Redemption may be you

Chapter 40 Rolling in the Deep

Chapter 40 Rolling in the Deep
It's just a song of three or four minutes, but it can fully show the second half of her life.
Just like Adele's gorgeous and explosive singing voice, her birth was accompanied by envious and jealous eyes from the outside world. As a girl who stood on the lips of 90.00% of the Thai population from birth, her life should be Despite her glamorous appearance, she made a dramatic choice.

She fell in love with a poor boy, a penniless poor boy. When they met when they were young, the two people who were full of youthful hormones were completely dazzled by the desire in their minds. The concept of class was still in their minds at this time. Unnoticed, of course, perhaps, he was aware.

But when he who is poor can be liked by a girl who is as beautiful as a flower and rich in wealth, who would think so much?They walked through the streets and alleys of Bangkok, with smiles on their faces all the time.

But the gap between them is too big..

If she is a white swan among the crowd, then the person she falls in love with is a mouse full of viruses and bacteria in the sewer. Obviously, this is a relationship that is not blessed by others, including her parents naturally.

当自己女儿与街上的小乞丐谈恋爱的消息传到父亲的耳朵里时,大发雷霆的他立马安排人将那个穷小子狠狠的揍了一顿,被揍得头破血流的他只是有些He looked angrily at those arrogant subordinates and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Naturally, she also disappeared into her world. She cried for a long time at home but was powerless. In this way, she gradually chose to accept the reality.

Thus, an ignorant and short-lived love ended like this, but the matter did not stop, but went in another extreme and terrifying direction.

It was one night five years later, when she was about to fall asleep in the room, she suddenly heard screams from all over the house, from parents, mothers, servants, and even the puppies at home. , The screams one after another rang in her ears like a symphony.

But the screams only lasted for tens of seconds and stopped. Then, her room fell into a dead silence. Shocked and trembling, she curled up in the corner of the wall and covered her head, not daring to go out to check the situation. Then, a Footsteps came slowly from outside the room, one step, two steps, three steps, she could feel that the owner of the footsteps stopped at the door of her room.

The knock on the door of "duang duang duang" sounded like the god of death ringing the death knell with a sickle, tick, tick, tick, like the sound of water droplets falling on the ground appeared in her ears bit by bit with the knock on the door.

At this moment, she was so frightened that she had no energy to move, of course she was not stupid enough to look at the door, but as the knocking on the door intensified until it stopped, she could clearly see that her door was being slowly opened from the outside, and then The door was pushed open, and a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in front of her. He was covered in blood, like a grieving ghost floating from hell.

"Yuehua, is that you? What did you do?"

Even though his face was already covered with blood, she still recognized at a glance that the person in front of her was the boy she had loved five years ago. When she found a dead body lying in front of her room, the face of the bloody corpse was facing her, which made her feel a chill down her spine.

(Call me trash.)
The man named Yuehua slowly squatted in front of her, stretched out his hand and gently stroked her face, the blood-stained face showed a fanatical expression, as if he was looking at a doll he couldn't put it down.

"Do you remember me? Lena, I have nothing to do, I just... sent your family to hell."

Yuehua's hand stroking Linna slowly stopped, the perverted version licked the blood on her face, twisted her sore neck, the feeling of killing people was really wonderful!
Even though she already had the answer in her heart, Linna, who heard the facts, couldn't bear it for a while. The fear had long been forgotten at this moment. In grief, she pushed hard and pushed Yuehua down to the floor in front of her: "Why! Why do you want to do this? This is not something you would do!"

Hearing the question, Yuehua stood up slowly and looked coldly at the distraught Linna at this moment. She was stunned for a while, and then began to laugh loudly: "Why? Because your father once threw my dignity on the ground. step on!"

Ever since he was violently beaten by men sent by Lin Na's father on the street five years ago, thinking that he left in embarrassment like a dog under the eyes of everyone, he has been thinking about revenge all the time, and God seems to favor him.

He met a grieving ghost, a grieving ghost who likes to help human beings, and only pays a small price while helping.

The price is that one's lifespan will be slowly absorbed by it until death.

So, five years later, he came back for revenge.

As for why he didn't come back after five years, it was because he couldn't let go of Linna's feelings.

Every time he thinks of the short and beautiful time with Linna, his hatred will be paralyzed.

But after being told by his "benefactor" that his lifespan was running out, he finally chose to be ruthless as he had no other choice.

So, under the leadership of Yuehua, the grieving ghost carried out a brutal massacre of Linna's family.

And Linna's father was stabbed to death by Yuehua himself with a knife.

Perhaps the dead Lin Na's father would never understand why he would end up making himself so obsessed when he just dismissed all the stinky rats casually.

(What a dog! Hey!)
"Linna, come with me, we can be together forever, no one will stop us anymore."

Recalling the memories, Yuehua slowly stretched out her bloody hand to Linna.

Seeing that Yuehua was still crazy about going away with her at this moment, Lin Na, who was extremely complicated in her heart, shook her head: "You are already crazy, you are not the Yuehua you used to be."

Seeing that he was rejected, Yuehua showed a look of disbelief: "Why? I have always been Yuehua!" Then he hugged Linna who was squatting in the corner with some ferocity, and at this moment he felt a strong sense of betrayal .

Little did he know that his emotions had already become violent and cold under the control of the grieving ghost, and now his mind was like a doll, hiding in the dark to watch this good show, he would do whatever he wanted.

Maybe it was a little tired of watching, but Yuehua found that her hands that were holding Linna slowly stretched towards her neck uncontrollably. She wanted to resist but found that her hands were not under her control. Wonderfully, he yelled towards the darkness of the room almost like a roar: "I said I wouldn't kill her! So many people have died already! Enough is enough!"

But his resistance was in vain, he could only watch Linna slowly suffocate in his hands, bright red bloodshot eyes filled Linna's eyes, and the eyes looking at Yuehua were full of resentment and anger, she He didn't know that Yueguan killed himself because he was forced to do so.

She only knows that her whole family was brutally killed by Yuehua, and this hatred has long since wiped out all the love she once had.
The next day, the tragedy that happened in Bangkok, Thailand spread all over the world. None of the eight members of the family were spared, and all the deaths were extremely tragic. Even though the news reported that they were paid to murder, people who knew a little more When I saw the pictures of the deceased on the news, I realized that this was not a simple murder case.

Except for Linna and her father, the deaths of the other six people all proved one thing, this is a murder of a ghost.

Therefore, a certain exorcist organization of the Chinese Dynasty embarked on the journey to Thailand with the idea of ​​punishing rape and eradicating evil, and the time at this time happened to be: January 1998, 1.

Clearly, the exorcist had failed.

Since then, that villa has become a famous haunted house in Bangkok, Thailand. Even if it is sold at a low price, no one dares to think about it.

But as time came to 2010, the previous stories were gradually forgotten, and the villa also ushered in new owners. They settled down again without knowing what happened here.

And the owner of this villa has a daughter named Nicha Jotalarik, or you can also call her: Minnie.

 The god who called me stuck almost broke the update.

(End of this chapter)

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