The host is charming and charming

Chapter 101 Abstinence National Teacher Forced to Return

Chapter 101 The ascetic national teacher was forced to return to the vulgar (28)

Pei Jingyu, who was molested many times in one night, felt helpless, took out a sleeping talisman in his hand, and went towards Zhaoge.

"It's time to go to bed, we have to find clues tomorrow."

After waking up the next day, Zhaoge covered his face with his hands, remembering the experience of being slightly drunk the night before.

[Host, you have done a good job, don't be shy. 】

Zhaoge: Hehe, they were forcibly silenced.

To be so provocative to this extent, I feel that my old face has been completely lost.

She regrouped and split up with Pei Jingyu.She went out to check the surrounding environment, while Pei Jingyu continued to solve the mystery of the word "bro" in the cave.

Well, in fact, the two of them were so embarrassed that they wanted to hide from each other.

After a few days, Zhaoge had only one feeling: the scenery here is not bad, and it is indeed suitable for seclusion.

When he was at a loss, Zhaoge had a flash of inspiration and thought of the guardian spirit here.

Since it is a guardian spirit, it must know something.

Maybe people have watched them work in vain these days, and I don't know where to hide and laugh secretly.

"Jingyu, why don't we ask that fairy?"

From the subtle emotions at the beginning, Pei Jingyu has adapted to Zhaoge's name.

He rolled up the parchment in his hand, and said in a low voice: "It is reasonable to say that he will not help us. Besides, we have walked more than half of this fairy island in the past few days, and we have not seen him. We want to find him , some difficulties."

"If he is unwilling to help, we will find a way to bribe him. Qingmo... the name is quite elegant, I wonder if Danqing Zhimo will please him?"

Pei Jingyu paused, knowing that the other party was a young man, but she was inexplicably jealous when she heard this, "To please him?"

At the same time, a childish voice sounded, "If you want to bribe me, this is not enough."

Pei Jingyu and Zhaoge looked at each other, and both looked towards the entrance of the cave.

White-haired black clothes, youthful posture, such obvious features, even if Zhao Ge has never met Qing Mo, he has already recognized him at a glance.

"Are you... an immortal?"

Qing Mo looked at Zhao Ge who was looking at him curiously, and said with a light smile, "You two are welcome, just call me Ah Mo."

Ah Mo?

It's really no problem to call it that way, everyone's identity can be placed here.

In front of Qing Mo, the two of them communicated with each other upright.

Zhaoge: This is the fairy you mentioned, and it looks kind.

Pei Jingyu: Kind?You look again.

Zhaoge touched his nose, maybe because he is also an earth spirit, and he feels kind when looking at the same kind.

Junjun: ···································································································································································································································································································

Seeing that Qing Mo is not very old, if this is placed in the human world, he is only eleven or twelve years old.

Therefore, Zhaoge had no psychological burden and put on a friendly smile, and said with a kind smile: "So you are Ah Mo, and my name is Zhaoge. Thank you for saving me last time. Is this time?"

Qing Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, "Didn't you summon me here?"

call? !
The two immediately grasped the key words, Zhaoge pointed to himself, hesitantly said: "You mean, I can summon you?"

Qing Mo nodded, "You have the most pure blood, and you have a sense of Xiandao, so you can naturally call me."

Pei Jingyu pointed to the stone wall, and brought out the hidden blackness to the extreme, "Since Ah Mo is here, can you help us? After all, we are destined."

The corners of Qing Mo's mouth twitched slightly, it was really rude.

As for Zhaoge, he looked at Pei Jingyu with an admiring face. He is really a child who can be taught.

Qing Mo looked at the stone wall, with a trace of helplessness in his voice, "I want to be fair and just."

He came and went in a hurry, and he didn't want to stay for a moment.

How can an examiner ask a candidate a question, and finally answer it by himself?
This is outrageous.

It's a pity that Zhaoge has never been a rule-abiding person.

She and Pei Jingyu usually solve problems obediently, but when they are bored, they have to call Qing Mo out to meet him.

After going back and forth, the relationship was forcibly drawn a lot closer.

Although Qing Mo didn't tell the mystery, he gave them a lot of other news.

For example, after the sea monster died, the dead in Liuhe City could be reincarnated, and the living could also be reborn.

It's just that their memories are not complete, the past is like a dream;
For another example, the disciples of the Guoshifu who Pei Jingyu stayed in the inn stayed in Liuhe City, unscathed.

Pei Jingyu borrowed Qingmo's power to entrust Zhufang and the others with a dream, and let him go back first after ensuring safety.

After all, they don't know how long they will stay in Xiandao.

One trick failed, Zhaoge thought of another trick.

The three on the island, one learns the technique of bigu, and the other two are the fox demon and the guardian spirit.

In short, they are all guys who don't need to eat, but Zhaoge is greedy, and always conjures up all kinds of delicious food.

After eating the transformed food for a long time, it loses its freshness, so Zhaoge turned his idea on the big fat fish in the sea.

After going back and forth, I also accidentally discovered that Qing Mo's young and old-fashioned little old-fashioned, seemed to like this beautiful and tender fish.

So, Zhaoge began to invite Qing Mo to eat fish every day.

Zhaoge transformed into a spacious wooden house on the island, entwined with trees and vines, making it more comfortable.

Sitting in the courtyard, she sprinkled all the seasonings in her hands on the freshly washed fish, and then opened her lips and said, "Qingmo."

In a moment, Qing Mo, whose face was covered with black lines, appeared beside the grill.

He said in words: "Zhaoge, you disturbed my clear dream."

Zhaoge handed him the grilled fish that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and coaxed: "Why sleep in broad daylight, besides, you can sleep anytime now. It's delicious, and you can't just eat it if you want it."

Qing Mo struggled, took the grilled fish with a straight face, and sat on the wooden board.

Zhaoge looked at his series of actions with amused expression, only thought it was amusing.

I didn't know before that the contrast of this guardian spirit was so great.

Seeing that Zhaoge had been staring at him, he was too embarrassed to speak, so he asked, "Where's Pei Jingyu?"

"I went to catch fish for you."

Qing Mo looked at her, "Do you think I will believe it?"

He saw her with his own eyes, and came back happily carrying a basket of fish every day.

Zhaoge's eyes lit up, hey, I'm just waiting for you to say you don't believe me!

She pretended to be distressed, and said to Qing Mo: "Oh, I know I can't hide it from you. He went to understand the mystery you gave him again. If you want me to tell you, you can help us."

Qing Mo looked at her, and said unhurriedly: "You really want to leave, I see, you are very happy here."

Zhaoge smiled slightly, Qing Mo was right, this kind of carefree life is indeed very happy.

But whether it is Pei Jingyu or himself, there are things that must be done.

"Qingmo, beyond the fairy island, countless people are waiting for him to protect. And I also need to bring countless fox demons here."

This is the promise she made to the fox demon that was full of caves from the very beginning, how could she break her promise?

Qing Mo lowered his eyes, and it was naturally the last wish of the fox fairy to bring the fox demon who was suffering outside.

Now, Pei Jingyu and Zhaoge have truly passed the test.

(End of this chapter)

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