The host is charming and charming

Chapter 27 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 27 Paranoid villains are always on their own
There are a lot of people in the downtown area, and the sound of hawking continues, showing the prosperity of the big beams.

Nanqiong is unrestrained and enthusiastic, but Daliang is restrained and tolerant, which has a special flavor.

Whether it's the original body of the little Princess Nanqiong, or the earth spirit Zhaoge in the past hundred years, everyone will be attracted by what they hear and see in front of them.

Zhaoge walked behind Shen Chengyan in a regular manner, looking around, eyes full of joy.

Shen Chengyan stood tall and tall, with his hands behind his back, riding Zhaoge and slowing down inadvertently until he walked with her.

Both of them have outstanding temperament, and walking side by side attracted many people to secretly look at them.

Zhaoge realized the gazes around him, paused his smile, subconsciously leaned towards Shen Chengyan with his small head, and asked doubtfully, "My lord, why don't you let Jiang Ye and the others come closer?"


Zhao Ge said seriously: "My lord, there are many people on the street. It's not safe for you to walk around like this."

It is also my duty to protect the capture target from death.

[...Host, don't let Shen Chengyan know about your dangerous thoughts. 】

Zhaoge: Don't worry, your host is not stupid.

Shen Chengyan, who was taken advantage of, heard the concern in Zhaoge's words, a trace of sweetness swayed in his heart, and even his voice was full of joy.

"It's okay, we're here."

Shen Chengyan stretched out his hand to grab Zhaoge's wrist, and led her into the tailor shop on the right side of the street.

Looking at the luxurious decoration of this store, Zhaoge couldn't help but click his tongue secretly, full of anticipation in his heart.

Seeing that it was Shen Chengyan who came, the shopkeeper quickly saluted and said, "Master."


Shen Chengyan nodded, and gently pushed Zhaoge forward, "Take out the best fabric from the store, and let this girl have a good try."

The shopkeeper looked at Zhaoge with a little surprise. He glanced back and forth between his master and this slim girl, and he knew what was going on.

After he signaled Xiaoer to hang a closed sign by the door, he smiled politely at Zhaoge: "Girl, follow me here."

Zhaoge raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect this shop to be owned by Shen Chengyan.

[Shen Chengyan holds both power and wealth, half of the shops in the imperial city are his property, is the host tempted? 】

Hurry up if you're excited, although we have a mission, but if you really want to marry Shen Chengyan, I have no objection, hehe.

Anyway, it's just a big dream, floating like three lives.

How does Zhaoge know what Jun Junpang is thinking, she is really excited right now, what girl doesn't love beauty?
Looking at the many beautiful clothes in front of him, Zhaoge rubbed his hands, showed a blunt smile, and followed the shopkeeper excitedly.

Shen Chengyan lazily leaned against the pillar, fixed his eyes on Zhaoge who was almost submerged in the crowd, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

His staff often complained that shopping with his wife was more tiring than doing office work.

Even the prime minister showed helplessness when he talked about this.

He never understood why they were still enjoying it since it was so boring.

Unexpectedly, now even I can't escape such boring things.

But if the object is her, it seems...not bad?

"My lord, do you think I should choose goose yellow fabric or white fabric for this one?"

Zhaoge bit his lip in confusion, and held up two pieces of cloth in his hand to ask Shen Chengyan's opinion.

Shen Chengyan moved his eyes down, landed on the red lips, and said casually: "Make one for each color, and change it every day."

He added lightly in his heart: Show me the clothes.

The shopkeeper and Jiang Ye looked up at their master at the same time, hesitated to speak.

Both of them agreed that their master had the potential to be a faint king.

It's just that these words are outrageous, the two dare not, and cannot say them out.

A smile bloomed on Zhaoge's face, "This is not very good."

Although she said so, she turned around and whispered to the shopkeeper in the next second, "Shopkeeper, just do as your prince wants!"

Jiang Ye silently looked aside, master, your smile is too obvious.

After some sweeping, the two were about to leave when a hidden guard suddenly stepped forward, "My lord, I have something to report."

Seeing that Shen Chengyan's expression turned cold, Zhaoge blinked, a little puzzled.

Shen Chengyan turned around and said to Zhaoge: "There are some important things to deal with, you go back first, the king will be back later."

Zhaoge nodded, but didn't ask any further questions.

After seeing Zhaoge leave, the hidden guard stepped forward and said: "My lord, the remnants of King Huai's party were all eliminated, but now there are many well-trained dead servants.

The subordinates captured one person, who was wearing a jade pendant with the imprint of Prince Huai's Mansion.I'm afraid they are coming after you. "

Shen Chengyan squinted his eyes, his whole body was cold, "It seems that King Huai can't wait to come out, and secretly take them down, don't alarm His Majesty."


A group of plainclothes secret guards immediately dispersed and went to hunt down the dead servant of Huaifu.


"Subordinates are here!"

"Strengthen the guard in the mansion, and be sure to protect her."

Shen Chengyan thought for a while, and added: "If she dies, it will be difficult for Nan Qiong to explain."

Today I wanted to accompany Zhaoge to visit the imperial city, so I didn't take a carriage.

Now when walking on this street, Shen Chengyan couldn't help thinking of the restless King Huai.

His influence in the court has been almost wiped out by himself, and even his family has been copied for him.

His Majesty turned a blind eye to this, let alone release him to seize power.

Then, who would be helping King Huai?

"Be careful! Get out of the way, the horse is crazy, get out of the way!"

A crazy horse suddenly appeared and rampaged on the street, frightening the people around and fleeing in panic.

The sound of horseshoes approached, Shen Chengyan frowned and looked, but saw a woman in light yellow clothes pushing away the little girl who was too late to run, but he was about to die under the horseshoes.

That dress is very similar to the one in Cai Zhao's song just now, but that person is not her.

Shen Chengyan looked back, he is not a knight.

For irrelevant people, what does life and death have to do with oneself?

It's really stupid to think of saving others when you can't protect yourself.

But if that person was there, would he be as indifferent as himself?

Shen Chengyan frowned even deeper, and paused slightly.

On the other side, Zhaoge took out his pocket and bought two bunches of candied haws. He walked briskly and shook his head slightly.

She was born beautiful, but now that she has changed her maid outfit in the palace, people can't take their eyes off her.

One or two who wanted to strike up a conversation, caught a glimpse of the thing on Zhaoge's waist, gave her a horrified look, and ran as far as they could.

Zhao Ge looked back at the two fleeing in the desert as if feeling something, and pursed his lips to look at his waist badge.

The waist badge of the Prince Regent's Mansion has this thing, but it can save a lot of trouble.

However, what happened to Shen Chengyan?
Zhaoge bit the candied haws in his hand in distress, a little puzzled.

[Host, the street you walked just now is the place where the heroine Qin Shuangshuang and Shen Chengyan met for the first time. 】

Zhao Singer shook, and the ruddy, sour and sweet candied haws rolled on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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