chapter 57

Fu Qijun opened the car door and walked towards her quickly, "Zhaoge."

Zhaoge turned around, with surprise written on his small face, "Little uncle, why are you here?"

He pointed to the house behind him and said, "I often live here, your feet..."

"It's okay, I just twisted it accidentally. Little uncle, what a coincidence, I also moved here recently. I didn't expect that we live so close."

Only then did Fu Qijun take a closer look at the house behind Zhaoge, and chuckled, "There is indeed a fate."

He only thought of her in his heart, and she appeared in front of him, and happened to become a neighbor.

Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to let Zhaoge move back to the house in Yu'an District, which would be more convenient.

God's arrangement is not bad.

Fu Qijun lifted the shopping bag at Zhaoge's feet, "Let's go, I'll help you carry it in."

He looked into the room and said, "You live alone?"

Zhaoge put the keys away, and walked slowly, "I used to think it was boring to live alone, but now I have become neighbors with my little uncle, it will definitely be fun in the future."

The two tacitly did not mention the matter of borrowing before, Fu Qijun touched her head, "You are welcome to be a guest at any time."

As soon as he finished speaking, his phone rang.

Fu Qijun picked up the phone, his face became a little serious.

Zhao Ge guessed that it was a matter of work, and thoughtfully said: "Little uncle, if you have work, go and do it first."

Fu Qijun secretly wrote down the things that were missing in Zhaoge's house, and prepared to find someone to bring them over when the time came.

He nodded, "Then take care of yourself, I'll go first."

Seeing Fu Qijun's back disappearing at the door, Zhaoge's hand was slowly put down, she stretched, and walked slowly upstairs to the bedroom.

The neighbor's task is accomplished, and you can sleep in peace.

In the next few days, Fu Qijun first sent people to buy a lot of things and brought them over. If Zhaoge hadn't stopped him, even a nanny would have to be arranged.

The night before the follow-up visit, Zhaoge walked around the house several times, going up and down the stairs more than a hundred times.

She tossed herself so hard that she felt a dull pain in her ankle before she stopped.

If it continues, this foot will probably be useless, so it's better to keep it steady.

【Host, this bitter trick is too much to suffer. 】

Zhao Ge was lying on the bed in a large font, looking at the ceiling and said quietly: "Fu Qijun is thoughtful about everything, and if he is not fully sure, he will not take the initiative to attack.

If I want to get closer, I have to penetrate into his life and let him get used to my presence. "

On the second day, Fu Qijun deliberately postponed the work and personally accompanied Zhaoge to the follow-up consultation.

He thought that Zhaoge's feet were almost healed, but seeing the doctor's frown deepened, he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Doctor, how is her recovery?"

Zhaoge lowered his eyes lightly, put his hands on his lap lightly, and listened to the conversation between the two.

The attending physician shook his head and said seriously: "It's a little serious, I suggest a plaster cast."

Hearing this, Fu Qijun blamed himself a little.

I shouldn't believe in the deception of this little girl's film, saying that she can take good care of herself.

After the plaster cast, it was even more difficult to walk.

Zhao Ge stared at the plaster cast on his feet, thinking that he might need crutches later.

After the nurse opened the door, Fu Qijun was waiting outside.

He thanked the nurse softly, and the young nurse couldn't help but blush when she saw the handsome and polite face in front of her.

Thinking that he came with the beautiful girl inside, I couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Fu Qijun came in front of her, Zhaoge put his hands on the chair, raised his head and shouted: "Little uncle."

Before she finished speaking, Fu Qijun suddenly bent down and picked her up by the waist.

(End of this chapter)

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