Space peasant girl: madly criticizing Xianggong for being weak and bullying

Chapter 429 So many backers are not needed, brother, are you stupid?

Chapter 429 So many backers are not needed, brother, are you stupid?
It's impossible to say that he doesn't care, Rong Yan has always been hard-pressed to have a mother who doesn't like or even loathe him, but fortunately he has the Xiao family, so his hard-feeling gradually doesn't matter anymore.

"I've asked, Mother Concubine said, I don't need to ask her about my marriage."

He said: "Let me think about it myself, just tell my father."

Concubine Ji just ignores and hastily handles important matters in her son's life, really...

Everyone couldn't help but sympathize with Rong Yan, even the emperor, thinking about Concubine Ji's proposal for the prince's marriage just now, but didn't mention the appearance of his son, was quite embarrassed.

For so many years, he didn't care much about Rong Yan.

Just now he asked Concubine Ji: "You care so much about the prince's marriage, what about the third child?"

Concubine Ji's expression turned cold for a moment: "Your Majesty just decides."

All right, let him decide, anyway, the little girl of the senior sister's family and the third child are in love with each other, and besides, he is quite happy to be in-laws with the senior sister.

"Okay, I agree."

The prince and queen looked ugly at the same time.

"Father! Think twice!"

"Your Majesty! Think again!"

The emperor asked them coldly: "What's the matter, when I make a decision, I have to ask you first?"

Only then did the prince and queen realize that they had lost their composure, and bowed their heads at the same time.

"My son doesn't dare."

"Chen and concubine dare not."

The emperor asked Rong Yan again: "Have you really thought about it? Your movable type printing can benefit scholars all over the world. I can promise any request you have."

Rong Yan said without hesitation, "I thank my father for your kindness!"

The smile on his face couldn't be concealed at all, and he didn't want to hide it, Xiaoxiao also grinned, and the anger of Xiao Ran and his wife turned into relief.

It's so good, originally they were also having a headache how to get around that weird Concubine Ji and get engaged to the two children, today it was a big problem to solve.

The emperor saw that everyone was happy except the queen and the prince, and felt that he had made a wise decision: "That being the case, let's go back and prepare a formal dowry."

Rong Yanying's "Yes" voice was exceptionally loud, and the joy was clearly conveyed to everyone present.

There were episodes in the Jiji ceremony, but overall it was very satisfactory. Xiaoxiao successfully launched movable type printing and got a fiance, and she was very satisfied.

Ning An Hui, who had been silent but with a tense face, exhaled and laughed, and told his parents after returning that they would be very happy for his sister!

When the guests were leaving, Xiaoxiao sneaked up to Master Gu: "Grandfather, do you have any dinner arrangements? If not, why don't you stay and have another light meal?"

"There were outsiders here just now, and the food was not so enjoyable. Close the door tonight, and let's have a family dinner?"

Family dinner?

Senior scholar Gu didn't think about it for long, he pondered for a moment, and when he heard Gu Chang'an also say: "Father, stay here." He nodded kindly.

Xiaoxiao rolled up her sleeves happily: "Great, I'll cook that night! Don't argue with me!"

Although it sounds weird to ask Ji Jili's protagonist to cook, everyone can see that Xiaoxiao's hands are really itchy, so they allow her to cook some special dishes.

Xiaoxiao was in a hurry to wink at her father immediately: "Then I'll prepare the dishes, father, you can take your grandfather around to eliminate food, otherwise I won't be able to eat at night, and this chef will be very sad!"

The father and son walked away a little stiffly, and Xiao Ran gave her daughter a thumbs up: "Beautiful job!"

When Ning An went back to lunch, he looked at the faces of those officials and that official. He didn't eat much at all. He clutched his stomach and was wondering if he should leave. Then his caring sister asked, "Brother, do you want to eat crab roe noodles?"

It tastes delicious!

Ning Anhui decided to finish eating before leaving, but when he was half full, Xiaoxiao asked, "Brother, do you want to open a shop in the capital?"

Ning Anhui realized that he was actually a little moved, but he still forced himself to regain his senses: "No, it's not suitable, I'm a countryman, and I have no power or power in this capital, can I drive?"

Xiaoxiao pointed at herself: "Brother, who is your sister?"

Ning An thought about it: "Princess?"

Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows triumphantly, and asked again: "Then who is my mother?"

Ning An replied, "General Xiao?"

Xiaoxiao asked again: "Who is my grandfather?"

Ning An replied: "Scholar Gu!"

Xiaoxiao coughed lightly: "Who is my fiance?"

Ning An replied: ...

"The third prince of the current dynasty."

Xiaoxiao spread her hands: "You don't need so many backers, brother, are you stupid?"

What you said... so frankly reasonable!

Ning An was almost about to be entangled by Xiaoxiao, based on years of experience of being fooled, he thought about it carefully, and still insisted: "Let me think again, let me think."

Xiaoxiao looked calm: "It's okay, you think about it slowly, anyway, I have already checked the location of the shop, second brother, you don't know, those milk tea shops in the capital, tsk tsk, are not authentic at all, how about dim sum?" If it’s soft or hard, it’s not tasty at all.”

"But people here are actually willing to pay for those fake imitations."

"A shop can earn a few hundred taels a month at least, a few thousand taels a year, and tens of thousands of taels when it grows bigger. From now on, my little nephew will not worry about food, clothing, reading, and reading when he grows up. Daughter-in-law, you can choose at will!"

"Ah, by the way, you know that the eldest brother is going to be an official career, the second brother, you are the mainstay of the family's money..."

Rong Yan, who came to deliver ingredients to Xiaoxiao, couldn't help laughing when he heard the hypnotic chanting that floated out of the small kitchen - from then on, he could hear her chanting every day, which was great.

Yun Eryun made an unbearable expression behind him, and then they asked: "Master, today can be regarded as tearing apart the Yan family, is that okay?"

Rong Yan's eyes drooped slightly: "Peace cannot be maintained in the first place."

During dinner, Xiaoxiao found that the atmosphere of her father and grandfather was completely different. In the evening, when her mother came to give her the Gu family heirloom, she said.

"It turns out that your father left the Gu family not out of anger, but because he blamed himself for only reading sage books. He didn't even notice that his mother was seriously ill, so he couldn't face his family."

"And your grandfather, in the same guilt, thought that your father had always hated him..."

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the father and son toasted to each other and drank happily. The always self-restraining Gu Dashi even got himself drunk. Early the next morning, he set off from the general's mansion to go to court.

I ran into colleagues on the road and was about to say hello when I heard them say——

"Hey, have you heard that the newly found daughter of the Xiao family is not a cheap lamp. In order to curry favor with the Gu family, she deliberately put on a face and invited Master Gu, who doesn't like to socialize, to a funeral ceremony."

"Who doesn't know that Gu Changsheng broke with the Gu family a long time ago, and the senior scholar Gu always pretended that he didn't have a son. At this time, he looked over eagerly, tsk, it's an insult to the gentleman!"

"Mr. Zheng doesn't have to be separated like this. As for my daughter's family, I naturally have to think more about lifelong affairs. After all, she is from a farming family. You can't erase a little of that rustic air with the Gu family... Do you have eyelid cramps, Mr. Chen?"

(End of this chapter)

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