The host is charming and charming

Chapter 38 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 38 Paranoid villains are always on their own
When Zhaoge opened her eyes again, she was in a dilapidated temple with her hands tied behind the pillars.

Now not only the neck hurts, but also the whole body is weak, and there is no ability to escape at all.

Zhaoge's brain hurts suddenly, next time he goes out, he must read the almanac.

"you're awake?"

A luxuriously dressed man suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The man's eyes were darkened, his footsteps were sloppy, and his complexion was sallow and fierce.

Looking down, Zhaoge saw that his left sleeve was empty.

Pan Xi said that day, after King Huai was released by the emperor, he got drunk on the way to visit the brothel, and his left hand was cut off by life.

Could it be...
She made a sound and said tentatively: "Who are you? If it's for money, you can take all the silver and hair ornaments on my body. As long as you let me go, I will definitely not report to the police when I go out."

King Huai laughed a few times, raised Zhaoge's chin with the long sword in his hand, and said in a cold voice: "Princess Nanqiong, take a good look at this king's hands, they are thanks to Shen Chengyan.

I don't care about any gold, silver and jewelry, but you, I am somewhat interested. "

"You are Huai Wang?"

King Huai sneered, he heard that Princess Nanqiong was just an idiot, only a bit pretty.

Unexpectedly, she guessed her identity now, Shen Chengyan chopped off one of his arms, and made him find no evidence to go to the palace to sue.

Hearing that Shen Chengyan was a charming girl in the golden house and was going to get married soon, he set his mind on the woman in front of him.

Whatever Shen Chengyan wanted, he would destroy everything.

Destroy it with your own hands in front of him, and let him taste the pain he feels so badly!

King Huai scrutinized Zhaoge from bottom to top with squinting eyes, and finally his eyes stopped on that bewitching face, "Your man chopped off one of my hands, and I wanted to chop off your hand for you!" He returned a big gift."

He changed the subject and said again: "But your charming appearance really makes this king unbearable. Why don't you follow this king and help me kill Shen Chengyan."

Zhaoge frowned slightly, his hand was actually done by Shen Chengyan.

She suddenly remembered that day, the faint smell of blood on Shen Chengyan's body.

The icy sword slowly slashed from the chin to the collar, "How about it, have you considered it? In the future, this king will definitely make you happy like a fairy."

As a true god, Zhaoge looked up at King Huai, and curled his lips in disdain.

"Shen Chengyan's job is better than yours."

These words made King Huai's face turn white and then red, red and then white.

He pointed at Zhaoge angrily, held back for a long time, but only said: "Bitch, you have no shame at all!"

Zhaoge chuckled lightly, feeling a lot happier seeing King Huai's annoyed look.

She dared to be so arrogant because she expected that King Huai would not hurt her at all.

Presumably Shen Chengyan has pushed him to a desperate situation, otherwise how could he have hit his idea on himself like breaking the boat.

Hurt her, what else would he use to negotiate terms with Shen Chengyan.

King Huai laughed back angrily, "Stinky woman, don't think that someone will come to save you. Even if I die, I will hold you back."

After uttering harsh words, he left angrily.

For a long time, he had an unspeakable matter in his heart, which few people knew.

As a man, it's a great shame to be incapable of that.

To this end, he spent a lot of manpower and resources, and obtained a pill from the Western Regions that would allow him to show his glory again.

He deliberately forgot this matter in his heart, but he didn't expect to shoot himself in the foot today.

Having been questioned by Zhaoge just now, he was simmering with anger in his heart at the moment, and he just wanted to quickly grab the two maids to prove his majesty.

The only light in the room was turned off again, Zhaoge saw that the person had left, so he relaxed and leaned against the pillar, waiting for his physical strength to recover.

[Host, are you okay? 】

Junjun's concerned voice sounded in his mind, Zhaoge shook his head, "It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

[The original owner's body is already weak, but relying on the blood ganoderma to be no different from ordinary people.

Now that you have extracted the pure blood ganoderma lucidum in your body to detoxify Shen Chengyan, you have already used up half your life.

The longer you stay here, the worse it will be for you, why don't I help you escape. 】

As Junjun said, Zhaoge's face was pale at the moment, even his lips were bloodless.

She raised her hand to caress her heart, her heart was heavy and short of breath, showing signs of exhaustion.

This is myself, I won't live long.

For some reason, Zhaoge's expression was a little gloomy.

She refused softly: "Junjun, if you use your divine power, you will be tortured by the flames. If you are wiped out, where can I find you? Don't worry, I can still hold on."

In the palace, Shen Chengyan was concentrating on drawing a picture, his eyes were full of tenderness, and there was a slight smile on his clear face.

Jiang Ye hurried in, "My lord, the princess has been taken away!"

Shen Chengyan paused, "What did you say?"

The paintbrush in his hand was abruptly broken by him, and he said coldly: "Look for it! Search the entire imperial city, and find him for me!"


Shen Chengyan's footsteps trembled slightly, and he felt chills all over his body.

He felt a pain in his heart, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, dyeing the portrait of the delicate woman in the wedding dress on the table even redder.

He staggered and fell down.

"My lord!"

Turning Ye Zhe back, he quickly supported Shen Chengyan, and took a look at his sleeve.

Shen Chengyan's wrists turned purple, which means that the qi and blood rushed to stimulate the poison in the body again.

"Hurry up, invite Dr. Shen to come here!"

Shen Yao had just received the once-in-a-century blood ganoderma from the prime minister, and at the moment he was squatting by the table curiously, looking at this small blood-red ganoderma.

Under the sun, there really is such a treasure.

If I am lucky enough to see this rare treasure with my own eyes, I will have no regrets in this life.

As soon as he got up, two dark guards dressed in black broke through the door and asked him to go to the Prince Regent's Mansion for treatment.

Shen Yao heard about Shen Chengyan's symptoms, and knew that his heart was poisoned, and he only had one breath left.

He brought the blood ganoderma on the table, and hurriedly followed the two of them.

If Shen Chengyan really died, that old guy might cry blind, who will play chess with him in the future?
No, even if I rob someone with Hades today, I have to save Shen Chengyan!
In the temple, Zhaoge felt drowsy listening to the ticking sound in the corner.

In the past few days, King Huai only threw some steamed buns to her, and added Ruanjin powder to the steamed buns.

Zhaoge barely moved, and often tore off the skin of the steamed bun before eating.

She hurt her neck, and it was cold every day with nothing to keep out the cold, and even the food was pitifully scarce.

The eyelids became heavier, her will gradually faded, and even her consciousness began to slacken, and phantoms of Shen Chengyan frequently appeared in her mind.

I don't know, how is he doing now?
[Host, someone is coming! 】

Junjun's reminder made Zhaoge instantly alert. She shook her head, trying to see the person in front of her clearly.

"Zhaoge, how are you doing?"

Zhao Ge was taken aback, "Why are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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