meteor-like lights flashed across the dark night sky from time to time, but they were not meteors, but grenades sent by Xiao En when he attacked the city.

boom!boom!boom!There were constant explosions in the city, but the soldiers defending the city did not attack.

Sean sent out the first wave of stormtroopers, and the artillery kept hitting the city wall, but the solid fortifications only left a big hole in the shells. The city wall was too high and thick.

The airship was about to fly to the sky to bomb, but the anti-aircraft guns of the city defense had a dense firepower network, and the airship could not pass through. After five or six ships were destroyed in a row, they did not continue to attack.

After a day and night of attacking, Sean's army wasted a lot of ammunition. The morale of the soldiers when they first arrived on the onslaught gradually declined as they were unable to attack for a long time, and everyone felt very tired.

Xiao En is used to fighting alone, and he has no experience in commanding the army, but after a day and a night of observation, he also found that if this continues, his soldiers will be exhausted if they don't attack.

So he issued an order to withdraw troops, preparing to set up a temporary camp to rest and adjust to fight again. At the same time, he sent a message to Karl in the capital that he needed more military material support.

Dolan, who was standing on the city wall, watched Sean's armored tanks retreat through the binoculars. Not far from the city, he began to combine armored vehicles and tanks to build fortifications.

He knew his opportunity had come, and that night everything went according to his plan.

When it was night, just as Sean was preparing to set up camp and was about to take a break, a communications soldier rushed into his barracks in a panic and reported:

"Report sir, the gate of the enemy's city is suddenly opened wide, and their troops are rushing towards our camp!"

"If the time is right, then I will meet them. Inform everyone, use tanks as cover to form infantry squads to fight on the spot, and the long-range cannons in the rear will now attack the charging enemies!"


As the order was issued, the shells of the cannon continued to fall on Dolan's charging team.

"Launch a signal flare, and all the people rely on the cover of the tank to quickly disperse and move forward, reducing the hit rate of the shells, and if they charge a certain distance, they will have no way to run and attack!"

Dolan watched the attacking team in the city defense command room and began to command the battle.

Wojin, Nobunaga, Muanying, and Finks were the first to bear the brunt, driving the chariot into the enemy camp first.

The signal flare lit up the night sky of the battlefield, and Franklin and the knights also led the ambush army to dive down from the high ground on both sides behind Sean, attacking all the way, and soon the long-range cannons in the rear were strafed by a burst of bullets rushed up by Franklin, and they exploded. It was in flames, dilapidated, and lost its function of long-distance attack and defense.

The knight also walked quickly among the enemy soldiers, inserted the remote control needles continuously, hid in the corner, and began to remotely control the enemy to shoot his comrades with machine guns.

After a while, the intensive gunfire stopped, and the knight came out from the corner again, with blood splattered and corpses everywhere in front of his eyes.

"I've done it here, how about your side? Franklin."

The knight led the march and continued to advance deep into the camp, while contacting Franklin.

"I've dealt with all the cannons and will join you soon."

While shooting at the charging enemy troops, Franklin responded to the knight, and then stepped on the corpse under his feet and continued to move forward.

Wojin and the others attacked from the front, and the four of them started the mode of cutting melons and vegetables in the face of the enemy soldiers under attack.

Wo Jin rushed forward, the bullet hit his body and sparked, rebounding and falling behind the bullet.

He came in front of the five or six soldiers who were shooting, grabbed one soldier and threw it at the others, crushing a large group of people, screaming continuously.

The shadow of the face controlled the puppet Gao Sen, and quickly contacted the soldiers rushing, freezing a large number of soldiers in a short while.

With a snap of his fingers, all the frozen soldiers shattered to the ground in a blink of an eye. The other soldiers all backed away after seeing it, and no one dared to take half a step forward.

A knife light flashed more than 50 meters away, and dozens of figures swayed from side to side and spewed blood one after another, one after another, clutching their necks and falling down.

With a whoosh, the long knife was sheathed, and Nobunaga stopped, his face was illuminated by the explosion of flames everywhere.

He looked at the soldiers who were continuing to rush up, and slowly raised his eyelids. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced over. The soldiers all stopped as if they were braking, their guns pointed at him but they dared not pull the trigger.

In the next second, the necks of these guys in front of Nobunaga were all broken, and they turned into dead people on the ground.

"you are welcome."

Finx clapped his two palms together, and continued to move forward with the rhythm of punching one flying, with an increasingly excited expression on his face.

"What an addictive killing weapon!"

Nobunaga watched people die under the fist of Finks, sighed slightly, he no longer used the sword, but simply knocked down every enemy close to him with a quick hand knife.

"These young people look pretty good. Some of them look familiar. They seem to be children from Meteor Street."

The sound of killing on the battlefield was loud, accompanied by bursts of gunpowder smoke and flames, Xiao En leaned on his walking stick step by step from the barracks, and walked towards Wo Jin and the others.

"Hey, old man, are you Sean?"

Wo Jingang knocked away the group of people in front of him, and saw a short and thin figure walking towards them calmly in the midst of the flames of war. He concluded that this was the opponent he was looking for, Sean, and couldn't help shouting at him with.

"You are good at fighting, but when it comes to fighting, you should call me senior!"

Sean stood still, looked at Wo Jin who was shooting wildly, and responded to him unhurriedly.

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