Chapter 45 Black-bellied Boss Fu's Cultivated Girlfriend (4)

Zhaoge approached Fu Qijun step by step, obviously only a few steps away, but Fu Qijun felt as long as a century.

His heartbeat speeded up, and he didn't know where he went with his usual ease.

"It's okay, I'm the one who bothered my little uncle, please do what you want."

Zhaoge took the briefcase from Fu Qijun's hand, poured him a glass of water considerately, and walked towards the balcony.

Fu Qijun came out of the study with a document, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Zhaoge who was drying clothes on the balcony.

He paused, hesitating whether to say hello to her before leaving.

Seeing that Zhaoge was about to turn his head, he concealed himself and walked quickly towards the entrance.

The sound of slippers behind him was a little hurried, "Uncle?"

Not surprisingly, Zhaoge stopped him.


Fu Qijun turned around, the soft light shone on him, his suit was straight, and his eyes were deep.

He seemed to have a different kind of charm in this way, and he said softly, which made people blush and heartbeat inexplicably.

"Little uncle...won't you stay?"

Fu Qijun's brain exploded with a bang, and he rationally told him that the little girl in front of him didn't mean that, but inexplicable waves arose in his heart.

Before he said anything, Zhaoge blushed quickly and explained incoherently:

"Little uncle, I... I mean, it's not safe to drive at night, I've always lived in the guest room, and I haven't been to the master bedroom.

You... If it is not easy to go back, you can spend the night here. "

Fu Qijun raised his eyebrows slightly, he couldn't deny it, he was so busy these days.

His original plan was not to return to Fu's house for the next few days. It was close to the company, which would save a lot of time.

Although the door is closed and the outside world is cut off, but this person is Xu Zhaoge after all.

He stepped forward and touched her head, with the alienation and politeness of adults.

Zhaoge's freshly tied hair was messed up by gentle big hands, "It's okay, my uncle has to go back to the old house to get a document. Have a good rest and don't stay up late."

Where Fu Qijun couldn't see, Zhaoge twitched the corner of his mouth.

With this lame reason, Fu Qijun really fooled her like a child.

[Haha, host, what did I say, you can't keep him. 】

Zhaoge recalled the weather forecast he checked just now, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, that was not necessarily the case.

She watched Fu Qijun walk to the door, and silently said in her heart: three, two, one
"Boom!" A thunder sounded.

The two of them looked towards the window at the same time, and a record of raindrops hit the glass, followed by a downpour of rain.

"Little uncle, it's raining too much, let's stay here." Zhaoge said thoughtfully, looking innocent and harmless.

Fu Qijun paused for a moment. In this situation, it seemed deliberate that he had to leave instead.

He closed the door, looked at the balcony and said, "If you don't collect your clothes, it will be too late."

Zhaoge let out an "oops" and trotted towards the balcony.

Fu Qijun shook his head and chuckled, and stepped forward to help.

When he was lying on the familiar bed, it was difficult to fall asleep.

Fu Qijun stared at the ceiling, always feeling that there seemed to be no unknown fragrance around him invading the tip of his nose, which made people have to think about it.

Are you delusional?
He rolled over and forced himself into sleep mode.

But in the middle of the night, the refreshing fragrance became more and more obvious, as if it was by my side, lingering.

Feeling the weight on his arm, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked to the side.

Looking at it, the drowsiness that had finally gathered disappeared without a trace.
At the crook of the arm, there is a round head leaning on it.

Zhaoge ran over at some point, curled up in his arms.

Fu Qijun's whole body froze with the scorching breath in his heart, and his eyes became darker in the darkness.

The scorching temperature around his waist made it hard for him to ignore, and Fu Qijun even breathed heavily.

I wanted to step back to gain some distance, but the force on my waist became even tighter.

In his mind, Zhaoge seemed to have the habit of sleepwalking.

For some reason, Fu Qijun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He tentatively shook Zhaoge's shoulder, "Zhaoge?"

There was a small sobbing sound, the pajamas where the little face was pressed was a little wet, and the raving sound came intermittently, "Don't leave me, I will be obedient, I will be obedient..."

Fu Qijun frowned slightly. I heard that sleepwalkers cannot be woken up by force.

He raised his hand and patted Zhaoge's back lightly, coaxing gently: "Don't cry, I won't leave you behind, be good."

It wasn't until Wei Wei Tianming that the hands around his waist loosened a little.

Fu Qijun backed away in a hurry, and was about to get up and get out of bed, but Zhaoge sat up suddenly, without opening his eyes, he lifted the quilt and walked slowly towards his room.

Zhaoge from "Sleepwalking" opened her eyes when she returned to the room. She yawned a lot and lay down on the bed.

【Host, this move of yours really kills one thousand enemies and damages yourself by eight hundred. 】

Zhaoge: Although this move is a bit weak, it proves one thing, he just talks about me as a junior.

When Zhaoge woke up the next day, an exquisite and nutritious breakfast was already prepared on the dining table.

Fu Qijun was on the phone, and when he saw her coming, he pointed to her for breakfast.

Zhaoge was also polite, and came to sit down opposite Fu Qijun. She took out a fried dough stick and ate it, looking at Fu Qijun with bright eyes.

Fu Qijun clenched his hands slightly, and after a few words with the other end of the phone, he hung up and met her gaze.

Zhao Ge didn't hesitate when he was discovered, and said with a sweet smile: "Good morning, little uncle."

"Well, Zhaoge, I have something to tell you."

Zhaoge put down the fried dough stick in his hand, thinking that he would ask about his sleepwalking last night.

Who knew that he kept silent about this, but instead said with a serious expression: "Don't feel burdened about the dissolution of the engagement. Fu Yu made mistakes first, and the Fu family will not force you to finish your studies well."

Without waiting for Zhaoge to speak, he raised his hand and glanced at his watch, got up and said, "I have to go, remember to have breakfast."

Zhaoge had to hold back the words that came to her lips, so she could only say, "Little uncle, I'll see you off."

After Fu Qijun left, she sat back at the table and picked up the unfinished fried stick by the way.

But just after eating a few mouthfuls, a phone call came in, which displayed: Xu Qiyun.

Zhaoge picked up the phone, but was not in a hurry to answer it.

A small remark made the original body's careful thoughts clear.

When others saw this note, they would only think that the relationship between the two brothers and sisters of the Xu family was not good. In fact, it was just that Yuan Shen didn't want to treat Xu Qiyun as an older brother from the bottom of his heart.

I don't want to be a brother, I want to be a lover.

To her, Xu Qiyun was someone she shouldn't love.

The person who wants to marry can't marry, so it doesn't matter if she marries anyone.

Zhaoge brought the phone to his ear, "Hello?"

On the other end of the phone, the voice was full of anger, "Xu Zhaoge, how old are you, can you stop looking for trouble for dad all day long! Break off the engagement every now and then, do you know what the consequences will be if you insist on going your own way? "

(End of this chapter)

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