Chapter 91 Final arrangement

"It's impossible for Carl to come back. I hope everyone can make this clear. After we return to Meteor Street this time, we will establish an alliance with the Presbyterian Church, and then we will hand over part of the property, and leave the rest to Maggie for safekeeping. Everything will be done. After you are done, everyone will disperse and continue with your own practice and work. If you meet a companion who can develop, you can introduce him to replace Jiaer's No. 8."

Kuroro quietly told everyone about the next arrangement through the communicator next to his ear, without any expression changes on his face, everything was like a machine running normally.

"I want to tell everyone that the interests of the Phantom Brigade come first, and no one can surpass this point. If one day I am kidnapped, you can continue to fight, regardless of my life or death. The basic principles on which the regiment can survive forever."

Everyone listened to Kuroro's words and didn't speak any more. Everyone acquiesced to the rules set by Kuroro. The convoy continued to accelerate, and Meteor Street gradually approached.


In the Memphis Palace, Dolan officially moved in and sat on the throne that belonged to him.

Walter and Carl settled down together outside the palace, and the grandparents guarded the box containing Karl's head without saying a word all night.

Early the next morning, the troops of the mercenary legion rushed to the outside of the city and learned that Dolan had taken over, and both Karl and Rommel had been killed.

Since then, the Memphis Empire has ended the state of perennial war, and the capital Mora City has ushered in a grand new king's enthronement celebration.

All the streets in Mora City were decorated with lights and festoons, and the people dressed in costumes lined up to welcome King Doran's parade, and the whole country was revived.

Just when everyone was immersed in the long-lost peace and joy, everyone in the Walter family and Carl brought Carl's head to the two cemeteries, and set Carl's head on fire in front of the tombstones of the dead Baron and Emma. Burn to comfort their spirits in heaven.

Years of wandering and wandering finally paid off today. The blood feud of his parents was finally avenged. Carl knelt on Emma's tombstone after years of repressed anger was released. tombstone.

Seeing this scene, grandma and grandma burst into tears, and their eyes became even more red. After Walter hugged Jiaer tightly, everyone gave Jiaer a hug.

In Walter's manor, Carle only stayed for half a day, left a letter by the bedside, and left without saying goodbye while everyone was not paying attention.

When Walter opened the envelope, he read:

My dear relatives, forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, maybe my years of wandering life have made me not used to being fixed in one place.

I have decided to continue wandering, to take a good look at the world, and start my own adventure like Uncle Dandy.You don't have to come to me, I will come to you when I miss you.

I wish you peace and happiness from now on.

Love you Carl
When other people also saw this letter, Jiaer was already driving fast on the highway.

The winter wind is still blowing, but the sun has enough warm light. Where to go next, Carl hasn't made up his mind yet, but he knows that before taking risks, it's best to take the exam of a full-time hunter, so that he can go anywhere Convenience.

While Jiaer was planning his future itinerary, a person suddenly appeared on the road ahead blocking Jiaer's way.

Jiaer slammed on the brakes, and when he was about to hit that person, the wheels rubbed against the ground and drew deep marks and finally stopped.

"Don't you want to live? Even in the middle of the road, you don't dodge when you see my car coming."

Jiaer looked at the very angry man in front of him and reprimanded, but just after he finished speaking, he found that the person blocking the way exuded an extremely powerful aura.

He has long, disheveled hair, two sharp eyes, and his facial features are three-dimensional and skinny as if carved out.

With a strong physique and well-developed muscles, there was no ups and downs of expression on Jiaer's scolding face.

"Are you Carl?"

The other party asked in a cold tone, with an indifferent look as if confirming a piece of goods, not greeting.

"I am, who are you, why are you looking for me?"

Jiaer looked at each other suspiciously, thinking that both Karl and Rommel were dead, and he had no enemies. Where did this guy come from? Did he come to kill him?

"It seems that you are also very angry, and you can kill Karl. You are a worthy target. I can tell you that I am a killer. I am Shiba from the family that beat the enemy. I came here to kill you."

Xiba reported his name as a respect for the strong.

"Could it be that you are Shiba, the top killer family in the world who beat up the enemy. It's an honor to be hunted down by you. You can kill me, but I want to know who wants to kill me?"

Jiaer really wanted to know who his enemies were. If he escaped this time, he would kill them all so that he would not be disturbed.

"There are a lot of people who want to kill you. I shouldn't have told you the employer's information out of professional ethics, but no one has escaped my hunt alive. It doesn't matter if I tell you. You killed Carl and blocked Carl's gangster group has developed, they spent a lot of money to invite me to avenge and kill you for Carl, it's that simple, now you can understand and die!"

After Shiba finished speaking, he gathered Qi with both hands, and instantly launched an extremely fast physical attack on Jiaer that was difficult to defend against.

Countless heavy punches landed on Jiaer's body. Before Jiaer could react, he was sent flying heavily, and the car beside him was also blown up by the punch.

When Jiaer reacted again, Shiba's punches and kicks struck like lightning.

"This speed is really not covered, it seems that I can only use the big move with you, Scarlet Flame Storm!"

Jiaer put his hands on the ground, and let out his breath to hit the ground. When the flaming cyclone spiraled up, and countless fire snakes appeared, the ground exploded, causing the gravel on the ground to fly up. Jiaer turned his head and found that the storm The Shiba in the book is gone.

Shiba, who was riding on the light dragon in the sky, looked at his burned body, and then at the huge flame tornado blowing on the ground.

I am secretly glad that I hid fast enough just now, otherwise it would be ashes now. It seems that the target of the Phantom Brigade really needs to be handled carefully.

When Jiaer's flame energy was exhausted and disappeared, he felt a strong airflow descending from the sky. He looked up to see a giant dragon roaring and rushing towards him, and the white light emitted from its mouth was more dazzling than the sun.

Jia Er, who was standing on the ground, was instantly engulfed by the light dragon. After passing through his body, Jia Er fell to the ground and never got up again. The tattoo of Spider No. 8 on his arm was particularly eye-catching in the sunlight.

Kuroro, who returned to Meteor Street, was drinking coffee alone when he suddenly found that [Red Flame Storm] was missing from his "Secret of Thieves". He stood up and looked into the distance for a long time in a daze.

(end of book)

 Thanks to the book friends who have always supported this book. I have no experience in writing a book for the first time. I willfully wrote a fan who does not follow the routine. I don’t expect to sign a contract and just practice writing. I found many shortcomings in my writing through comments. .I am going to put down my pen to reflect and study for a period of time. When I am sure, I will continue to write the story of this book in the form of a new book. Those who invest in this book can get the income from the completion of the book.

(End of this chapter)

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