Chapter 90 Revenge
When Karl stabbed at Jiaer, Jiaer suddenly sensed someone behind him, and dodged sideways, and Karl's dagger pierced through the air.

After dodging, Jiaer turned around and saw that there was nothing, but the anger just now was so obviously coming towards him.

Just when Jiaer was wondering, Karl stabbed Jiaer's chest several times with a dagger in succession. Jiaer felt the direction of the airflow and kept blocking it with handcuffs. Sparks of metal collided in the air. .

"I didn't expect your mind ability to be invisible!"

Carl can't see Carl though.But he could feel the changes brought about by the impact of the airflow in the air.

"It's too late to know now!"

After a burst of stabbing, Karl stopped attacking with the dagger, and he quickly picked up everything that could be attacked and threw it at Karl around the hall.

Tables, chairs, vases, lampstands, statues, etc., become invisible as long as they are touched by Karl's hand.

Jiaer turned around and saw things disappearing around him, and then countless invisible air currents rushed towards his face. Just as he dodged one air current, another one came behind him.

Since it was invisible, Jiaer couldn't judge how big things were in the airflow, so after this mess, Jiaer was hit several times.

There was a crash, the hall was filled with the sound of things breaking, and the ground around Jiaer soon appeared broken chairs, tables that were pierced by him, and other things that fell over.

It turns out that once the invisible things are destroyed, they will return to their original state. Looking at these sundries on the ground, Jiaer discovered a little pattern of Karl's ability to read.

"You can't kill me by hiding and throwing things at me like this. Are you going to run away like this and be a coward? Show up and challenge me one-on-one!"

After throwing things for a while, the hall became quiet again, Karl stopped attacking, and Karl was surrounded by debris in the middle of the hall, trying to provoke Karl to show up for a fight.

But the cunning Karl did not give in, but opened the ten automatic guns he had hidden in the hidden compartments of the walls around the hall, and stood still invisible on the high platform of the throne in the main hall and shouted at Karl:
"I can kill your parents, I can also kill you bastard! Let me see how you hide this time?"

After finishing speaking, Carl pressed the firing switch of the automatic machine gun. In an instant, 10 automatic Gatling machine guns swished and swished the barrels quickly, spraying dazzling sparks, hundreds of bullets, and firing densely. To Carl in the middle of the hall.

Jiaer thought to himself: "I was thinking about how to force you out, so you just use this trick for me, it really suits me!"

He stood motionless on the spot, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and gathered the breath from his whole body.The moment the densely packed bullets pierced through the air, a high-intensity rebounding air mass enveloping the whole body was activated.

Clap... After the bullet hit the rebounding air mass, it began to bounce and shoot in all directions in the hall.

The walls, wall lamps, all the large decorative vases, statues, armor, tables and chairs in the hall were riddled with holes from the sudden rebounding bullets, and the burst fragments flew everywhere.

After a while, the barrels of several machine guns on the wall were deformed by the rebounding bullets, or the barrels of the guns exploded directly, and the explosions were useless.

When all the bullets flew out, Jiaer was not damaged at all, but his body was constantly emitting white heat due to the violent friction of the bullets.

At this time, Karl was hiding behind the throne, covering the wound on his abdomen with one hand. Because Karl's rebound came too suddenly, he didn't have time to dodge quickly, so he was still hit.

Blood kept pouring out of his body, and Karl's invisibility also failed. He tried his best to endure his pain, but his breathing was still short.

Cal heard his breathing, walked slowly up the steps leading to the king's throne, and said as he walked:
"When you were about to kill my parents, you knew that one day you would die on the throne of the king, and you would be considered worthy of death!"

"If I die, I will pull you as a back!"

Karl suddenly rushed out from behind the throne, holding four high-explosive grenades that were pulled off the bracelet in both hands, and rushed towards Karl.

Jiaer turned sideways, and punched with the red flame fist with his right hand. The wind of the fist was full of fire, and Jiaer was sent flying to the floor of the hall with one blow.

As soon as Carl, who was knocked into the air, landed on the ground, four grenades exploded one after another. With a bang, a big crater was blown out on the floor, and Carl's body was also shattered and beyond recognition.

Cal slowly walked down the steps of the throne, picked up a decorative tomahawk that had just been knocked to the ground, and walked to Cal's body.

The ax was raised high, and then swung hard, with a click, blood spattered Carl's face, and he carried Carl's head that was still dripping blood and walked towards the gate of the main hall.

As soon as he went out, he saw that the palace was brightly lit, and soldiers with weapons were already standing on both sides of the aisle. At the end of the aisle, Dolan and Walter were walking over and looking at Carle.

And in the secret room of the imperial palace, Paconoda's group is moving out various famous paintings, gold and silver treasures in an orderly manner.

Seeing that Dolan's soldiers had entered the palace, Kube, who was watching the wind, told the others to stop quickly, dressed up as the same soldiers, and swaggered away from the palace in a military truck full of treasures.

Kuroro and the others did not follow Dolan and the others into the city, but waited outside the city for Paconoda and the others to come out after the battle.

In the middle of the night, outside the suburbs of Mora City, a military truck stopped. After some manipulations, Kurollo and others drove five off-road vehicles to speed up all the way, heading towards Meteor Street in the deepening night.

"Let's go like this, don't care about Carl, boss."

Wojin sat in the car for a long time in silence, seeing that Jiaer didn't come to join him, he still couldn't help asking Kuroro.

"He is not the same as us. This time it is just a transaction. Now that the transaction is completed, we can part ways."

Kuroro leaned deeply in the seat and kept drinking water, while answering Wo Jin's questions without turning his head.

Kuroro could only deal with Jiaer in this way. He was too unstable as a companion and too dangerous as an enemy.

"Then without Jiaer, will our brigade continue to recruit people to replace him?"

Paconoda, who was driving the car, asked with concern. There were originally 13 code names, but now number 8 is gone, so the organization is incomplete.

"No need, maybe he will return to the regiment in the future, you can reserve this position for him first."

Nobunaga felt that when Carle fought together as a companion, he could give it a go. He still hoped that Carle would come back one day.

(End of this chapter)

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