Chapter 42: Golden Lingzhu

At night, after sleeping for half a day, the ten-year-old boy woke up first.

As soon as he woke up, he looked around nervously, until he saw the sweet little girl sleeping beside him, and he was relieved.

Then I looked at the unfamiliar environment around me and slowly recalled what happened today.

After feeling the condition of his body, especially the slave mark that had disappeared on his body, he knew that he must have been rescued.

Qian Yuan, who was practicing downstairs, sensed the movement upstairs and smiled, but didn't go up to disturb them.

Now he should scare them up, they should need time to think quietly.


The next morning, when Qian Yuan was eating breakfast, the little boy and girl came down the stairs slowly with a trace of timidity.

"Come here, let's eat something together, I'm afraid you are almost starving now."

Seeing the two brothers and sisters, Qian Yuan waved and said with a chuckle.

Hearing Qian Yuan's voice, the two children were obviously a little nervous, and their breathing paused for a few seconds.

Although the little boy was a little scared when he heard the words, he brought the little girl over, pretended to be a little adult, and saluted Qian Yuan: "Thank you for saving our brothers and sisters yesterday. Dare not to follow."


Seeing this, Qian Yuan couldn't help laughing.

The little boy was at a loss when he heard Qian Yuan's laughter, his face was as red as an apple.

And his younger sister has been hiding behind the little boy and looking at Qian Yuan timidly.

"Okay, don't be so restrained, you can call me son or shopkeeper, let's have breakfast first."

Looking at the bewildered little boy, Qian Yuan held back his thoughts and said.

At Qian Yuan's request, the siblings sat down to have breakfast together.

Breakfast is the spiritual rice porridge he bought at the Lingyuan Building today. Normally, he only eats a few spiritual fruits in the morning.

According to his induction, the two brothers and sisters have already cultivated.

The little boy has already reached the second level of Qi training, while his sister has just introduced Qi into the body to reach the first level of Qi training.

This Lingmi porridge is just right for the two of them.

After breakfast, Qian Yuan learned from the little boy that their surname was Lin, brother Lin Yunhong and younger sister Lin Yunxi.

The two brothers and sisters were born in a small cultivator family with a base-building period. Some time ago, the family was found and wiped out by the enemy. The two brothers and sisters escaped under the cover of their parents.

However, after escaping, the brothers and sisters were discovered by people from the hidden slave trade not long after, and they were caught and made slaves.

Yesterday, there was a riot in the dark slave shop for some unknown reason, and the two of them also took advantage of the chaos to escape and finally went to his shop.

After listening to this, Qian Yuan looked at the depressed siblings and asked, "Do you have any relatives now?"

After hearing the words, Xiao Yunhong shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know."

"Then you two, brothers and sisters, follow me first. It just so happens that there is still a lack of a guy in my shop."

Qian Yuan looked at the lost little boy and patted his head and said.

"Thank you son, I will work hard."

Hearing this, Xiao Yunhong raised his head and said firmly to Qian Yuan.

After breakfast, Qian Yuan gave them some clothes that Luo Hao bought yesterday for them to change into.

After changing clothes, not to mention that he looks really good-looking, Xiao Yunhong has red lips and white teeth, and a pair of big eyes are piercing.

And little Yunxi's baby-fat little face is pitiful, but she is a little timid and hasn't spoken a word to him yet.

But think about it, the two brothers and sisters have experienced so many things at such a young age, it can be said that the elder brother has the courage to chat with him and his psychological quality is very good.

I just hope that time can heal the scars in their hearts.

When it was open during the day, Xiao Yunxi was a little afraid to come out, while Xiao Yunhong took the initiative to clean the store.

In fact, he placed a small dust-cleaning tray in the store, which didn't need to be cleaned at all.

But he didn't stop Xiao Yunhong's actions, because he knew that Xiao Yunhong wanted to repay him through these things, or prove that he was useful and could help.

Qian Yuan was reading an ancient book while chatting with Xiao Yunhong.

Through chatting, he found that although Xiao Yunhong was young, he had a lot of knowledge, and he could basically recognize all kinds of elixir, minerals, magic tools, etc. sold in his shop.

He can only sigh that he is worthy of being a child of the family, and his family education has a long history, which is incomparable to ordinary casual cultivators.

This made Qian Yuan feel that he had found a treasure. In the future, when he had something to go out, he would have a shopkeeper.

At noon, Qian Yuan brought his two brothers and sisters to the Lingyuan Building for dinner, and gave Xiao Yunhong the task of coming here to buy spirit meals every day.

In order to save money, many monks in the comprehension world use bigu pills instead of meals, but he is not used to eating that, so he is now a frequent visitor to Lingyuan building.

In the evening, when Luo Hao came back, the house hadn't been found yet, but it brought him unexpected news.

The reason why there was a riot in the Dark Slave House yesterday was because a mysterious strong man attacked Qiu Hai, the president of the Lingyun City Branch of the Dark Slave House.

Although the mysterious strong man was also seriously injured and fled in the end, Qiu Hai was seriously injured and even broke an arm on the spot.

Qiu Hai broke an arm, and his body was crippled. It can be said that the path of cultivation is broken.

But Qiu Hai was not willing to take out a few treasures in his collection to ask for a panacea that could regenerate a broken arm.

And among the few treasures that Qiu Hai put out as a reward, there was a metallic heaven and earth spiritual object, the Golden Spirit Bead.

Golden Lingzhu is one of the Five Elements Lingzhu and one of the most common types of heaven and earth spirits.

Born in the heart of a great metal vein.

Although Jin Lingzhu is relatively common, its efficacy is not weak at all.

People who practice Qi Dzogchen have obtained a pseudo-gold spiritual body that is very likely to break through to the foundation-building stage.

If you get it after the foundation building period, you can refine the Golden Lingzhu into a natal magic weapon, which is very powerful.

And if Qian Yuan has a set of Five Elements Spirit Beads to build a foundation, there is even a slight chance to transform into a real Five Elements body.

It's a pity how difficult it is to gather the Five Elements Spiritual Beads, and the ordinary heaven and earth spirits have already made his head big.

So Qian Yuan couldn't sit still after hearing the news. The spiritual things of heaven and earth are hard to come by. If you miss this time, you don't know when the next time will be.

As for whether he would be retaliated by that mysterious strong man after curing Qiu Hai, he didn't want to think about it.

Now he wants to collect the spirits of the Five Elements Heaven and Earth at all costs.

The first thing he thought of as a treasure that could regenerate a broken arm was the elixir ambergris fruit.

It can only be found in places where dragon blood monsters live.

The lowest level of ambergris is a fifth-level elixir, and the legendary ambergris conceived by real ambergris is the supreme elixir that can life and death human flesh and bones.

This kind of thing is not necessarily available to even the high-ranking Nascent Soul Stage boss, let alone him.

And some other elixir that can regenerate a broken arm are all rare treasures.

Thinking of Qian Yuan, he was a little bit unwilling. Could it be that this golden spirit was destined to miss him?

He took a deep breath and told Xiao Yunhong that he was optimistic about the shop, and then walked towards Wanbao Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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