Chapter 89
As soon as Kuroro heard of the war outside the city, he immediately sent Paconoda and Kubi to go to the palace to steal treasures, and he also rushed outside the city to deal with Rommel together.

Paikenuoda sneaked into the palace with Kubi with two guns in hand, and did not encounter too many obstacles, but a few guards who had died in vain were dealt with by Pike one by one.

Kuroro, who was rushing to the outside of the city, drove the car all the way, passing through the melee crowd, saw Feitan and Shelaev, and pulled into the car together.

When they drove to the heart of the decisive battle, they got out of the car and saw that the runaway knight and the transformed Rommel were attacking each other with close body skills.

The fists and feet of the two were so fast that they couldn't see the trajectory clearly, and they kept hitting together, triggering waves of shock waves, and the entire battlefield was blasted everywhere, dust flying.

The two fought for almost half an hour, but they didn't slow down at all. Instead, they got faster and faster, and their strength became more and more violent.

When the others saw it, they started to run away from a distance, for fear of being involved in the aura of the two of them fighting to the death, and if they were not killed by the shock, they would also be seriously injured.

Seeing this, Kuroro hurriedly asked Feitan and Sheraev to wait in place. He opened the "Secret of Thieves" in his hand while walking, and shouted with his stolen mind ability.

"Xiaker, get out of the way!"

Hearing the sound, the knight looked for the direction and found that Kuroro was coming. He quickly stopped the attack, retreated with a continuous backflip, and retreated to a place tens of meters away from Rommel.

"Looking at you holding this book, you must be Kuroro, the boy from Meteor Street who is most valued by the Presbyterian Church!"

Rommel also turned around and saw Kuroro. He had long heard that a boy came out of Meteor Street. He secretly learned the mind ability of many genius exiles, and gathered a group of desperate teenagers with mind ability. This is a force that cannot be underestimated. group.

Seeing him now, his eyes are really cold, young and mature, he must have some extraordinary means.

"It's me. Today I came to collect debts for some people."

"Well, I have too many enemies, I didn't expect there to be apprentices coming to me."

"You must die today!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability? For your words, I will use 100% of my strength to let you know what despair is!"

While speaking, Rommel's body size began to grow again, his muscles became highly saturated, and his whole body became a big man with a height of three meters.

With endless murderous intent in his eyes, he clenched his fists and rushed towards Kuroro with a swish.

Seeing this attack, Kuroro thought to himself, such a huge body can make such a fast attack speed, it is really a guy who has been strengthened to the extreme.

Although his cultivation was not as long as Rommel's, Kurollo used tactics to cooperate with his mental ability.

While carefully avoiding Rommel's heavy punch, I yelled at Feitan and the others to leave and go to the palace to meet Paconoda and the others.

Seeing that Feitan and the others had left, Kuroro showed a smile, and he retreated tens of meters with all his strength.

Then he pressed his two palms hard to the ground and shouted:

"Burn it, Scarlet Flame Storm!"

Around Rommel, the air became blurred, the earth began to crack, and within a radius of 100 meters, it turned into a fiery purgatory covering the sky.

Tens of thousands of fiery snakes rolled up from the ground and rushed towards Rommel at high speed. Rommel looked at the tearing flame cyclone in pain, tore off pieces of flesh and blood from his body, and floated into the air and turned into ashes. The wound that was torn open quickly healed the wound.

"Your move is really great. It can continuously devour my body into ashes, but my repair ability can continue to consume with you. Your stamina is far less than mine. You are still a little tender if you want to kill me, hahahaha , when you die, I will beat you to a pulp."

Rommel endured the pain and used all his energy to repair the wound. He couldn't continue to attack at all, so he snarled fiercely at Kuroro.

"Your ability to repair is not bad. The speed at which the flaming cyclones devour cannot kill you immediately, but in this purgatory, I can let them speed up your death. It is also a gift from an old friend of yours!"

Kuroro said with a strange smile, he opened "The Thief's Secret", and in this closed storm, he summoned [Swimming Fish in the Secret Room].

Two huge swimming fish quickly swirled on Longmei's body, and the fire snake and the swimming fish speeded up and devoured his body together.

"I didn't expect to die like this, Your Highness Karl, you have to take care of yourself."

When Rommel uttered these last words, the scarlet flame storm and the fish in the secret room had already shattered his body, disappeared piece by piece, and turned into ashes piece by piece.

All the people on the battlefield stopped fighting, and were frightened by the huge flame storm. When the flames receded, only Kuroro remained, and all the corpses, weapons, armored vehicles, etc. on the ground were burned to ashes .

Dolan and Walter drove the chariot and commanded the army to sweep over. The remaining enemy soldiers saw that Rommel was no longer there, and all surrendered on the spot.

Everyone turned around and drove towards the city gate of the capital together. Under a burst of frantic shelling, the gate was forcibly opened, and large troops swarmed in, quickly occupying all the city defense positions.

Carl, who escaped, was driving towards the palace in the urban area, while looking back to see if he was being followed, and found that there was a military vehicle closely behind in the rearview mirror.

After Jia Er got off the city defense, he also snatched a military vehicle and quickly caught up with Karl's vehicle.

Two cars were on the street, chasing each other on a rampage. Passing cars were knocked over constantly, roadside stalls were smashed to pieces, and fruits rolled to the ground.

The passers-by who were afraid of the war and fled home screamed in shock and hurriedly avoided their speeding cars.

After crossing a few streets, Karl directly smashed through the checkpoint at the main gate of the palace, shouting:

"Kill the person in the car behind!"

So the machine gunners on both sides of the checkpoint pulled the trigger at the same time, da da da... Two lines of fire formed by countless bullets crossed and fired into Jiaer's car.

Jiaer lowered his head and stepped on the accelerator to the end, and quickly drove past the checkpoint. Numerous bullet holes appeared on the windshield.

The two cars stopped at the gate of the main hall of the palace one after the other. When Carl got off the car, Carl was nowhere to be seen.

He quickly ran up the steps with iron cuffs, and went straight to the main hall. When he entered, he found that the hall was surprisingly quiet, and all the guards inside had run away.

After Carl walked in, he only heard the sound of his own footsteps. Carl, who was hiding behind the giant pillar, gently took off his boots.

Slowly activated his invisibility ability, quietly walked to Jiaer's back, pointed at Jiaer's head, raised the dagger, and prepared to give him a fatal blow.

(End of this chapter)

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