Chapter 46 Black-bellied Boss Fu's Cultivated Girlfriend (5)

Xu Qiyun reprimanded him across the phone.

He didn't hear a reply, and the other end of the phone paused slightly, "Why don't you talk?"

A smile appeared on the corners of Zhaoge's lips, but with a cold expression, "How much do you hate me, do you want me to marry him?"

"Xu Zhaoge, please speak up. Mr. Fu insists on you being the daughter-in-law of the Fu family. Haven't I reminded you of Fu Yu's behavior? At the beginning you were greedy for vanity and nodded in agreement, but now you say you regret the marriage. You feel at ease. Have you ever thought about it?" Who will clean up this mess for you?"

Zhaoge took the phone away and rubbed his ears.

She remembered that the original body had such great ambitions, she clearly wanted to use this matter to stimulate Xu Qiyun.

But Xu Qiyun had no affection for her, so when he saw her nodding in agreement, he didn't stop her.

Now, this mess has fallen on his own head.

Not long after, Xu Qiyun's tone was slightly slow, "I don't know who was protecting Fu Yu back then, saying that you can marry a chicken as a chicken and a dog as a dog. Now I know it's urgent, why did you go there in the first place. Hello? Hello?·· ····Hey!"

Zhaoge hung up the phone and threw the phone aside.

In the three generations of the Fu family, only such a crooked neck tree as Fu Yu came out.

Zhao Ge, who has God's vision, said that this matter is the fault of the Fu family, and compensation to the Xu family is indispensable.

I don't know what Xu Qiyun is talking about there, it's really noisy.

Before Xu Qiyun went abroad, Yuanshen wanted to beg him to send some gifts back from time to time.

The other party was very impatient, and directly took out a card and handed it to her.

Originally, he was not short of money, and he often thought about people when he saw things, but he never spent a penny in his card.

Thinking that it would be some days before he returned to China, Zhaoge relaxed and went to find Jiang Qiqi.

The two of them spent the whole afternoon in the shopping mall, and she didn't feel better until Xu Qiyun's card was maxed out.

After a while, Xu Qiyun made a series of fatal calls, and Zhaoge simply pulled him into the blacklist.

She was still thinking, and asked Jiang Qiqi beside her, "Where do you want to go next?"

Jiang Qiqi has never seen Zhaoge's battle before, when she sent Xu Qiyun to the plane, she accompanied Zhaoge.

The card that was maxed out by Ruthless just now is very familiar to her, and she really can't figure out why Zhaoge suddenly changed his sex today.

Xu Qiyun was indifferent to Zhaoge, even disgusted.

But she was very protective of her half-brother, forbidding others to speak ill of him.

This Xu Qiyun is a thunder in the hearts of his sisters, whoever steps on it will be finished.

Sometimes Jiang Qiqi even felt that she was a bit masochistic, and rushed to make things difficult for herself.

Jiang Qiqi felt a little relieved about Zhaoge's act of swiping his credit card to retaliate today.

This child has grown up and knows how to fight back. He must have taught himself well.

Jiang Qiqi had just finished applying her makeup, put her hands on Zhaoge's shoulders, and said solemnly: "It's no good, I can't walk anymore. It's because you have good physical strength, and you haven't experienced the torture of strenuous exercise at first glance."

Zhaoge paused, smiled and pushed her head away, "Hey, what are you talking about? Pay attention to the occasion."

Jiang Qiqi raised her hand as a sign of surrender, pointed to her mobile phone and said, "Good sister, there will be thunderstorms later, if you don't leave, you will be in a mess. You are so afraid of thunder, why don't I accompany you back to the dormitory tonight? "

Zhaoge came up with a plan, thunderstorms are good.

In the conference room, the employees came forward to report one by one, but Fu Qijun listened a little absent-mindedly.

The subordinates thought that Mr. Fu was dissatisfied with the plan, so they got up and sat down with a sigh of relief, but Mr. Fu always had a calm expression.

After the meeting, everyone was finished, and they were ready to work overtime and change the plan.

Unexpectedly, Fu Qijun put down his pen and said: "Everyone has worked hard, you don't need to work overtime today, and we will talk about the plan tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the meeting room expressionlessly.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, they all looked like they had seen a ghost.

The bold one approached Zhou Yu and asked, "Sister Yu, what's wrong with Mr. Fu today, he actually let us go and oppress us."

Zhou Yu glanced at him lightly, pointed out the window and said, "Probably because it's going to rain."

The man looked out of the window, the sky was gray and there was no escape from a heavy rain.

He clicked his tongue and muttered, "The sun is coming out from the west. I'm really not used to Boss Fu being so considerate."

Fu Qijun was sitting in the car, he tilted his head to look at the speeding car lights outside the window, it looked foggy through the rain curtain.

On the window of the car, Zhao Ge's face is looming.

He remembered that when he was young, Zhaoge once borrowed a night in Fu's house.

It was raining cats and dogs that day, and there was even thunder.

At that time, she was only four years old, and she knocked on the door of her room with a red nose from crying, insisting on her elder brother to sleep with her.

I patiently told her over and over again that according to her seniority, she should call her uncle.

The little girl nodded in agreement, but refused to leave, her mouth was still big brother, and big brother yelled.

Fu Qijun narrowed his eyes slightly, if he was really a big brother, it would be fine.

There was a 6-year age difference between the two, she was always polite to herself, and she and Fu Yu could play together.

"Boss Fu, are you going back to the old house?"

The driver asked as usual, but the steering wheel had already turned, but Fu Qijun said directly: "Go back to Yu'an Community."

"it is good."

The driver looked up at the rearview mirror in surprise, secretly glad that he hadn't turned around yet.

Mr. Fu really loves to work, and he came to work today with dark circles under his eyes. It can be seen that he didn't sleep well last night.

There was a loud thunder, which made Fu Qijun a little upset.

His steps out of the elevator door were bigger than usual, and he entered the password he knew by heart wrong several times in a row.

After the third wrong entry, the door opens from the inside.

Zhaoge stood up, his face full of caution.

Seeing that it was Fu Qijun in white shirt and long trousers, her eyes lit up, and she immediately rushed forward, "Little uncle!"

Fu Qijun was thrown back a few steps by her, Zhaoge hung on his body, so soft that his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling.

It was the first time she made an intimate move towards him.

He moved his hand up a bit, and lightly patted Zhaoge's shoulder as a reminder.

Zhaoge seemed to realize that something was wrong with his behavior, so he quickly let go.

Liang Zhaoge asked very simply: "Little uncle, are you also here to pick up the documents today?"

Fu Qijun choked, so he could only tell the truth: "I remember that you were afraid of thunder when you were a child, so you came over to take a look. Seeing you like this, I was so worried. I won't go in, you yourself..."

"Don't!" Zhaoge hurriedly interrupted him, flattering him: "Little uncle, please don't leave, I'm afraid of the thunder. I feel more at ease with you here. Please, little uncle."

Fu Qijun didn't struggle as she dragged her hand into the room, but just laughed at how the older she got, the more she liked to play tricks.

He looked at the house in front of him and sighed silently.

Places that used to have a very low sense of existence are now more and more concerned.

(End of this chapter)

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