The host is charming and charming

Chapter 26 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 26 Paranoid villains are always on their own
The increase in favorability this time did not give Zhaoge much sense of accomplishment.

Although she is not a part of the game, she knows Shen Chengyan's struggle and entanglement, the pain and bullying he has been receiving all along.

He stood up to fight against the injustice of the world, holding a butcher knife but did not do any great evil.

Shen Chengyan was in a dilemma between the emperor and the prime minister.

In the original plot, he chose to turn against him because of the headache and madness and Qin Shuangshuang's hindrance.

How will he choose this time?
What is the path he wants to lead to?
When Shen Chengyan woke up the next day, he found that Zhaoge was still guarding the bedside, with his hands on the quilt and his head tilted on the pillow.

Seeing such a scene, he rubbed his temples a little annoyed.

He actually fell asleep like this last night, which would never have happened in the past.

He was a man who was on guard even when he was sleeping.In addition to the servants guarding the door, there are also hidden guards on duty in the dark.

But since meeting her, he has become less and less like himself.

Shen Chengyan approached Zhaoge's blushing little face without moving his expression, and barely stopped where the corners of his lips were about to meet.

His hands on the side of the bed tightened and loosened, and his palms were rarely sweaty.

While in a daze, Zhaoge's head moved slightly.

Shen Chengyan was so frightened that he hurriedly backed away, then hurriedly lay down under the quilt and closed his eyes, even his breathing slowed down a lot on purpose.

Zhaoge opened his eyes in a daze, and after yawning, he couldn't help rubbing his sour head, staring at Shen Chengyan who was sleeping soundly on the bed with plaintive eyes.

If it wasn't for this guy who fell asleep yesterday, he pulled himself to say that he was afraid, so she wouldn't stay.

Thanks to him, I haven't slept in that big soft bed many times.

Either wake up in his bed, or wake up under his bed.

【Host, logically speaking, you are a married princess, and you were brought back to the palace by Chu Chengyan.Is it possible that you are doing the right thing by waking up in his bed every day? 】

Jun Jun said earnestly, hoping that his little host would understand this truth.

Zhaoge followed Junjun's train of thought and thought about it, waking up in Shen Chengyan's bed every day...
She shivered subconsciously, and she patted her little heart by chance, that was really thanks to Shen Chengyan for not marrying.

Just like he was crazy, if he slept too hard when he had a headache, he would obviously send his neck to his hand.

Junjun:? ? ?
Host, what is your little head thinking?If you don't understand, you don't dare to ask.

She looked at Shen Chengyan gratefully, and quickly got up and left the house.

It's still early, you can go to sleep and return to the cage.

After she left, Shen Chengyan, who was pretending to be asleep on the bed, breathed out lightly, and quietly opened his eyes.

He raised his hand to his heart, and a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

The man just stared at him for a moment, why is his heart beating so fast?
He got up, looked at the neglected food box yesterday, and had a plan in mind.

Jiang Ye was ordered by Shen Chengyan to ask Zhaoge to personally deliver the sweet-scented osmanthus cake to his room.

Zhaoge, who was once again entrusted with a heavy responsibility, didn't know that this was Shen Chengyan's trick, so he went directly to the kitchen to get osmanthus cake.

Along the way, she finally realized that something was wrong.

"Junjun, is it my illusion? Why do I feel that the servants in this mansion treat me differently?"

[Host, you finally found out.The beginning and the end are different, I think they are almost calling you Wangfei. 】

Seeing Zhaoge's footsteps paused, Junjun hehe said: [This must be Shen Chengyan's arrangement, host, Junjun thinks that you are not far from the princess.Shen Chengyan is not usually interested in you recently. 】

Zhaoge raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "Don't forget, our competitor hasn't appeared yet. As the heroine of the plane, Qin Shuangshuang has good luck. Feelings are things that come first and then first."

Junjun was immediately discouraged.

That's right, if the target of the raid falls in love with the heroine of the plane at first sight, no matter how much the host does, it won't help.

Although it felt uneasy in its heart, it still tried its best to comfort Zhaoge.

[Host don't be afraid, we will succeed! 】

Zhaoge smiled, and said with confidence: "Okay, I'm not afraid!"

Definitely, must successfully complete the task and seal the Demon Venerable's avatar.

"My lord, the sweet-scented osmanthus cake you asked for is here."

When Zhaoge entered the room, Shen Chengyan was reading a book.

Seeing someone approaching, he didn't even lift his head, he just ordered lightly: "Open."


The conversation between Xu Shicai and Junjun was a little heavy, but Shen Chengyan's neither cold nor indifferent attitude easily made her feel a little frustrated.

After the food box was opened, Shen Chengyan took a piece out of it with his big bony hands and tasted it, his gaze inadvertently flashed past Zhaoge's drooping little head.

She is not happy today?

Shen Chengyan's eyes flickered slightly, and he put his eyes on the tree again, and said again: "This king always feels that something is almost there, you come and taste it."

Zhaoge came back to his senses, subconsciously glanced at him, reached out and took a piece into his mouth.

Just eat it, why is this guy so picky.

There's nothing wrong with this pastry, it's obviously delicious.

Normally, she would be so hungry looking at it, but unfortunately she never had a chance to eat it.

Thinking of this, she reached out again and took another piece unceremoniously.

Seeing Shen Chengyan looking over, she said with a smile on her face: "My lord, this pastry is obviously sweet and soft, don't you like sweet ones?"

Shen Chengyan looked away calmly, nodded casually, without any waves in his voice, "It's just as long as you like it."

Zhaoge's eyes flashed with cunning, "Then if you don't like it... why don't you give it to me?"

"Okay, take it."

"Thank you, my lord!"

It could be heard that Zhaoge was really happy, he almost jumped up.

Shen Chengyan suppressed the raised corner of his mouth, put down the book and looked at him from head to toe, pretending to be dissatisfied and said: "Why do you only see these clothes back and forth all day long, and you don't have any other clothes you like?"

Zhaoge followed his gaze to look at the light pink skirt on her body, and almost couldn't help rolling her eyes.

please!The maids in your house can only wear these.

This girl's family has a big business, and it's not because I can't afford clothes, or because you insist on turning me into a maid, do I dare to dress indiscriminately?
She had a flash of inspiration, since Shen Chengyan took the initiative to mention this, why don't she trick him into buying some clothes for herself?
There is no reason to wear the clothes he bought himself.

Zhaoge's eyes were sparkling, and his tone softened a bit, "My lord, I also like beautiful clothes. I don't have money. I wonder if my lord can show kindness and take me to buy some clothes?"

Shen Chengyan covered his lips and coughed lightly, pretending to be reluctant and said: "In that case, let me go out with this king in the afternoon."

Ok?Just agree?

Shen Chengyan was obviously playing a trick on his own, why did he have the illusion that he was being tricked?
[System: Ding!Raiders favorability +5, current favorability is 70.Don't doubt the host, you have just been tricked. ]
(End of this chapter)

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