Chapter 58 Black-bellied Boss Fu's Cultivated Girlfriend (17)

Zhaoge exclaimed, the sudden weightlessness made her subconsciously hug Fu Qijun's neck tightly, "Little uncle, you... I, I..."

"Can you go?"

She was slightly stunned, and said truthfully, "It's a little difficult."

Fu Qijun nodded, "Then stay well."

He walked frankly, not paying any attention to the sizing up or gossiping eyes of the people along the way.

Zhao Ge bit her lip, and said in a weak voice, "Aren't we too conspicuous like this?"

In Fu Qijun's eyes, her somewhat shriveled appearance made her feel a little cute.

He followed her words and said, "Oh? How about I carry you on my back?"

The hands hanging around his neck tightened, and Zhaoge's little head arched in Fu Qijun's arms, as if a little embarrassed.

"No, it's like carrying a child. I'm not a child anymore. You should carry it."

"You little girl, you have quite a lot to ask for."

In the car, Zhaoge saw the crutch he was thinking about in the back seat.

Her gaze fell on Fu Qijun, and warmth swept across her heart.

Zhaoge was about to put on his seat belt, but he couldn't pull it on.

From the corner of his eye, Fu Qijun caught a glimpse of her struggling, and leaned over to help, "Let me do it."

Zhaoge turned his head when he heard the sound, and saw the profile of Juchi who was close at hand, his heart was disturbed.

There was only a millimeter difference between the red lips and the straight bridge of the nose, Zhao Ge pursed his lips, and then pulled the distance a little further.

If this happened to her, it would be embarrassing for her uncle who was not ready yet.

Feeling the scorching gaze, Fu Qijun pulled out the seat belt as if nothing had happened, and fastened it up.

Just when he was about to withdraw, he heard a soft cry, "Hiss."

There was a sudden pain in the scalp, Zhaoge lowered his eyes, and saw that his hair and the buttons on Fu Qijun's coat were entangled at some point.

She quickly grabbed Fu Qijun's arm, "Wait! Little uncle... it hurts..."

Facing Shang Zhaoge's tearful eyes, Fu Qijun's body froze and didn't dare to move any more, and realized later that he had made a disaster with his buttons.

He quickly said: "Sorry, I will help you untie it."

He was in a leaning posture, concentrating on the hair in his hands.

At the same time, Zhaoge's phone rang.

She picked up the phone with this twisted posture, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Is your foot better?"

Zhaoge faltered and said, "Well, it's much better."

"Okay, then you should pay more attention to yourself. By the way, the formaldehyde in your suite has just been renovated, and the formaldehyde is still there. You can move in after the cut-off time.

I remember Uncle Fu also lives there, why don't you go and stay at his house for a few days? "

Fu Qijun paused slightly, the two were close, and he listened to every word Xu Qiyun said.

Zhaoge glanced at Fu Qijun, "Brother, this is not good, I..."

There was a noise on the other end of the phone, Xu Qiyun interrupted: "I have something to do here, so I won't tell you for now."

"Beep, beep, beep."

Fu Qijun freed the last strand of hair from the buttons, straightened his sleeves and sat back.

He said casually, "Did you just lie to your brother?"

Zhaoge blushed, and said in a low voice: "Little uncle, if my brother knows that his injury is serious, he will definitely tell my parents. I don't want my parents to worry, so don't tell them, okay?"

Fu Qijun's hands on the steering wheel were slightly tightened, and he coughed lightly and said, "I heard what your brother said, why don't you move to live with me."

As if he was afraid that Zhaoge would misunderstand, he hurriedly said: "Don't misunderstand, you have limited mobility, and you don't want your family to worry, why don't you go and stay with me for a few days.

If you don't want to live there, I can also change the place for you and find an aunt to take care of you by the way. "

"miss you!"

Zhaoge blinked, and added: "I mean, I don't feel comfortable staying with strangers. These days, I'm afraid I'll have to bother little uncle again."

Fu Qijun's eyes were stained with a smile, "I'm not afraid of disturbing you."

(End of this chapter)

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