Chapter 428 Have You Asked the Imperial Concubine?
Xiaoxiao squinted to watch her father eat the rice noodle pancake, and watched the other guests follow suit while eating and playing, feeling very happy.

The emperor also wrote a few pieces playfully, and after eating a few pieces of his own "calligraphy", he reluctantly bit the nib of the pen that was full of soup - this taste is called mountain delicacy.

The guests seldom eat their fill at a formal banquet, but today, one of them counted as one, and they ate all of them up to their throats. If there was no room left in their stomachs, they felt like they could even lick their plates clean!

The Xiao family had a comfortable meal, and the smart people had already started asking when the next happy event of the Xiao family would be. Everyone tacitly forgot about the study about the empress just now, who would have thought that Xiao Xiao would take the initiative to bring up the old story again.

"By the way, Your Majesty, if you're still free, would you like to stop by and read the book my servant prepared for the library?"

Her tone was firm, the emperor was full of curiosity, the empress was unbelieving, and a large group of people came to the warehouse of the general's mansion.

There were many books spread out on the open space outside the warehouse, which looked like they were being dried, and as soon as the door was opened, everyone smelled a strong fragrance of ink.

With doubts, everyone picked up the books in the warehouse and read them after getting approval.

The handwriting is neat, and the font is uniform... Isn't it too uniform?

"May I ask whose manuscript is this?"

"I've never seen anyone who could write all the words so neatly."

"I don't know if this gentleman is still there? Some books in my mansion have been damaged for a long time, and I am planning to copy them again..."

Amidst everyone's words, someone said in surprise: "Every book is exactly the same?"

Is this reasonable?

"The handwriting is the same, it must be written by the same person, but if you want to copy so many books by yourself, how long will it take without sleep?"

"One year? Two years?"

"Your Majesty didn't take so long to prepare the bookstore, so how fast is he copying?"

Dozens of pairs of puzzled eyes focused on Xiaoxiao, which made her feel a little embarrassed. The emperor smiled and said, "Okay, don't be fooled, and quickly introduce this capable person to us."

Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Okay."

Then someone lifted out a wooden shelf.

"Learn about movable type printing."

Everyone is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. After watching the printing process from beginning to end, her eyes are like copper bells, and her mouth is opened in an O shape. Most of them are very relieved to see the neat rows of prints.

The queen poured cold water on her coldly: "The idea is good, but our Yan family had thought of the idea of ​​lettering more than ten years ago."

She said in a pointing tone: "However, if you want to print books with this method, every book and every page must be carved by a craftsman. It is not easy to require all the characters to be the same size and shape. With one stroke, the entire tablet will have to be re-engraved."

"Furthermore, the storage of the word board is also a big problem. If it is damp or bumped, it will have to be reworked."

"It's not difficult to find a spacious place that is convenient for drying and ventilation, but do you know how many pages a book has, and how many books and classics do I have in Daxia? Where can I find a place to put so many tablets?"

Because it would cost too much manpower, material and financial resources, the Yan family quickly gave up the idea as soon as it came up. Now this girl is fine, eager to bring it to His Majesty to ask for reward.

The emperor gave her a dissatisfied look: "How old is the girl of the Xiao family? She just reached the age of Ji today, and it is already very good that she can come up with such a way."

But it's really not very practical.

As soon as the half-sentence was swallowed, the emperor saw Xiaoxiao cheerfully walking to the type board, and asked with a smile on his face, "Guess why I call it 'movable type printing'?"

"Movable type, as the name suggests, this type board is flexible."

After finishing speaking, she picked up a small square strip from the tablet.

"Engrave words on such blocks, then use the blocks to arrange the required articles, clean them after use, and arrange the next page. In this way, whether it is printing a book or a hundred copies, the required words That's all there is to it."

"And Your Majesty, this block is made of iron, which is more durable than wood, and is easy to clean and store. As long as it is kept dry and free from moisture, it will not be a problem to make it once and use it for seven or eight years."

The more she talked, the hotter the emperor's eyes became, and finally when Xiaoxiao showed the typesetting method again, she couldn't help but stepped forward to operate it herself.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Nothing can express the emperor's appreciation for movable type printing better than the smile on his face at this moment.

"Senior Sister! You gave birth to a good daughter!"

He couldn't put it down as he touched the rubbing machine, and said in a loving and excited tone, "Come on, girl from the Xiao family, you have made many meritorious deeds, and I will reward you heavily."

After finishing speaking, he was a little more difficult to deal with: "But what should I reward you for? Why don't you mention the status of princess, and I will accept you as a righteous daughter. From now on, your status will be the same as that of the princess, how about it?"

Xiaoxiao said truthfully: "Your Majesty, in fact, my daughter doesn't care about these false names."

The emperor was happy, and said casually: "Then what reward do you want, you can mention it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, he actually felt a little regretful. Now that the national treasury is not rich, and the gold and silver property are not so easy to get, if this girl is a lion, it will be embarrassing for him not to come down.

So the emperor winked at Xiao Ran vigorously, but the latter was still angry and ignored him at all.

Xiaoxiao glanced at the many people at the scene, then looked at Rong Yan who was always looking at her worriedly, and smiled: "Besides, this credit does not belong to me, I can't claim it."

Rong Yan's heart moved, Xiao Ran and Gu Chang'an also vaguely guessed something, and then they heard Xiao Xiao say: "This is the method that the Third Highness came up with, and he also asked for the material from Chi Ernan."

The prince frowned, and asked reflexively, "Why did Chi Ernan give him these irons?"

Xiaoxiao said: "Oh, he is greedy, and he wants to eat everything in Daxia, but he has no money, so he wrote an IOU to His Royal Highness, and if he can't get any money, he will exchange it with iron."

Everyone thought it was absurd, but they couldn't find any reason to refute it when they thought about the gradually rounded figure of the fierce second prince.

The emperor wanted to laugh a little, he looked at Rong Yan in surprise: "Is there such a thing?"

After receiving Xiaoxiao's gaze, he nodded quickly, and the emperor touched his chin: "So, should I reward you? Tell me, what do you want?"

The crown prince gritted his teeth, and asked in a puzzled tone: "Then why didn't you tell Royal Father directly, instead send it to Xiao Mansion first?"

Xiao Ran knew this question, so she decided to answer it quickly: "Because this is a bride price."

Xiaoxiao couldn't help her blushing, and her already outstanding appearance was even more timid and charming.

Rong Yan said firmly: "Father, my son wants to ask for a marriage."

The prince who was ignored inexplicably felt a little green on his head: "Third brother, it's not polite for you to do this. Before you proposed marriage, did you ask the imperial concubine or empress?"

(End of this chapter)

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