Chapter 68 Black-bellied Boss Fu's Cultivated Girlfriend (26)

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Qin twisted his arm, "Okay, you, you have learned how to eat young grass. The family is pressing hard, and you can't spoil the little girl."

Fu Qijun gasped in pain, he hit so hard, is he really his own sister?

He is not yet thirty, so he is considered a handsome young man.How did it get into the mouth of the eldest sister, and he became an old cow.

Fu Qijun avoids Fu Qin's hand, quite dumbfounded, "Sister, I really like her, and I must have her in this life."

Seeing the seriousness in his younger brother's eyebrows, knowing that he always said what he said, Fu Qin withdrew her hand angrily.

No wonder this stinky boy turned down one blind date after another, because he already had someone in his heart.

She thought for a while, and couldn't help telling: "The Xu family's girl is gentle and quiet, and she was born with a good spirit. You have to be nice to her, don't learn from Fu Yu..."


When talking about Fu Yu, Fu Qin belatedly remembered that the uncle and nephew had a relationship of rival in love.

She coughed lightly, and changed the subject: "Our father has a unique vision, and he has picked the girl from the Xu family long ago. If you made a statement at the beginning, would Dad not nod? Maybe now, you have children."

Fu Qijun's eyes flickered slightly, at the was him who missed it.

But it doesn't matter, he and Zhaoge still have a long future, he will make up for her and find those lost time.

Hearing the sound of two people going downstairs, Zhaoge got up quickly.

She knows how to read words and expressions, but the siblings of the Fu family are not the ones who show joy, and they can't tell how they are talking.

Seeing Fu Qin walking towards him, Zhao Ge showed a cute smile on his face, "Auntie, I..."

"Good boy, if Fu Qijun bullies you in the future, you can just tell auntie, oh no! You tell sister, and sister will take care of him for you."

Zhaoge's smile froze slightly, and the various strategies in his mind had nowhere to go.

Logically speaking, the matter between her and Fu Qijun shouldn't be beaten by the parents of both parties, right?

Just, that's the end?

[Host, have you watched Wanbagouxue idol drama again? 】

Zhaoge: What do you know, art comes from life.That's art!
Fu Qin patted her hand, thinking about the increasingly complicated seniority relationship, she turned her head and glared at Fu Qijun, "It depends on what you do."

After Fu Qin left, Zhaoge subconsciously looked at Fu Qijun.

Fu Qijun leaned against the corner of the stairs, and the sunlight carved his slender figure on the wall.There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and there was gentle spring water in his eyes.

Just staring at Zhaoge quietly like this, it seems that she has been looking at her for a long time, and wants to look at her longer.

Those eyes were affectionate and warm, causing Zhaoge's heart to sink suddenly.

The person in front of me is the avatar of the Demon Lord, but it happens to be the avatar of the Demon Lord...

"Why, are you dumbfounded?"

"Little uncle..."

Zhaoge stepped forward and put his arms around Fu Qijun's waist, arching his head lightly in his arms.

Fu Qijun hugged her, and said in a slow voice: "Zhaoge, I have everything."

On the ground, the shadows of the two overlapped.

Fu Qijun can always handle everything perfectly, giving her a sense of security.

For such a person, natural disasters will cut off his soaring wings.

Junjun suddenly felt bad, [Host! 】

Zhaoge: Junjun, let me think again, there must be other ways...

After this episode, Fu Qijun rushed to the company, Zhaoge stayed at home and had nothing to do, so he simply sent the coat to Jiang Yihang himself.


Before the bell rang twice, the door opened from the inside.

"you alone?"


Obviously, the person in front of him didn't have time to talk to Zhaoge, and even ordered her to close the door skillfully, without treating her as a guest at all.

(End of this chapter)

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