The host is charming and charming

Chapter 100 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 100 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (27)

Strictly speaking, Pei Jingyu plotted for the Empress, while Qing Mo guarded the island for the Fox Immortal.

The identity between the two is really awkward.

"What you want, this Ye Mingzhu can't give you."

Hearing this, Pei Jingyu's eyes dimmed.

But Qingmo paused, and said again: "I only said that there is no such thing in this pearl, but I didn't say that it can't be found on the island. If you want to continue the fate of Liguo, it depends on your chance."

If Zhaoge was awake, he would definitely complain about the guardian spirit's mystification.

But Pei Jingyu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Immortal, for your advice."

Qing Mo said quietly: "Fellow Daoist, don't be too happy. Even if you find a way, you may not be able to get out of this island. This island exists in an illusory space, and it is difficult to find a way out."

He raised his hand and pointed to the cave in the distance, "Whether you can get out of the island, the mystery is in that cave, I wish you two good luck."

When Pei Jingyu looked up, there was no shadow of an immortal.

There are still many doubts in his heart, but now, he can only shelve them temporarily.

He looked around, and after pondering for a while, his eyes fell on Zhaoge who was leaning against the big tree.

Pei Jingyu picked him up and walked towards the cave Qing Mo pointed to.

At night, Zhaoge still showed no signs of waking up.

Pei Jingyu looked at Zhaoge's face through the burning bonfire.

Countless memories flashed in my mind like sparks, all of which were the face of the woman in front of me.

What came with it was the cold air flowing through his body, that cold air was like a tough sword, cutting him open inch by inch.

Pei Jingyu gave a wry smile, she was already in a backlash, but now she still has signs of falling in love, she really is in a cocoon.

Within sight, Zhaoge's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then he opened his eyes.

She stood up alertly and relaxed when she saw Pei Jingyu on the opposite side.

Zhaoge looked around, "Are we escaping?"

"The sea monster is dead, and now we have arrived at Xiandao."

When mentioning the sea monster, Zhaoge thought of Pei Jingyu's physical condition, and couldn't help worrying: "Your body..."

Pei Jingyu curled her fingers slightly, and said without changing her face, "Don't worry, there is an immortal on this island who has already healed your wounds."

After he said this, Zhaoge realized that she didn't feel any pain at all, she was surprised: "It really is."

Zhao Ge sat beside him, curiously asked: "Then, did he say anything to you?"

Pei Jingyu told everything truthfully, and finally emphasized: "Can we go back, the mystery lies on that stone wall."

Zhaoge followed Pei Jingyu's line of sight to the stone wall carved with crooked characters behind him.

She let out a "huh" and walked towards the stone wall.

A lamp illuminates the stone wall, making Zhaoge look more carefully.

"Have you found anything?"

Zhaoge stroked his chin, "It seems to be a unique symbol of the fox clan. It's just that the symbols on the stone wall have been disassembled. If we connect them..."

"I know, it's broken!"

Zhaoge was caught off guard and turned around, almost colliding with Pei Jingyu who was behind him.

Pei Jingyu's eyes flickered and took a step back, while Zhaoge stared at the oil lamp in his hand.

Although he knew that Pei Jingyu's lock bag was fully equipped, he didn't expect that he even brought out the oil lamp, and he really knew how to live.

Pei Jingyu read the teasing expression on her face, pursed her thin lips slightly, and sat back beside the fire, staring at the burning flames, and murmured: "Broken?"

What is the connection between this and Dejima...

Slightly moving his mind, he almost couldn't suppress the overwhelming chill in his body. When he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, he hurriedly adjusted his breathing.

Zhaoge sat down beside him, squinted his eyes and said, "Pei Jingyu, it's never too late to think about leaving the island tomorrow. But how long do you want to hide your backlash from me?"

Pei Jingyu put the oil lamp aside, and wrote lightly: "There is no need to worry about recurrent symptoms."

It was rare for someone to choke in front of him, so instead of getting angry, Zhaoge said, "I don't know who are shouting to kill me, but desperately trying to save me. Pei Jingyu, you are so contradictory. Out of emotion and reason, I care about you." Your injury, why are you so indifferent?"

She moved closer, looking from Pei Jingyu's deep eyes to the corners of her lips, and said inexplicably, "Don't speak, are you angry? Because I saw through your disguise, or because I kissed you? "

The more he talked, the more unscrupulous he was. He wanted to turn to the back, but there was a stone wall behind him.

He raised his hand to cover Zhaoge's shoulder, Pei Jingyu couldn't bear it anymore, "Zhaoge, you are really..."

Zhaoge let out a "puchi" laugh, took advantage of the situation and grabbed his wrist, pouring the demon power into it continuously.

She stepped back a little, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Why are you so afraid? Although I am a fox demon, I have no interest in eating people. I just want to warm you up because your hands are cold."

The cold in the body was suppressed, but the cramping pain in the heart became more and more obvious.

Cut off love and desire, if you are emotional, the backlash will aggravate.

Coupled with the fact that he forcibly performed Taoism, the backlash occurred more frequently.

Now I can't see anything alive in my life.

Pei Jingyu relaxed and leaned against the stone wall. After a while, the pain in her heart faded away.

After a while, Zhaoge let go of his hand.

With this little trick, Pei Jingyu's face was so pale, and she said that she was fine, so how about coaxing ghosts?

His current situation has something to do with him.

【Host, even if it's not to save you, Pei Jingyu will be forced to use Taoism to fight the sea monster. 】

Zhaoge: This is different.If he doesn't save me, why should he be in such a mess.

"Thank you."

Pei Jingyu thought for a while and added, "I'm not angry."

Zhaoge straightened his sleeves, "I know, I deliberately teased you."

Pei Jingyu:······
In the next moment, Zhaoge made two jugs of wine, and she handed one of the jugs to Pei Jingyu, and said, "Drink to warm up, do you want some?"

The altar of wine faintly overflowed with the aroma of wine, making people greedy.

"Don't drink."

Zhaoge didn't notice his strange reaction, so he took the wine back, "It's just right, it's all mine."

Although I can't go out right now, it's better than fighting with sea monsters, I need to relax and enjoy it.

She rested her chin on her hand, looking like a lazy fox, "Pei Jingyu, you look so good-looking."

The flowers of Gaoling are even more eye-catching.

The corners of Pei Jingyu's lips were pursed into a straight line, and her ears were slightly red, "I used to talk to one adult, but now I come to this uninhabited land, and I have a name and a surname."

Zhaoge tilted his head, as if he had seriously thought about Pei Jingyu's accusation against him.

She took an inch and said: "Well, you are right. This is indeed unfamiliar, so I will call you Jingyu?"

Pei Jingyu: What do I mean?
Looking at each other, Pei Jingyu noticed that Zhaoge's eyes were a little loose.

He looked at the empty flagon beside the fire, his face covered with black lines.

Zhao Ge raised his hand, compared his face and said: "I seem to seldom see you smile. In fact, you look good when you smile."

(End of this chapter)

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