The host is charming and charming

Chapter 25 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 25 Paranoid villains are always on their own
At this moment, a white Ganoderma lucidum was quietly lying in the box.

Zhaoge picked up the dagger and slashed lightly on his arm. The blood dripped on the snow ganoderma, which was absorbed by the snow ganoderma in a blink of an eye, and the cold air emanating from the ganoderma weakened a little.

Since getting the snow ganoderma, Zhaoge has been feeding the ganoderma in front of him with blood every day.

As long as the ganoderma becomes blood-colored and becomes a real blood ganoderma, it can detoxify Shen Chengyan.

[Host, are you okay? 】

Looking at Zhaoge's pale lips, Junjun couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"It's okay, don't worry, the blood ganoderma has the ability to make blood, and it will recover in a while."

Junjun sighed lowly, no matter how powerful the blood ganoderma is, there will always be a day when it will be exhausted.

It is connected to the host's consciousness, how can I not know the pain of repeatedly cutting my wrist.

I hope that the choice of the host is not wrong...

In the past few days, Shen Chengyan was so entangled with various things that he couldn't get away.

Although he hated Queen Mother Hu, his superficial skills had to be impeccable.

Zhaoge could tell that the source of his bad mood these days probably came more from the prime minister.

In that old man's heart, Shen Chengyan's strategy and courage are more suitable to be the king of Daliang.

Once Empress Dowager Hu died, the Hu family and those who supported King Huai would twist into a rope to deal with Shen Chengyan together.

The one who turned against the palace seemed to be his last way.

At night, Jiang Ye appeared at the door of Zhaoge's room with some embarrassment, and asked her to bring some food to Shen Chengyan.

"Princess, the prince has no appetite recently, and he eats very little. Please go to persuade him, the prince will definitely eat what you gave."

Zhaoge raised his eyebrows, so sure?
【Host, Junjun thinks so too! 】

She laughed a little, took the food box in Jiang Ye's hand, and readily agreed: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

I thought it would be easy to coax Shen Chengyan to eat, but who would have thought that she would go this trip, not only failing to complete what Jiang Ye entrusted, but also fooling himself.

"It's just in time to change clothes for the king."

Singer Zhao was carrying a food box, and before he could speak, he was ordered by Shen Chengyan.

She glanced out of the window, it's still early, and Shen Chengyan is going to rest?

Zhaoge had to suspect that this person was joking with her.

Turning around and seeing his tired face, she pursed her lips, maybe she was really tired.

Shen Chengyan opened his hands and looked at her expressionlessly, but he was actually a little nervous.

That beating look seemed to be saying: Why don't you come here, do you want me to invite you?

Zhaoge put the food box on the table, and came to Shen Chengyan to untie his cumbersome belt.

The fragrance of gardenia broke into the tip of his nose, and the silky hands around his waist touched it as if without a trace, making Shen Chengyan's whole body tense and his Adam's apple rolling.

If I had known earlier, it would be asking for trouble if I didn't let her come over.

He looked down at the girl who was struggling with the belt in front of him, her red lips were slightly raised, and even her head was cute.

The corners of Shen Chengyan's lips raised slightly, and then quickly pressed back.

Before Zhaoge was about to lose patience, he took a step back, then skillfully untied his coat and threw it to Zhaoge, and walked straight to the bed.

Zhaoge hung the coat that was soaked in warmth on the shelf, and hurriedly followed, "My lord, it's still early, why don't you eat something before going to bed?"

"The king is not hungry."

"What's the matter? I've told you all night. You... You didn't eat like this today. What should you do if you wake up hungry at night?"

Shen Chengyan paused when the hand touched the quilt, and turned his head to look deeply at Zhaoge, "So you came here for Jiang Ye?"

When did she have such a good relationship with Jiang Ye...
Zhaoge didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and thought that the man in front of him was blaming Jiang Ye for talking too much, "Don't blame him, doesn't Jiang Ye care about you?"

Shen Chengyan's eyes gradually became weird, and she even said good things for Jiang Ye...

Zhaoge exclaimed, and was caught off guard by Shen Chengyan and pulled in front of him.

Facing Shang Zhaoge's innocent deer eyes with distinct dark bars, Shen Chengyan turned around the words in his mouth, patted his side and motioned her to sit over.

The big hands clenched tightly on the wrists were strong and domineering, and there was no room for Zhaoge to refuse half a point.

She glanced at Shen Chengyan suspiciously, and had no choice but to follow suit.

As soon as she sat down, Shen Chengyan's head came over and leaned against her lap very naturally.

Zhaoge's eyes widened, somewhat puzzled by Shen Chengyan's inexplicable behavior.

"My head hurts, rub it for me."

Uncle Shen Chengyan closed his eyes, taking these words as a matter of course.

The corner of Zhaoge's mouth twitched, all the doubts in his eyes disappeared.

Well, this is using her as a coolie.

However, does the head hurt if there is no headache?
Zhaoge stared at his head, and put his hands on it before Shen Chengyan's urging sound fell.

One of them was sitting, the other was lying down, and they were silent for a while.

Zhaoge didn't speak because he felt guilty.

After all, she lied to Shen Chengyan last time, saying that this was the way to alleviate his headache.I don't know if I can fool him.

Singer Zhao moved gently and forcefully, his eyes fell on Shen Chengyan's straight nose and turned around.

Is he satisfied with his method, or not?
Soon, the favorable impression tone gave her the answer.

[System: Ding!The target's favorability is 5, and the current favorability is 55.According to Jun Jun, he is very satisfied. ]
Junjun procrastinated his tone on purpose, Zhaoge secretly commented on Shen Chengyan: This little mansao!

"In your heart, is this king a cold-blooded and ruthless person who will cause chaos in the world?"

Zhao Singer paused, seeing that his eyes hadn't opened, and asked, "Why does the lord ask such a question?"

If not, why are you afraid of me?

Shen Chengyan pursed his thin lips slightly, and opened his dark eyes suddenly, his eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, as if he disliked everything in the world.

"The civil and military officials think that this king is too powerful and will get involved in the Daliang Empire. Your Majesty, how could he not be shaken? The prime minister has the grace of rebuilding this king, and he wants this king to sit on the dragon chair. Zhaoge, this king Is this the only way?"

Shen Chengyan raised his eyes, and slowly met Shang Zhaoge's gaze.

He couldn't tell whether he expected more from her answer or feared more.

That's all... Just when Shen Chengyan wanted to look away, Zhaoge said softly: "My lord, I believe in you."

Shen Chengyan's eyelashes trembled slightly, his voice was a little hoarse, "What do you believe in me?"

Those beautiful deer eyes were bent, and the words he said were sincere and earnest, "There is no one who is born to be evil in this world, in Zhaoge's heart, the prince is not a cold-blooded and ruthless person.

I believe in the choice of the prince, and I believe that you can find a path you like.Seeing your own heart clearly, you will not be disturbed by the outside world. "

Shen Chengyan was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, and closed his eyes again.

"It's done very well, your doctor in Nanqiong is really good."

[System: Ding!Raiders favorability +10, current favorability is 65.Host, this wave is well done! ]
(End of this chapter)

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