The host is charming and charming

Chapter 39 Paranoid villains are always on their own

Chapter 39 Paranoid villains are always on their own
Qin Shuangshuang looked at Zhaoge in front of her, she didn't have the lively and agile appearance when she was in the palace.

She hurriedly untied the rope for Zhaoge, and said in a low voice: "I sent the people of King Huai away, before they realize it, I will take you away immediately."

Zhaoge thumped in his heart, realizing the key point.

She grabbed Qin Shuangshuang's hand instead, "Stopped by you? What do you mean by that?"

Qin Shuangshuang's back stiffened, and she subconsciously avoided her sight.

"Speak up! Qin Shuangshuang, does King Huai's coming out of the clan mansion have anything to do with you?"

Qin Shuangshuang opened her mouth, a look of bewilderment flashed across her pretty face, she didn't know what to say for a while.

From the beginning, she really wanted to use King Huai to get rid of Shen Chengyan.

But after she was brought back to the palace by Shen Kui, she remembered Zhaoge's words, and went to the queen mother's palace to find out the so-called truth.

Who would have thought that the Queen Mother had murdered Shen Chengyan's mother and concubine under the dark table in the Queen Mother's study, and had repeatedly sent people to remove any traces of Shen Chengyan.

He even found the pill that the Queen Mother was going to give His Majesty, which contained chronic poison.

The Empress Dowager would not be that kind of person, she is so kind, how could she do such outrageous things, how could she use herself...

It turned out that all the evidence was right under her nose, but she never doubted the queen mother who was like her own mother.

Qin Shuangshuang realized that her hostility towards Shen Chengyan was wrong, and it was also wrong to provoke the relationship between him and His Majesty.

But it was too late, and Shen Kui didn't see her at all.

She came here today because she wanted to bury the silver bracelet given to her by the empress under the tree in this temple, as a repayment for her upbringing.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered that King Huai imprisoned Zhaoge here privately.

In a hurry to save people, she was afraid of scaring the snake, so she took advantage of King Huai's still in the palace to take him away.

Qin Shuangshuang closed her eyes, "Zhaoge, it's all because of my obsession. Now that I know the Queen Mother's mistakes, I will never help the evildoer again.

Now Your Majesty does not want to listen to my explanation, if Shen Chengyan finds out that you are in the hands of King Huai, he will definitely mistakenly think that this matter is His Majesty's plan.

King Huai's heart can be punished, as long as we escape, we can prevent the disaster from happening. "

Zhaoge's face was a little ugly. In the original plot, both himself and King Huai died early, so naturally there were no such idiots.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside the door.

The two looked at the door at the same time, and Qin Shuangshuang stood in front of Zhaoge in a defensive posture.

Although she has no martial arts and trembles with fear, she subconsciously protects Zhaoge.

If it wasn't because of his own design to rescue King Huai, Zhaoge wouldn't be in the current situation.

Zhaoge barely supported the pillar to stand up, she looked at the back of Qin Shuangshuang's head thoughtfully.

I'm afraid they won't be able to escape.

With the last bit of strength, she dragged Qin Shuangshuang to the cabinet in the corner, turned around and wanted to go out.

"Zhaoge, what are you doing!"

Qin Shuangshuang firmly grabbed Zhaoge's sleeve, trying to prevent her from leaving.

Zhaoge sighed softly, and spoke very quickly: "Listen, little Taoist, we can't escape unscathed in the current situation.

It is still useful for King Huai to keep me, but you know all his secrets, if he bumps into you here, he will kill the root.

Hide here and don't let him find you. "

Qin Shuangshuang bit her lip, but finally let go.

She was right, only by escaping by herself could she have a chance to rescue her.

Zhaoge quickly returned to the pillar, wrapped the rope around his legs a few times, pretending to have just untied it.

The plane girl is mainly belching farts, so there is no need to do this task.

Thinking of Shen Chengyan's stuck favorability, she couldn't help but come up with a plan.

Even if Shen Chengyan's poison is cured, he doesn't know if he still has time to deal with him.

Perhaps, this is a chance God gave her.

【Host, don't you mean...】

"Junjun, sometimes a good move can save you a lot of trouble."

Zhaoge turned his head and glanced at the corner, Qin Shuangshuang, it's up to you.

With a "bang", King Huai pushed the door open, and saw that the rope on Zhaoge's body was loose.

His eyes froze, he drew his sword and walked over, "Bitch, you still want to escape."

Seeing that the sharp sword was about to pierce Zhaoge's neck, his subordinates hurriedly stopped him behind him, "Master, absolutely not!"

"Go away!"

King Huai pushed his subordinates away, and after calming down, he suddenly squatted down and squeezed Zhaoge's neck fiercely.

The air was evacuated in an instant, and the feeling of suffocation made Zhaoge's face flush abnormally. She patted King Huai desperately with both hands, but it didn't help at all.

Qin Shuangshuang behind the cabinet bit her lips tightly, unable to bear to look any further.

King Huai snorted coldly, let go of Zhaoge and threw him aside, mockingly said: "It's really a disaster for a beauty. For you, Shen Chengyan turned the imperial city upside down. Before long, His Majesty won't tolerate him without my help." Do more nonsense."

A guard rushed in from outside the door, "Master, the regent's people have already arrived at the front door, if you don't leave, it will be too late."

"Take people away."

Zhaoge struggled and said, "Where are you taking me!"

"The most dangerous place is naturally the safest place. Put your heart in your stomach, I won't kill you now."

King Huai was pleased by Zhaoge's panic, so he said a few more words, but he didn't think there were other people in the room.

This sentence revealed his next hiding place.

Not long after King Huai left with Zhaoge, Shen Chengyan's guards swarmed in.

Qin Shuangshuang took the initiative to stand up and said, "Take me to the regent, I know where Zhaoge is."

The guard looked at her suspiciously, "Since you know, why don't you tell me quickly."

Qin Shuangshuang glanced at him, and said quietly, "That place is not something you can go to whenever you want."

In the palace, Shen Laogang took Shen Chengyan's pulse, and seeing the serious depression on Shen Chengyan's forehead, he hurriedly asked: "My lord, I know you are depressed.

But it took you a narrow escape to detoxify your body, so you still need to pay more attention.

Otherwise, all the painstaking efforts of that girl will be wasted. "

Shen Chengyan paused, recalling the scene of that day in his mind.

When he woke up, the room was filled with a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, and the prime minister asked Shen to tell him everything about the veteran.

"My lord, Princess Zhaoge asked the prime minister to hand over the blood ganoderma. I'm afraid I don't want you to know the origin of the blood ganoderma. You don't want to use the blood ganoderma in the county's main body. I didn't expect that she would give up half of her life for the sake of the blood ganoderma. You detoxify and save your life."

"Old Shen, is there a way to protect her?"

"My lord, don't worry too much. If Princess Zhaoge is brought back, I will devote all my life's knowledge to prolong the life of Princess Zhaoge for more than [-] years."

Shen Chengyan clenched his fists, because he didn't protect her well.

Now the imperial city has been searched, but there is no trace of her, even King Huai.

King Huai must have something to do with this matter, where can he hide?
Shen Chengyan suddenly looked outside the door, there was another place he hadn't searched.

Could it be that person...

(End of this chapter)

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