Chapter 67 Black-bellied Boss Fu's Cultivated Girlfriend (25)

Zhaoge raised the corner of his mouth slightly to hide his emotions.

She pretended to joke: "Oh, how did my passionate love at the beginning turn into a long-distance relationship in an instant?"

Fu Qijun pinched the bridge of her small nose, rather pampering, "You girl..."

Just halfway through the conversation, the doorbell rang, and the two looked around in search of prestige.

Fu Qijun got up, "It should be the cleaning aunt who came over, I'll open the door."

"it is good."

Zhaoge watched Fu Qijun go away, and suddenly remembered that Jiang Yihang borrowed his coat.

She turned her head to look, and she could see everything on the sofa, and there was no sign of a coat.

Is it in the laundry room?

Zhao Ge walked towards the laundry room, the clothes helped him a lot, he had to send them back intact.

Fu Qijun opened the door and paused when he saw the person coming, "Why are you here?"

"Just passing by, I'll bring you some food. What kind of expression does that brat have, could it be that Jin Wozang is charming?"

Behind him, Zhaoge's footsteps came, "Little uncle, last night that...clothes..."

Zhaoge's voice stopped abruptly, and the two people at the door looked at her in unison.

The woman at the door with slender high heels and a slim red dress exuding sexual sensibility is Fu Qijun's eldest sister.


Hearing this address, Fu Qin felt as if her tail had been stepped on, and shivered all over her body.

She caught the key word, "Last night? Clothes!"

Hearing her ending tone suddenly rise, Zhaoge waved his hand quickly, "Auntie, it's not what you think, we didn't do anything last night."

Fu Qijun's subtle eyes fell on Zhaoge, and she stopped.

No, it seems to have done something.

Seeing Zhaoge's hesitation, Fu Qin took a deep breath and asked loudly, "Fu Qijun, what's going on!"

Fu Qijun rubbed his ears, took the things from Fu Qin's hands, "Sister, come in and talk."

At the table, the three of them looked at each other.

Fu Qin looked at the two people in front of her, narrowed her eyes, and was the first to attack, "Be honest, are you two in a relationship?"

Zhaoge was about to speak, Fu Qijun took her hand first, and generously admitted: "Yes."

Fu Qin leaned back in the chair, "I knew it."

The brightly clasped hands on the other side almost blinded her eyes, this good brother of hers is really promising.

Seeing that Fu Qin was getting angry, Fu Qijun added fuel to the fire again, and the scene was awkward for a while.

"Auntie, I was the one who teased my little uncle hard first, so don't blame him."

Fu Qijun turned his head to look at her, and said very rigorously: "How do you know that I didn't like you first?"

Let's discuss this kind of thing in private, shall we?

It's business to appease your elder sister first, brother!

Fu Qin stretched out her hand to stop Zhaoge, "Don't talk yet. Brat, come with me!"

She stepped on her high heels and walked towards the study aggressively.

Fu Qijun patted Zhaoge's hand, got up and followed.

"Little uncle..."

Zhaoge grabbed him worriedly, hesitantly said: "Our situation is really complicated, why don't you dump me in front of my aunt first, and let's go underground?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Qijun greeted him with a brain breakdown.

Zhaoge covered his forehead, a little aggrieved, "Why are you still beating people?"

"Teach you a lesson, just wait here for me obediently."

Fu Qijun lifted his feet and went upstairs. When he reached the study room, he closed the door with his backhand, and said softly: "Sister, it's almost done, don't scare people."

(End of this chapter)

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