Redemption may be you

Chapter 41: Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Chapter 41
Someone should be praying for someone.
"Here she comes, very fast!"

Sensing the resentment that appeared in the villa in the distance was rapidly approaching his direction, Huainan showed nervousness and reminded Mo Qu, that there was a gust of wind blowing in the dark woods at this moment, making people shudder.

Mo Qi stopped the movements in his hands, turned around and looked carefully at the silent forest behind him, and then slowly walked to Huainan to stand side by side with him. At this moment, they realized that a fierce battle was about to start.

The wind was raging in the woods, and the rustling sound filled the world of the two of them at this moment. Gradually, the wind stopped suddenly for some reason, and a figure came to the two of them almost in the blink of an eye. Floating in the hands of the two, as the forest was illuminated, the outline of that figure gradually became clear.

"Zhirou? How could it be you?"

"Mu Zhirou? How did your resentment become stronger?"

Seeing that it was Mu Zhirou who came, the two breathed a sigh of relief, but then realized that something was wrong. Mu Zhirou had never had such a huge amount of resentment on her body, and they each took a step back, and looked at him with serious expressions. Mu Zhirou was silent at the moment.

Hearing the question from the two, Mu Zhirou's body suddenly trembled strangely, first he smiled, and then a strange voice came from Mu Zhirou's body: "Mu Zhirou? What a nice name, unfortunately, Met you self righteous exorcists."

Could it be!Mo Qu and Huainan looked at each other in unison, thinking that Mu Zhirou might have been manipulated by the grieving ghost, they all felt a little inconceivable. Could it be that the opponent this time is so powerful that even Mu Zhirou, who is a ghost, can manipulate him?
As soon as the words fell, before the two people who were in shock had time to react, they rushed towards them at a ghostly speed. As she got closer, the oppressive feeling on their faces made Huainan and Mo Kai a little immobile. .

Huainan, who was stronger, had no choice but to push Mo Ke back, and then yelled forward, "Exorcism Sword! See you!"

After taking out the exorcising sword from the air in his left hand, Huainan focused his attention on the coming "Mu Zhirou". At this moment, the forest that was noisy due to the wind was quiet, as if he could hear his own heartbeat.

Mo Qian, who was pushed to the back, was stunned for a while, and realized that his attacking skills were not as good as Huainan's, so he planned to focus on defending, and then shouted: "Spiritual skills! Tai Chi mask! Open!"

As the Tai Chi pattern slowly emerged from the void, the dazzling light made the whole forest as if it were daytime at this moment, and the ferocious and terrifying face of "Mu Zhirou" also completely appeared in the eyes of the two of them.

But at this moment, the strong Taiji cover in the past was easily pierced by "Mu Zhirou" like paper paste, and then continued to fly to Huainan with a strong attack. Even Huainan did not expect the Taiji cover to be so fragile , he had no time to dodge, so he swung the exorcism sword and forcibly received the blow.


With a loud noise, Huainan, who was under attack, fell down beside Mo Que like a flying wire. He stuck the Exorcism Sword on the ground and stood up with strength and said, "So strong, I am not an opponent. She is probably only twice as strong as the one in Seoul." .”

"Now is not the time for you to discuss! Damn the exorcists!"

Mu Zhirou, who was possessed by Lin Na, did not give the two of them a chance to breathe, and once again gathered strong resentment to attack the two of them, and this time, her target was Mo Quen, who was looking serious at the moment.

(Is he your first friend? Then I will kill her first! Hahahahaha!)

The woods were filled with Linna's resentment at this moment, and the cold atmosphere was about to make Mo Kai, who was being targeted, breathless. Mo Ke tried to adjust his breathing. The opponent he faced this time was a bit terrifying. If we say If he can still deal with the duel with Lin Min'er.

Then the intensity of resentment shown by Linna in front of her is crushing for her.

"Mo Que! She's coming!" Huainan raised the exorcising sword in his hand, pointed it at Linna who was about to attack, and with a few beads of sweat on his forehead, he shouted with a determined look on his face: "Exorcism The second form of swordsmanship! Slay ghosts!"

When the words fell to the ground, the black exorcising sword in Huainan's hand trembled slightly. As the sword body gradually revealed a ghostly aura, the exorcising sword flew out of Huainan's hand like a thunderstorm and rushed towards Lin Na. Attacking Mo Qu's resentment.

Mo Que didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately raised his right hand and muttered silently: "Three psychic powers! Killing finger!" Then, a white light accompanied by the exorcism sword rushed towards the resentment filled with death.

As the resentment and the attack of the two met, it seemed that no one could do anything to the other. The three of them were in a slight stalemate in the air, but the resentment that Lina summoned was gradually visible to the naked eye under the combined attack of the two. disappeared.

As the resentment in the line of sight gradually disappeared under the attack of the two, the exorcism sword continued to fly towards Lin Na with the remaining power, but just when the attack was about to fall on her, Lin Na appeared in front of her out of thin air A black barrier was formed to firmly block the exorcism sword.

And just when Mo Que was about to take the opportunity to release the Killing Finger to attack Linna, suddenly there were several bursts of wind from behind him. Realizing the danger, he dodged to the left suddenly and narrowly escaped the sudden blow. .

Mo Que, who had survived the catastrophe, realized that the attackers were actually a few broken limbs that appeared out of thin air. Panting, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the wooden box where the wooden box was buried. He had guessed in his heart that these broken limbs appeared out of thin air. source.

Without giving Mo Que a chance, these severed limbs flew towards Mo Que again with strong resentment, but Huainan, who wanted to come to help, was held back by Linna's attacks one after another. In this way, the battlefield in the woods was divided into two places, and the battle gradually heated up.
When Mo Ke was in a fierce battle, a girl in Seoul, 720 kilometers away from Bangkok, was silently praying for him.

At this time, Seoul City has already entered midnight. Pei Zhuxuan, who was supposed to go to sleep early to welcome the next day after training in the company, is looking at the ceiling with wide eyes at this moment. She has already washed and is lying on the bed. Some panic.

It's a strange feeling.

I can't remember how many times I turned over on the bed, but Pei Zhuxuan's mind always thinks of the him who saved her, the him who gradually walked into my heart, and I feel more and more panicked and worried He got up from the bed and looked out the window, the bright moonlight was reflecting in the night sky.

The moonlight is beautiful, but at the moment she has no intention of watching it.

Feeling restless, Pei Zhuxuan put on her slippers and came to the balcony. The cold wind at midnight made her shiver in her pajamas. She rubbed her hands and sat down on the chair on the balcony, and then slowly closed it. He closed his eyes and clasped his hands together and said silently in his heart: "Mo Que, there must be nothing wrong."

 With all due respect, now I just want to quickly end the Thailand incident and write a sweet article.

(End of this chapter)

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