Chapter 56
[Host, look at his speed and efficiency! 】

Zhaoge had to be convinced, Xu Qiyun's efficiency was indeed astonishing.

No wonder I didn't see him at the dance just now, it turned out that he was hiding here to flirt with girls.

Fu Qijun saw that Zhaoge was stunned in place, and couldn't help but glance at the outstretched branches.

She really likes swings. Could it be that she likes it so much that she can't walk?
He raised his foot and stepped forward, just as Zhao Ge stepped back hastily, leaving a slight imprint on the expensive leather shoes.

Zhaoge subconsciously pushed Fu Qijun into the corner of the maze, made a "hush" movement with his fingers between his lips, and then said with his lips: "There is someone."

If Xu Qiyun and Jian Yuling were smashed, there would be some embarrassment between them.

Jian Yuling is still Fu Qijun's subordinate now, not to mention, girls are thin-skinned.

Xu Qiyun seemed to be aware of the movement, and was about to come over to check.

As the footsteps got closer, Zhaoge pursed his lips and moved carefully inside, trying to hide his figure as much as possible.

Seeing Zhaoge's actions, Fu Qijun didn't know who she was hiding from, but he could roughly guess what happened.

He raised his hand to put Zhaoge in his arms, and caught off guard, Zhaoge's ear was pressed against Fu Qijun's heart.

It turned out that his heart was beating so fast.

Xu Qiyun turned back and saw that there was no movement, so Fu Qijun took Zhaoge and left quietly.

It was not too late, Fu Qijun proposed to send Zhaoge away first.

I just didn't expect that it would be delivered by him himself.

Zhaoge sat obediently in the co-pilot, peeking at Fu Qijun beside him.

The light with appropriate brightness in the car hit his side face, passing through a warm circle of light, which was pleasing to the eye.

Fu Qijun couldn't help the straightforward look in his eyes, he chuckled lightly and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Little uncle drives very differently from others."


Fu Qijun grasped the words, "Have you been in a lot of people's cars recently?"

Zhaoge shook his head with a smile, and said, "The ones I've been riding frequently recently are the cars of my brother and Senior Yihang."

She seemed to think of something interesting, and shared with Fu Qijun: "Senior Yihang put a lot of candy in his car, he is the boy I've ever seen who loves candy the most.

Originally, I thought boys who ate candies were childish, but Senior Yihang was not childish at all, he was much more mature than my brother. "

Zhaoge watched as the smile on Fu Qijun's face gradually disappeared, and asked the last fatal question, "Little uncle, do you like candy? If you like it, I can..."

Fu Qijun braked suddenly, and said two words from his thin lips, "Here we are."

Zhaoge glanced out the window, "Little uncle, your clothes."

She was about to take off her coat and return it to Fu Qijun. Fu Qijun unbuckled the seat belt with one hand and grabbed Zhaoge's half-stretched hand.

The suddenly approaching body brought an unprecedented sense of oppression. Fu Qijun's eyes were dark, and he said word by word: "Xu Zhaoge, I am Fu Yu's uncle, not yours."

Zhaoge struggled slightly, and said softly, " hurt me."

She carefully looked at Fu Qijun who suddenly had a cold face, feeling quite aggrieved.

Fu Qijun let go of her, and realized that he had frightened the little girl in front of him.

He rubbed between his brows, "Sorry, I just don't want to..."

I don't want to hear you share the details of your daily relationship with other men.

Zhaoge asked, "What don't you want?"

Fu Qijun clenched his fists tightly, only to feel that his palms were already wet with sweat.

He was a little conflicted, and always felt that he was too impulsive tonight, and it was not suitable for him to say these things.

But I have never said that what Zhaoge will share with him in the future will be all kinds of things in love with Jiang Yihang.

But if this feeling is detected, the other party's avoidance and disgust may be ushered in...

"Little uncle..."

Fu Qijun sighed lowly, looked straight into Zhaoge's bright eyes, and said seriously: "Zhaoge, I don't want to be your elder. I hope you can treat me like a normal opposite sex and as a friend."

Surprise flashed across Zhaoge's eyes, and when Fu Qijun lowered his eyes to avoid, she slowly approached.

In the narrow compartment, the two beating hearts are getting closer and closer.

Fu Qijun looked normal, but his ears were already red.

Zhaoge tilted his head lightly, and asked softly: "Sister Qiaomei is your friend, she calls you Ajun. If I become friends with my little uncle, can I call you something else?"

Fu Qijun's Adam's apple rolled slightly, only to feel that Zhaoge was too close, so close that he even had to hold his breath, "You, what do you want to be called?"

"May I call you...Qi Jun."

[System: Ding!Raiders favorability +10, current favorability +75.Congratulations to the host, taking down the opponent is just around the corner! ]
This cry made Fu Qijun run away a little bit when he left.

Perhaps it was because of setting Fu Qijun a trap, Zhaoge suffered retribution the next day. When going down the stairs, he twisted his foot unsteadily and went directly to the infirmary.

Originally it was just a slight twist, Zhaoge thought it was not serious, but the doctor asked her to move less.

Her father planned to buy her a house in City A a while ago, and handed over the matter to Xu Qiyun.

As an ally, Xu Qiyun directly targeted the villa area where Fu Qijun often lived, and bought furniture for Zhaoge as quickly as possible.

It was inconvenient after a sprained foot, so Zhaoge asked for leave to recuperate in the new house.

Jiang Qiqi was worried, and she had to send the person back in person no matter what she said.

"Zhaoge, I put things in the refrigerator for you. Tell me why you are so careless. I really don't need me to come and take care of you?"

"Don't worry, I'm really fine."

Jiang Qiqi brought over the washed strawberries, only to see Zhaoge taking random pictures of her feet with her mobile phone.

She wondered: "What are you doing?"

Zhaoge beckoned to her, "Hey, it's just in time, take a photo of my legs. Remember to make my legs look longer, and put my ankles in."

Jiang Qiqi took the phone and said in distaste: "Why are there so many requests? Posting on Moments, you don't mean to win someone's sympathy?"

After taking over the phone and checking it, Zhaoge expressed his satisfaction with Jiang Qiqi's photography skills.

She nodded and admitted, "Smart."

"Xiao Zhaoge, you can do it, my sister understands, I will immediately disappear far away."

Jiang Qiqi left very tactfully, and as soon as she left, Zhaoge hopped to the door.

The house that Xu Qiyun chose was only 3 minutes away from Fu Qijun's residence.

That's all, she asked Jian Yuling, and Fu Qijun is at home today.

Zhaoge couldn't help but feel a little nervous about seeing his neighbor Fu Qijun soon.

She looked at her swollen ankle, and encouraged her softly, "Ankle, ankle, it's up to you."

After a while, a familiar car drove up in the distance.

Zhaoge turned around at the right time, pretending to be turning over the key to open the door, Fu Qijun caught a glimpse of her figure, isn't this...

The next second, his car stopped in front of Zhaoge's house.

(End of this chapter)

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