Chapter 87
"This old guy seems really difficult to deal with, let's go together then! Do you know Karl's telekinetic ability?"

Jiaer wanted to know what kind of telekinetic ability Karl had most, this time he would definitely be killed, and he couldn't be allowed to escape.

"No one knows his ability to read. He practiced with Rommel, but he also hides his ability to read like me."

"This is hard to deal with. I have to find out what his reading ability is as soon as possible."

"It doesn't matter. No matter what his ability is, he is definitely not as strong as Rommel in attack. As long as Rommel is killed, it will be easy for so many of us to deal with him alone."

"What you said is also reasonable. When the time comes, play it by ear. I will keep a close eye on him. How are Kurolo and the others?"

"Boss and the others have already stayed in the hotel closest to the palace, and are waiting for Dolan and the others to attack the city. Once they attack the city, they will take advantage of the chaos and sneak into the palace."

"In the final analysis, only he is the biggest winner!"

Jiaer didn't say what was in his heart, it was all a deal, and it was all for revenge.He chatted with Fei Tan for a while, then left.

In order to prevent people outside from getting suspicious, Fei Tan pretended to yell and hit Jiaer a few times before leaving, and then asked the guards to watch him closely so that he would not escape.

Two days later, Dolan and Walter's army marched forward to a place less than 5 kilometers away from the capital, set up barracks, and prepared to make adjustments and launch a siege tomorrow.

Karl's defensive outpost quickly discovered Dolan's troops, and immediately returned to Mora City to explain the situation.

Karl dispatched 4 Imperial Guards to Rommel and asked him to go out of the city to defend against the army. In addition, he sent the gang boss to the headquarters of the two mercenary regiments with generous gifts to lobby for help.

The lobbyists sent in the past few times all returned without success. The mercenary legion accepted the gifts every time, but they did not send troops in person, but only sent a small amount of troops to support them. This time, Karl gave even greater concessions and promises.

But the leader of the mercenary legion knew that Karl's underworld background and principles of doing things did not dare to offend him, and he didn't want to take risks. Now the two leaders personally led the army to send troops at the same time.

This made Carl feel hopeful, and Rommel must withstand Dolan's first wave of attack, and when the reinforcements arrive, they will win.

"Your Highness, if the mercenaries come over and they join forces with Karl, they will be on par with us. Then we may have to fight a protracted war."

Dolan and Walter also knew the news of the mercenary army's dispatch for the first time, and Walter was very worried that they would become Karl's backing for a comeback.

"Commander Walter, I can understand your worry, but as far as I know, the two leaders of the mercenary legion are fools. They supported the fifth prince Jayne before, and supported Karl later. It was only a small amount of reinforcements, but they never went out in person. This is The fact that they dispatched at the same time this time shows that they know that this is the last decisive battle. They will first see if we can quickly take down Rommel and capture the capital. If we cannot prove that we are not strong enough, they will help Karl to fight us. If we Defeat Rommel before they get there, and they will follow suit."

"Your analysis makes sense. Rommel is Karl's strongest confidant. This time, I'm going to ask these people with the ability to read."

"That's right, a soldier is the prestige of a general, and a general is the courage of a soldier. If you kill the general, the others will surrender."

The two discussed and decided to attack the city that night, and pretended to be adjusting during the day, catching him off guard.

The evening star suddenly appeared, the cold wind rose at night, and the gates of Mora City were opened wide. Rommel set off quietly with [-] Imperial Guards, fully armed.

Before all of Rommel's team left the city, he was sitting in the leading military vehicle when he saw the scouts coming quickly on motorcycles and reported:

"General, it's not good. The enemy suddenly started to move again at night. They are rushing towards our army. Their army will confront us in less than 10 minutes."

After receiving the information, Rommel was disrupted. He did not expect Dolan to launch an attack so quickly.

Rommel immediately issued an order for everyone to line up for defense, and informed the city's fire artillery to listen to his orders and prepare to fire at any time.

Before Rommel was fully deployed, Dolan's army was already rushing towards them in the dark.

The sound of gunshots and cannons continued to come from a distance. Countless bullets with splinters from the guns whizzed past the ears quickly, and soldiers were constantly shot and fell down bleeding.

"Everyone immediately find cover and organize defense, and notify the city defense artillery to fire immediately!"

In a hurry, Rommel immediately organized his troops to defend and counterattack. Instead of continuing to advance, he used armored vehicles and tanks as cover and began to shoot at the rushing enemy troops.

Soon the number of casualties in front of Rommel's soldiers continued to increase, and the enemy's artillery fire and bullets were several times that of theirs. This kind of frontal battle and reckless firepower caused his military casualties to increase rapidly.

The city fire artillery can only attack from a long distance, and now the two armies began to confront each other at close range, and the two sides began to charge for close hand-to-hand combat.

As soon as this was fired, Karl in the palace couldn't sit still. He took Feitan and the others straight to the prison and handcuffed Karl out, and went to the city defense fortification to watch the battle together.

Jiaer looked outside the city wall, sparking bullets were flying randomly among the dark figures, dust and debris from shell explosions were set off on the ground from time to time, in the cold night of battle, soldiers were trying their best to kill each other. to the enemy.

"This is war, it's all caused by you, and you will pay for it!"

Carl stood beside Carl, cursing viciously at the sinner in front of him who had brought disaster on the country and the people.

"You don't understand, right is the flower that blooms from blood, and death is the necessary soil."

Karl watched the army press in, and his soldiers were constantly being killed by the enemy on the front line. He could only hope that Rommel would frustrate the opponent and get a chance to negotiate.

Nobunaga, Wo Jin and others charged first, slashing and killing all the way, when those ordinary soldiers encountered them, they fell down in large numbers like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves.

This state stayed in front of Rommel. He looked at these teenagers with a little surprise. His old friend was besieged and killed by these young bastards. He said to God and Wojin angrily:
"Sean, Gao Sen, I will sacrifice them all to you two today!"

"You're too old, it's time to meet your friends."

Wo Jin and the others looked at the calm and calm guy in front of him in the killing array, and they knew that he was Rommel. They all mobilized their whole bodies at the same time, and rushed towards him together with their unique moves.

Rommel roared with his mouth wide open, bursting out with all his strength, his hair standing up high like a ball of fire, all the muscles on his body began to thicken and grow bigger, and the clothes all over his body made a tearing sound, a huge The figure was like a mountain, covering everyone who rushed towards Rommel.

(End of this chapter)

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