Chapter 43 Fusion
Qian Yuan went to Wanbao Pavilion to buy some materials.

That's right!

He is going to use his fusion ability to create an elixir with the regeneration of a broken arm.

He has tried it before, and his fusion ability can be fused as long as the phase properties between the two items are not too different.

But the things that are fused like that are so strange, I don't know what's the use.

Moreover, these things do not exist in the cultivation world, and they cannot be sold.

After arriving at Wanbao Pavilion, a beautiful receptionist asked him with a smile, "Master, what do you need?"

It's a pity that he is not in the mood to appreciate any beauties right now, so he said directly: "I need the blood essence of the earth spirit earthworm above the second level."

"Earth spirit earthworm?"

The beautiful receptionist was taken aback for a moment, and then she reacted and said, "I'm sorry, my lord, this kind of monster is too rare, I'll go to the warehouse to check."

"It's okay, if you don't have it, the blood essence of the green wood lizard above the second level will also work."

Qian Yuan waved his hand and said to the beautiful waiter.

The earth spirit earthworm is a kind of earthworm monster with a gentle temperament and rarely attacks people. It usually lives in the ground hundreds of feet deep and is very difficult to find.

Generally, some big powers will raise some monsters like this under the spiritual fields.

This is also the reason why he came to Wanbao Pavilion. He estimated that Wanbao Pavilion might have the blood essence of this monster in Lingyun City.

This kind of monster is the monster with the strongest regenerative ability that he can think of.

After a while, the beautiful receptionist came back with a jade bottle in her hand and said, "Congratulations, my lord, we happen to have a bottle of the blood essence of a second-order high-level earth spirit in Wanbao Pavilion."

Qian Yuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, as expected, Wanbao Pavilion has a collection of monster essence and blood.

He looked at the jade bottle in the hands of the beautiful receptionist and asked, "How many spirit stones is this bottle of blood?"

"4000 Yuan Lingshi!"

The beautiful receptionist replied.

Qian Yuan bared his teeth a little, it's really not cheap.

Perhaps seeing what Qian Yuan was thinking, the beautiful receptionist smiled slightly and said, "Earth spirit earthworms are very rare, and this bottle of blood essence is as high as the second level, so it is a little more expensive."

"Okay, then bring me Vein Vein Grass, Thousand Spirit Flowers, Blood Yuan Fruit..."

After buying the blood essence of the second-tier high-grade earth spirit, Qian Yuan bought some elixir that might be used, and then walked out of Wanbao Pavilion satisfied.

When I went back, I also bought a cute spirit rabbit for experimentation.

Back to his own Yanhuang Pavilion, Xiao Yunhong was still guarding the shop.

"Okay, now it's dark and close the door of the store, you go back to the room to accompany your sister, I want to practice in the practice room, don't disturb me."

"Yes, son."

After ordering Xiao Yunhong, Qian Yuan went to the training room at the back, put down the spirit rabbit and set up a small restraint, and then took out all kinds of spiritual things he bought to prepare for fusion.

He first took out a hundred-year-old spiritual ginseng, and then took out a drop of earth spirit earthworm blood that he had just bought at Wanbao Pavilion and started to fuse.

He had successfully fused blood ginseng with spirit ginseng before and obtained blood ginseng.

The earthworm has a very strong regenerative ability, and he hopes that the blood ginseng can retain a little of the regeneration ability of the earthworm by fusing the essence and blood of the earthworm.

A flash of light flashed, and a blood-red spiritual ginseng appeared in his hand.

Then he took out the continuation grass that can repair the meridians, the thousand spirit flower that restores the vitality of the body, the top healing elixir Xue Yuzhi, and the blood fruit that nourishes the body, etc., and fused together one by one.

After all the fusion is completed, the originally slender body of the spiritual ginseng becomes bloated, the roots are much less, and the color becomes dark red.

Qian Yuan looked at his own work in front of him, feeling a little apprehensive, and then took a picture with one hand, and caught it in Lingtu's terrified eyes.

After stunned the spirit rabbit with a stalk of ecstasy grass, he cut off the spirit rabbit's front legs with a ruthless heart.

