The host is charming and charming

Chapter 17 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 17 Paranoid villains are always on their own
Just as Zhaoge finished asking, the sound of flustered footsteps sounded behind him.

The proprietress of Yipinju stumbled in and said in panic: "Master, this girl bumped into you because she didn't know her way, and I will take her away."


Zhaoge looked at the handsome man in front of him in surprise, it turned out that he was the real owner of Yipinju.

It looks so... so white and tender, it's really not a person's appearance.

The proprietress was afraid that her master would blame the regent's new favorite, so she dragged him towards the door while talking.

Knowing that he had stumbled into someone's private kitchen by mistake, Zhaoge smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, I won't bother you."

"Wait a minute."

Shangguan Yan still had a gentle smile on his face, turned around and went back to the inner room to take out a food box and handed it to Zhaoge, "Miss laughing, I like to study recipes in private, and I happened to make chestnut cake today, you can take it back for business. "

The proprietress' expression was a bit distorted, she read it right, not only did her master not punish the girl, but also gave her the food she made by herself?

She had followed Shangguan Yan since she was a child, and knew that he had a gentle appearance, but he was not someone to want to be with. Today is really a hell.

"I was the one who disturbed the young master, how embarrassing it is."

The corner of the proprietress's mouth couldn't help but twitch, she's embarrassed to hug the food box so tightly?
Shangguan Yan had a panoramic view of Zhaoge's small movements, and looked at her moving eyes, feeling a little dazed.

He coughed softly, "To be honest, the girl and my sister look very similar. If the girl really wants to thank me, she will come to Yipinju more in the future."

Zhaoge didn't show it on the surface, but his heart was rippling because of his words.

Judging by his dejected expression, it is estimated that the little girl in his mouth is just a poor person.

Zhaoge thanked again, and then followed Xiaoer's guidance out of the maze-like backyard.

It's really strange, she didn't look carefully when she came, but now that she looks carefully, the layout of the backyard is too maze-like.

Zhaoge left, but the proprietress didn't take a step. She hesitated and said, "Master, when did you have a younger sister?"

Only when she said the words did she realize that she had made a slip of the tongue.It's really stupid when it's my turn to ask about the master's affairs.

Sure enough, Shangguan Yan glanced at her lightly, and ordered: "The front hall is busy, so I don't want to serve her."

"Yes, my subordinates will go now."

With a heavy food box in his hand, Zhao Ge recalled what happened just now, and couldn't help calling out his own small system.

"Junjun, what role does Shangguan Yan play in the original plot?"

Jun Jun said that he was also very confused, Shangguan Yan was almost mentioned in the original plot, and Yipinju was just an ordinary restaurant with a good business.

But now, Shangguan Yan appeared with Xuan Mu Shangshen's face on his face, and he could still feel the faint divine breath from him.

He dared to conclude that this was definitely the deity.

God Xuan Mu descended to come in person, could it be that he came to capture the demon himself?

Just as Jun Jun was about to tell Zhaoge his guess, he received a divine warning in his spiritual consciousness.

He was stunned for a moment, Xuan Mu Shangshen actually asked him to conceal what happened today, why?

Zhaoge didn't get a response for a long time, and asked in confusion, "Junjun, why don't you speak?"

Hey, host, don't blame me, God Xuan Mu didn't let me say it, I can't beat him.

[Host, the original plot only briefly introduces the main plot, and there is no record about Shangguan Yan. 】

Zhaoge does not doubt that there is him, that's it.

As soon as she walked out of the gate of Yipinju, she ran into a group of soldiers surrounding the gate.

Zhaoge is familiar with the leader, and it is Shen Chengyan's right-hand man Jiang Ye.

Jiang Ye was dressed in uniform and looked serious. He turned around and met Zhaoge's eyes. The latter waved at him familiarly, and then trotted over, puzzled: "Jiang Ye, what are you doing?"

Jiang Ye glanced at her subtly, and his tone slowed down a lot, "Princess, I have come here to catch the assassins under the secret order of the prince."

Zhaoge realized that what Jiang Ye said was Qiaoer's accomplice yesterday.

It seems that he really pried his mouth open.

She couldn't help asking: "You mean Miss Qiao'er's accomplice is in the middle?"

Jiang Ye nodded, raised his head slightly, and said loudly: "Take him down."

The curiosity in Zhaoge's eyes faded, and his eyes widened.

Wait, Qiaoer's accomplice is herself?
When did this happen?Why doesn't she know?What is Shen Chengyan going crazy again!

The soldiers who came to capture Jiang Yeqian took her away without any explanation. The food box fell to the ground, and the pastries in the box were scattered all over the floor.

At this time, no one cares about the pastries on the ground, even if no one will listen to Zhaoge's explanation.

Speaking of which, it's just something no one cares about.

If Shen Chengyan likes them, they are treasures in the world; but if Shen Chengyan gets bored and no longer wants them, they are like mud, worthless.

With a "dong", Zhaoge was pushed and knelt down in front of Shen Chengyan.

She grunted, it hurt so much, the bones on her knee seemed to be broken.

I really regret that I didn't learn some martial arts at that time, my body is too weak to withstand any twists and turns.

Zhaoge didn't look up at Shen Chengyan, he could tell with his toes that he must be sitting on top of him with a superior posture at the moment, staring at him sullenly.

It's annoying to read, this ungrateful guy!
A faint smell of blood rose to the tip of his nose, and suddenly there was an extra person beside him.

Qiao'er's mouth is really hard, but she met Shen Chengyan, a lunatic who never pity her, and it directly made people break her tendons and hamstrings.

Looking at her limbs that could not move, Zhaoge couldn't help trembling.

Her knee didn't seem to hurt so much anymore.

Qiaoer's messy hair on her forehead was covered with dried blood on her eyelids. She opened her eyes with some difficulty. After seeing Zhaoge, there was a sudden surge of excitement in her eyes, and she said sharply: "Yes, it is her! Join me to assassinate Your person is the Nanqiong princess in front of you!"

Zhaoge looked at her speechlessly, and sure enough, a beautiful woman has a heart like a snake and a scorpion.

Shen Chengyan supported his head, his whole body was lazy and noble, and he couldn't hear any emotions when he said, "What she said is true?"

What a fart, really!You're going to piss me off, my old lady wants to kill you, so why wait until you join hands with her?
For being so thoughtless, I should have stabbed you in the back in the first place.

Of course, these words cannot be said in their entirety.

No matter how bad Shen Chengyan was, she was her target of attack anyway, so she had to put this in a more tactful way.

Zhaoge's eyes turned red in an instant, "My lord, I don't have one, don't listen to her nonsense, she must be trying to sow discord, my lord."


Shen Chengyan turned his head to look at Qiao'er, "If you speak half a lie, this king will cut off your meat piece by piece and feed it to the dogs."

Qiao'er's body couldn't help trembling, she gritted her teeth and said, "I'm not lying, we know that killing you is as difficult as going to heaven, so we plan to seduce you with bitter meat. If I lose, she will give you a fatal blow .

Xu saw that you could still use your internal strength after being poisoned, so she changed her mind.She is my friend! "

(End of this chapter)

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