Chapter 86
On the battlefield full of dead bodies, Fei Tan and Xiao En looked at each other, Fei Tan kept raising his spirit and changed his armor at the same time.

Slowly a ball of light rose up behind Feitan, getting bigger and bigger, emitting ten thousand dazzling lights.Let the surroundings get hotter and hotter.

"Is this your trick? A big fireball!"

Sean was surprised when he saw Feitan's unique move, but he also released his anger very carefully.

"You'll see how this thing bakes you in a moment."

Ever since he started to learn practice from Sean, he has been studying how to maximize the lethality of his mind attack.

He has killed countless masters with this move, but he has never used it against Xiao En, so he can only use it to the maximum.

When Xiao En watched the ball of light rush towards him, he threw away the nine-section whip in his hand, and slapped the sky with all his strength, shouting:
"Tianluo Palm!"

In an instant, the flying fireball engulfed Xiao En, and everything turned into a dazzling white light.

And Feitan suddenly felt a strong wind above his head was pressing down on his whole body, he looked up and saw a huge palm falling from the sky like a flying meteor.

Fei Tan quickly ran away at the fastest speed, and when he ran a hundred meters away, a violent air current swept over from behind, and Fei Tan was knocked down to the ground and rolled for a long distance.

When he stood up, he saw a palm print tens of meters in size and half a meter deep where he had just fought against Sean. The whip stayed where it was.

"It seems that I am really exhausted, and I don't have enough energy. If I have the same strength as usual, he can definitely hit me with a second palm and a third palm, and I will die."

Looking at his master's bones, Fei Tan rejoiced that he was still alive. He collected the bones with cloth and prepared to find a place to bury them.

Although for the benefit of the brigade, the master had to be killed, but after all, the master taught the foundation of Feitan's practice.

He walked out of the battlefield holding Xiao En's remains, and returned to the city with Wo Jin and the others.

After a day of rest and adjustment, Dolan and Walter decided to continue leading the army towards the capital.

Franklin and Nobunaga were sent back to Meteor Street to receive Maggie's treatment, and the others followed the army.

Feitan and Flak Lev rushed back to Mora City with Sean's relics as quickly as possible, and told Karl and Rommel the sad news of Sean's defeat.

Sitting on the throne, after hearing the news, Karl kept stroking his lowered forehead with his palms, and his mood dropped a lot. He asked Feitan:
"Are they so strong? Feitan, have you seen each other's details?"

"The other party is a person with the ability to read, which is not ordinary. The master was besieged and died of exhaustion after constant wheel battles."

"I should insist that he wait for you to come back and go together. Now we have to wait for them to come and fight to the death! I will avenge them, Fei Tan, you go and rest first."

Rommel looked at the nine-jointed whip in his hand, and thought that Xiao En's "Tianluo Palm" was extremely powerful. It was more than enough to deal with ordinary telekinetics. The opponent is also very difficult.

"Master, our military strength is only 5 now, and the combined strength of the opponent's two legions is several times that of ours, and there are such capable people helping them in the battle. When they come, what shall we do?"

Karl stepped off the throne face to face, trying to get a little confidence and comfort from Rommel.he
For the three successive defeats and the loss of so many capable generals, it was a big blow to him and his confidence was greatly reduced, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Don't worry, we still have Feitan and Shallev. They were able to retreat unscathed, which proves that the other party also suffered casualties. It is not certain who will win the battle. How is your Highness's mind training?"

Rommel was not worried about his opponent. If he couldn't wipe out all of them, he would be able to retreat completely. However, once the prince's safety started, he couldn't guarantee that he would be by his side all the time.

"The master taught me the practice method of mind ability. I have practiced hard day and night. I did the water view style and found that I am a materialization system."

"Your Highness, show me, I want to make sure you can protect yourself when I go out to fight."


While speaking, Karl turned his palm, and a mask appeared in his palm. Karl took the mask away, and the whole person disappeared.

"This ability is very good, Your Highness, try attacking me."

At this time, a chair flew from behind Rommel, followed by a vase from the right.

They were all easily dodged by Rommel. He was relieved to know that Karl's telekinetic ability was the best way to protect himself, but such telekinetic ability would not work without aggressiveness.

"Your Highness, can your speed be faster? Your physical attack is also coming."

As soon as Rommel finished his question, seven or eight vases and chairs flew around him. Just as he dodged, a gust of fist wind hit his face, which was just blocked by Rommel's palm.

"Yes, Your Highness, you have a method of invisibility, and you can fully protect yourself with such a fast movement speed and attack power, so I can rest assured."

"It's also the first time I've shown this mind ability in front of outsiders, and no one knows except you."

"The less people know about this kind of thing, the better. How about that Jiaer, he is a very important pawn for us."

"He's locked up in a cell. Walter can't bear his grandson's death, but Dolan may not care about Carl's life or death for the sake of unification. His wrists are still relatively iron-blooded."

"Don't worry about this. It would be better if Dolan really did this, and Walter would turn against him, and we would have a chance."

"What the master said is also true. Whether we can counterattack next depends on Jiaer's role."

Karl and Rommel's calculations were good, but they didn't expect that it was Carl and Kuroro who were really playing behind the scenes. They were already deep in the game without knowing it.

In the prison, Jiaer ate and slept normally every day, waiting for Feitan and the others to send good news.

Sure enough, Feitan saw Jiaer in the cell, and told Jiaer all the results of the recent battle. Jiaer asked Nobunaga and Franklin whether the injuries were serious.

Feitan told him that Maggie had helped them recover well, and they should be able to catch up with the final decisive battle.

"Fei Tan, you have been here for so long, do you know what Rommel and Karl's telekinetic ability is?"

What Jiaer is most concerned about now is how his opponent will be in the final battle?
"I really don't know about this. Every time they send us to do things, they never do it themselves, but I have heard that Rommel can't be killed with ordinary attacks, and he can quickly repair wounds."

Feitan had also heard about Rommel's ability, but hadn't really seen it.

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