Then use spiritual power to stop the bleeding.

I have to say that spiritual power is really convenient.

After cutting off the rabbit legs is the most critical step.

He took a drop of the fused elixir and fed it to the spirit rabbit to help refine it.

As soon as the medicinal liquid entered the spirit rabbit's body, it turned into pure medicinal power and rushed towards the wound.

Then he saw little granulation sprouting from the wound of the spirit rabbit, and under the action of the medicine, the bones also slowly grew out, followed by the muscles and blood vessels, and finally the meridians also slowly grew out.

After a quarter of an hour or so, the broken leg of the spirit rabbit had grown completely, but it was one size smaller than the original leg.

Like an underdeveloped misshapen leg.

After his careful inspection, although the regrowth of the rabbit's legs had skeletal muscles and blood vessels, they were still too fragile, and the meridians were not good enough.

Even feeding the spirit rabbit medicine can only do so.

After thinking for a while, he fused two stalks of Veingrass, a Xueyu Zhi, and a Blood Yuan fruit into the elixir.

Then he took a drop of the medicine and fed it to the spirit rabbit.

With the action of the medicine, the rabbit legs that had stopped growing began to grow again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It didn't stop growing until it was about the same size as the original rabbit's legs.

This time after his investigation, it was much better than before. Although it was not as good as the original rabbit leg, it was not much worse.

And this spirit rabbit originally only absorbed a little spiritual energy, barely considered a first-order low-level monster, after absorbing a few drops of the medicinal liquid, it has now reached the peak of the first-order low-level.

In order to thank this spirit rabbit for its contribution, he planned to give it to Xiao Yunxi as a pet, so as to avoid the ending of being eaten.

After confirming that it was feasible, he was ready to start fusing the elixir for Qiu Hai.

Although it was only confirmed that the fused elixir could regenerate the broken arm, he didn't know if there would be any other side effects, but he couldn't care less about it.

Anyway, it's not that he wants to use it, as long as it has the effect of rebirth with a broken arm.

Moreover, as the slave leader of Lingyun City, Qiu Hai did all kinds of bad things, even if he cheated him of money, he wouldn't feel guilty.

As for the potency of the elixir that was fused just now is too low, it may be useful for the Qi training stage, but it is definitely useless for Qiu Hai in the purple mansion stage.

At the very least, it must be a thousand-year elixir if it wants to work on the cultivators of the Zifu period.

The thousand-year elixir belongs to the third-order elixir, and with his current cultivation base, it is not bad if he can fuse with the eight-nine-hundred-year elixir, but the thousand-year elixir is definitely not good.

This is why he practiced the "Five Elements Hunyuan Jing".

But the cultivation base is not enough for the pill to make up.

I saw him take out a top-quality pulse-protecting pill and take a top-quality Zengling pill.

In an instant, he felt that his body was full of spiritual power, and even after taking the top-grade Mai Mai pill, he still felt pain in his meridians.

If his spiritual power just now was only comparable to that of the foundation establishment stage, now his spiritual power has reached the peak of the foundation establishment stage.

Feeling the powerful spiritual power in his body, he didn't dare to delay to start the fusion immediately.


The next day, two more panda eyes appeared on Qian Yuan's eyes.

When Xiao Yunhong came down, he was startled when he saw Qian Yuan's appearance.

Although his mind is very tired, his spirit is very excited.

With the help of the top-quality pill, he successfully fused the thousand-year-old elixir.

He didn't have the energy to look at the store today. Fortunately, Xiao Yunhong is here so that the store won't close.

So he gave Xiao Yunhong a jade slip to let him look at the store. The jade slip has the prices of the items in the shop.

Xiao Yunhong felt a little flattered, he had only been here for more than two days and Qian Yuan handed over the shop to him to take care of.

And he himself returned to the training room to recharge his batteries.

In the afternoon, Qian Yuan, who had regained some energy, came out to eat some spiritual food bought by Xiao Yunhong at his Lingyuan Building, and then got up and went to the Yinyin slave shop.

(End of this chapter)

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