The host is charming and charming

Chapter 15 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 15 Paranoid villains are always on their own
The moonlight was beautiful, and the cicadas kept ringing.

Zhaoge turned his pantothenic wrist, tilted his head and moved his ears to the door, is it true that Shen Chengyan can't do it?There was no movement in the room at all.

Forget it, it's not a good show, she'd better go back to sleep.Anyway, no one was watching, so the fool kept watch for him.

"Come in."

Zhaoge made up his mind to leave, but Shen Chengyan's voice suddenly came from inside the room, making her shrink back in fright.

Damn, I almost forgot that he has great martial arts skills and can easily see what's going on outside the house.

Well, go in and see for yourself how the battle is going.

"My lord, what can I order?"

Shen Chengyan raised his head, glanced at her, and said coldly: "Where did you want to go just now?"

Seeing that the two of them sat apart, not to mention sharing the couch, Zhao Ge couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that they didn't even pull their little hands together.

Would you dare to feel that she was desperately creating opportunities for him outside, but this guy was sitting in the room with another girl and staring?

She said without changing her face: "My lord misunderstood, the ice cubes are gone, I want to go to the cellar to get some more."

Shen Chengyan nodded, "It's just right, move the ice cubes into the house. If it continues to be so hot, Miss Qiao'er will melt into water."

Qiao'er blushed and said coquettishly, "My lord, there are still outsiders here."

This was a flirtatious sentence, but Zhaoge felt a little guilty, and hurriedly withdrew.

She threw the fire into a corner, and brought some ice into the house.

Shen Chengyan supported his head, just watching Zhaoge rushing in and out with sweat profusely.

Seeing that she was about to leave, he looked away and said jokingly: "Wait a minute, you stay in the house to serve."

Zhaoge was taken aback, this...isn't it good?

The room became much cooler, and the flower-like beauty regained her vitality in an instant. She got up hurriedly and said, "My lord, don't you want to watch the slave's Jinghong Dance? I will dance for the lord to watch now."

Jinghongwu, this is a good thing.Zhaoge's eyes lit up, and he hastily stood behind Shen Chengyan, waiting for orders.

When Zhaoge was in Nanqiong, he had heard it from Nan Hecai.

This dance is extremely delicate, a few flicks of the sleeves can easily move a man's heartstrings.She was in a fog at the time, but today she has to see and see.

But when Qiaoer really turned around, Zhaoge wanted to yawn.

That's it?Could it be that this Qiaoer girl is not good at learning?
If the famous Jinghong Wu just twisted a few times casually, would she be fine?
When Zhaoge thought of something, his curious eyes couldn't help focusing on the back of Shen Chengyan's head.

Although this dance is really not good, but the beauty is only wearing tulle, and the looming small waist is somewhat alluring.

Why did Shen Chengyan have no reaction? Could it be that before he met the heroine, he liked Long Yang's obsession?
A big play was quickly simulated in Zhaoge's head, and the corner of Junjun's mouth twitched when he was lucky enough to see these scenes.

Its host, is it really here to attack the demon king's avatar? ? ?

Shen Chengyan didn't have any expression on his face. It's really strange that this woman hasn't said a word or lost her temper since she came in.

Qiaoer's winking eyes were like silk, and after turning around again, her eyes suddenly became sharp, and she pulled out the transparent soft sword attached to her waist at an extremely fast speed, and stabbed at Shen Chengyan.

Shen Chengyan's eyes changed in an instant, and when he was about to stand up, his head suddenly ached like a knife.

"Hiss!" He shook his head, and a phantom suddenly appeared in front of him.

Zhaoge's eyes widened, what the hell!
The first thought flashed in her mind: if Shen Chengyan died, the strategy mission would fail.


Zhaoge subconsciously wanted to throw Shen Chengyan aside, but Shen Chengyan reacted faster, took Zhaoge into his arms and retreated to the side.

The sharp soft sword cut through Shen Chengyan's clothes, and made a big gash on his arm.

Qiaoer didn't expect that Zhaoge would suddenly rush out, and the princess who used to be so glamorous became a servant at the beck and call of others. All of this was done by the man in front of her. Shouldn't she hate this wolf and ambitious monster more than anyone else?
The moment she was stunned, Shen Chengyan slapped her and knocked her to the ground.

Qiao'er spat out a mouthful of blood, and the soft sword in her hand fell to the ground, trying to get up but unable to exert all her strength.

Horror flashed in her eyes, the spice that the man gave her could obviously stimulate the poison in Shen Chengyan's body, how could he still have the energy to fight back?

Everything happened too fast, Zhaoge looked at the broad shoulders with a sense of security in front of him, and his first reaction was to touch his own small face, and then his arms.

[Host, what are you doing? 】

Zhaoge: What about my wound?After finally catching the opportunity, this is a good time to make Shen Chengyan feel guilty.

【·····Ahem, the wound is on the target's arm. 】

Zhaoge was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked up at Shen Chengyan's arm hanging by the side.

Blood dripped down from his slender fingers, bones were faintly visible in the wound, but he felt no pain at all.

Qiao'er stared at Shen Chengyan viciously, the love in her eyes no longer existed, "How could it be, aren't you...haven't you been poisoned?"

Shen Chengyan let go of Zhaoge, and subconsciously blocked him behind him, with a gloomy look on his face, like a hell king who would kill him, "Who sent you here?"

Qiao'er snorted contemptuously: "You are a devil who has caused chaos in the court and caused the common people to suffer, everyone will punish you!"

Shen Chengyan smiled, "Don't want to say it? This king has a lot of ideas. Drag her down and let me pry her mouth open."

Zhaoge blinked, was he talking to me?

Obviously, Zhao Ge was wrong.As soon as Shen Chengyan finished speaking, a group of men in black filed in from the door and carried the dying Qiao'er out.

Zhaoge's complexion changed slightly, and she later realized that the reason why Shen Chengyan withdrew everyone tonight was not to have sex, but to invite you into the urn.

As long as he gives an order, these men in black who hide in the dark will show up.

It's a madman who has arranged everything behind his back and still puts himself in danger.

Zhaoge remembered Shen Chengyan's warning to himself in Yipinju last time, he left himself alone today, could it be that he was testing?
If the original body was here, he would definitely make up for Shen Chengyan without hesitation.

He is too wary, which is really not a good thing for his mission.

Xu was that the people behind were too quiet, Shen Chengyan turned around and saw her pale face, he hid his injured hand behind his back, the coldness in his eyes receded a little, and he said, "Are you scared?"

Zhaoge quickly came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "You're injured, I'll call someone."

Shen Chengyan grabbed her wrist, and said: "Wait, there is a medicine box in the room, you come and bandage this king."

"But, I..."

"This king will teach you."

I understand, there are only two of them in the room right now, Shen Chengyan wanted to test whether he would take advantage of his injury and kill him.

Heh, I'm not stupid, who knows if those men in black have left or not?
Besides, what she wanted was his heart, not his life.

OK, let's try it out.

(End of this chapter)

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