The host is charming and charming

Chapter 16 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 16 Paranoid villains are always on their own
Under the flickering candlelight, the shadow of Zhaoge bowing his head and bandaging flickered.

She closed the medicine box with a "snap", and said with satisfaction in her voice, "My lord, it's all bandaged."

Shen Chengyan withdrew his gaze from the wall, raised his arms and looked at it for a moment, then said with black lines all over his face: "This king taught you this?"

Fangcai Zhaoge detoxified according to his dictation, cleaned the wound, and wrapped it in a white cloth...

Every step was done well, but Shen Chengyan didn't like the last bandaging technique.

As a woman, how could she bandage her arms like a bloated trotter?
Zhaoge blinked his black and white eyes, and looked at Shen Chengyan innocently, "I only know this, or I should ask Jiang Yelai to re-bandage it for you."

Forget it, let alone bandaging, she probably hasn't been injured a few times since she was a child.

It's not easy to wrap it like this for the first time.

Shen Chengyan raised his hand to stop him, and asked with a calm expression: "As you said, this king used you. You are obviously as timid as a mouse, why did you come out to block it? You should wish to stab this king with a sword in the back." right."

Zhaoge: Who are you calling a mouse?Are you polite?

She said angrily, "Zhaoge dare not."

Shen Chengyan frowned, and said with some displeasure: "Speak well."

Meow, this awkward smelly man.To stab you, you want to kill me; to save you, you are still suspicious.

Tsk, it's really difficult to serve.

Zhaoge suddenly got up and came to Shen Chengyan, with her little hands on her knees, leaned slightly to keep eye level with him, looking cute and cute.

Shen Chengyan's fingers were slightly bent, his Adam's apple rolled, and he rarely panicked.

"What are you doing?"

The room was so quiet that the sound of a needle falling could be heard, Zhaoge's face was full of seriousness, and he said softly: "Shen Chengyan, do you still remember the bet I made with you in Wenchi that day?"

Shen Chengyan's hands were both loose and tight, but he still didn't push Zhaoge away. His gaze rested on Zhaoge's rosy lips for a moment, and he pretended to be calm and said, "What bet?"

Hearing Shen Chengyan's answer, a trace of disappointment flashed in Zhaoge's eyes, and he pursed his mouth in grievance.

He regretted that he had lied to her just now.

"At that time, I made a bet with you that you could return to Daliang. Now that I have won, do you have a place for me here?"

Shen Chengyan felt his heart itch, and Zhaoge poked his heart lightly with his delicate hand, before she could reprimand him, she put her hand down.

He opened his mouth and was speechless for a while, feeling a little annoyed.

[System: Ding!Congratulations to the host, the target's favorability is +10, and the current favorability is 35.That's right, that's it, tease him to death! ]
Jun Jun secretly laughed when he saw what his host had done.

Aha, Shen Chengyan is usually good at speaking, but he still fell into the hands of the host.If he hadn't been very wary since he was a child, I'm afraid the favorability would be more than that.

[Host come on!Junjun is optimistic about you! 】

Zhaoge turned into a showman in seconds, like a little abandoned daughter-in-law said: "What I said at the time, and what I do today, are all sincere."

After Zhaoge left, Shen Chengyan heaved a sigh of relief, and his palms were covered with a thin layer of sweat.

He looked slightly stunned, as if recalling the sincerity in Zhaoge's words just now.

Caught off guard, the headache that he had suppressed forcibly just now broke out again. It was menacing, and countless voices appeared in his mind.

"Idiot, don't trust her! Have you forgotten the humiliation you suffered in Nanqiong?"

"Hahahaha, if you let her go, who will let you go, let your poor mother go!"

"Shen Chengyan, kill her, kill her!"

"Shen Chengyan, Shen Chengyan..."

Shen Chengyan held his head, his eyes gradually became fierce, he raised his hand and swept the medicine box on the table to the ground, panting heavily and shouted angrily: "Shut up! Shut up, everyone!"

The wound that had just been bandaged was once again stained with blood, and he pinched his own wound fiercely, with a hideous expression.

It's all lies!What kind of sincerity, wanting to retreat safely with a few words?Don't even think about it!

On the second day, Zhao Ge sneaked around the mansion for half a circle, and then came to lie down under a towering tree, covering his face with a large lotus leaf, and crossed his legs leisurely.

In the past few days, she finally found out that the housekeepers in the mansion were nice, and they always turned a blind eye to her work. Zhaoge was very grateful.

As for those beautiful maidservants who wanted to meddle in other people's business, they were beaten by Zhaoge a few times, but now they are very knowledgeable, and they all detoured when they saw her.

She is very satisfied with this, if she wants to be lazy once in a while, there will be no uninterested people to bother her, right?
However, the slap in the face came faster than expected.

Almost as soon as she closed her eyes, she felt someone approaching, and then coughed lightly.

Zhaoge's alarm bell is loud, shit, could it be Shen Chengyan?
I just performed well in front of him yesterday, but I can't let him catch the pigtail.

She straightened up and stood up, "My lord, I was wrong, next time I won't dare... Jiang Ye?"

Jiang Ye smiled awkwardly, "Princess, the prince will let you serve him personally from today onwards, as for other mundane affairs, leave it to others."

Zhaoge was overjoyed on the face, and served him personally, it's good to serve him personally!
It can be said that it is near the water and the platform first, she can't wait to say: "I'm ready, let's go."

"Princess, don't worry, the prince has not yet come to court. The prince said that he wants to eat Yipinju's chestnut cake, so he asked you to go there yourself."

Come on, it's another errand job.

She nodded, and walked towards Yipinju with ease.

The proprietress's business is very good, seeing that Shen Chengyan did not go with Zhaoge today, she sent her to the back kitchen to pick it up by herself.

But Zhaoge didn't know that there were two back kitchens in this residence, and when she saw the room with the word "kitchen" written on the door, she opened the curtain and went in.

"Master, bring me a plate of chestnut cake."

Zhaoge scanned the layout of the kitchen, secretly lamenting that Shen Chengyan is quite good at picking places, even the kitchen is so exquisite in this residence.

After not hearing a response for a long time, Zhaoge walked in curiously, "Is anyone there?"

"Who is the girl looking for?" A warm voice came slowly, and then a man with a refined demeanor and a jade-like face appeared in front of Zhaoge.

Zhaoge was slightly taken aback, she is not a nympho.

No one would be a little surprised that this banished fairy-like figure appeared in a kitchen that was out of place with him, right?


Zhaoge: Cough, do you also think that the man in front of you is good-looking?

She wanted to tease Junjun, but she didn't expect that Junjun didn't warn her this time like last time.

Zhaoge muttered in his heart, it's strange, why does this little Junjun react bigger than me?

"Girl, my lord, Shangguan Yan, do you dare to ask the girl's name?" Shangguan Yan said in a warm voice with a smile on his lips.

"Hey, little girl Zhaoge, a maidservant of the Regent's Palace, came here to fetch cakes at the prince's order. Dare I ask... is this the kitchen?"

(End of this chapter)

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